JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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Who all is goin' ?? .....Danielle and Me

Where y'all stayin' ?? .....The Sharon Motor Lodge

When are ya gettin' there and when will y'all beleavin' ?? .....We're arriving Friday afternoonand leaving sometime on Sunday

Whatcha bring to eat at the partay??.....Probably Hero/Hoagie/Sub sandwiches and salads....andwater/soda/ice tea...AND BEER
Ras wrote me 2.5 hours ago and was in St. Louis.She's already missing the open plains of Kansas. Wait'll she getscloser to Tucker Town!

SLG was watching a DVD, and Sebbie was in his cage frantically rearranging things.


Carolyn wrote:
Raswrote me 2.5 hours ago and was in St. Louis. She's already missing theopen plains of Kansas. Wait'll she gets closer to Tucker Town!

SLG was watching a DVD, and Sebbie was in his cage frantically rearranging things.



Aww lucky little girl... I want to go already! I really wanna bringRosie-roo... oh well, we will just have to play dress up with Sebbie!!

Woo Hoo! Work is over and it's almosttime topar-tay!

I'm off tomorrow to pack and get everything in order and then we fly out Friday morning at 6:00am!


Rosie Roo will be just as happy at home.

There will be plenty of bunnies there to entertain and cuddle with.

* * * * *


Don't bother taking a shower on Saturday. The way I'm going to drenchyou with waterballoons, you won't need one. Trust Me!

Same goes for Ms. Razzamattaz and Oh...Danielle...didn't I hear thatyou were on your "Own Side"? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. What a pity for you.


This is gunna bea fun party!

Of course I cant get REALLY excited yet since I have to go into worktoday on my day off ::grumbles really frustrated:: I amsooooooooooooooo tempted to skip the training.

I never got confirmation on the training. I emailed thetraining coordinator on Tuesday asking her to call me Wednesday toverify the times of the training since I am off the next twodays. Gave her my number and everything. She didntverify.

Since I live an hour away I am going to be ROYALLY ticked off if it is cancelled like last time.
Raspberry and family are now in Ohio. They tooka 5-hour nap yesterday in a hotel, and got back on the road. Theycouldn't go much longer than that because SLG has her heart set ongetting to my place today and anything else is 'unacceptable'.





Carolyn wrote:
Theycouldn't go much longer than that because SLG has her heart seton getting to my place today and anything else is 'unacceptable'.

My sentiments exactly!!!

24 hours and 5 minutes until I leave!!!!!!
I gotta make my banner that says "TUCKER TOWN ORBUST!!!". Maybe one that says "BEEP IF YA LUV BUNNIES!!", too. It'ssuppose to rain so I think we'll make ones that go inside the carwindows.

Hey Mambo & Dootsmom....maybe we'll see each other in route. Belooking for me on the road. I'll be in the little gold car that's doingbinkies all the way to Lakeville.

Is everybody packed ???? Not me!! Open suitcase...open dresserdrawers...take stuff from drawers and put in suitcase...closesuitcase....10 minutes tops....ez.

Are ya ready to have fun ??? I am!!

Got instructions for the bunniesitters and emergency phone #s? Ummmmm...I guess I should do this, too.
JimD wrote:
Iseverybody packed ???? Not me!! Open suitcase...open dresserdrawers...take stuff from drawers and put in suitcase...closesuitcase....10 minutes tops....ez.
I'm not packed, either, Jim. I figured I could throw in acouple of t-shirts, shorts,and flip flops and be done, butnow I'm looking at the forecast and the highs are only around 70 fortomorrow and Saturday. Hmmm... may need some pants,jacketand tennis shoes for night-time.


I still need to pack... everything... still needto put together the ghost stories.... god i am tired, i finally sleptfor 12 hours,after being awake and worried about myboyfriends daughter for the past 30 hours. But she is getting betterand hopefully comming home from the hospital tonight after her CATscan. Geewiz i am sleepie!!

Well... of to do... something :)


Laura wrote:
JimD wrote:
Is everybodypacked ???? Not me!! Open suitcase...open dresser drawers...take stufffrom drawers and put in suitcase...close suitcase....10 minutestops....ez.
I'm not packed, either, Jim. I figured I could throw in acouple of t-shirts, shorts,and flip flops and be done, butnow I'm looking at the forecast and the highs are only around 70 fortomorrow and Saturday. Hmmm... may need some pants,jacketand tennis shoes for night-time.

......you don't want to be walking around in soaking wetclothes after the water battle if it's only going to be 70.;)

....and we may have to hide in the woods if the cops show up during the fireworks so shoes are also a good idea. :cool:
JimD wrote:
Laura wrote:
JimD wrote:
Is everybodypacked ???? Not me!! Open suitcase...open dresser drawers...take stufffrom drawers and put in suitcase...close suitcase....10 minutestops....ez.
I'm not packed, either, Jim. I figured I could throw in acouple of t-shirts, shorts,and flip flops and be done, butnow I'm looking at the forecast and the highs are only around 70 fortomorrow and Saturday. Hmmm... may need some pants,jacketand tennis shoes for night-time.

......you don't want to be walking around in soaking wetclothes after the water battle if it's only going to be 70.;)

....and we may have to hide in the woods if the cops show up during the fireworks so shoes are also a good idea. :cool:

Ill grab the bunnies and run!!!