JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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BunnyMom wrote:
JimD wrote:
"Make a left at the whitepicket fence."

Oh, that would be my OTHER left! (Well, there was a white picket fence on the right, too!)
If memory serves me...I think almost every house had a white picket fence :shock:

"Excuse me...Can you tell me how to get to Lake Whatchamajiggie??"***waits for laughter to subside***
unfortunately i was not able to attend theboathouse bunnies party, but i did drive up the day after....it wasabsolutely gorgeous there!

heres the lake the party was held on


the boathouse from across the lake






the little boys fishing were so cute


Cali was my first experience with a large bunny.. im still definately alittle afraid, but she was nothing but a big bag of mush ... what asweetheart


Tucker in his Hidey-Hole...better be careful Carolyn i want him


On Sunday morning, *The Day After*, The Missusput on a sleeveless shirt, some dress pants, and her hat and walked upto church.

When mass was over, my brother, his wife, and Mickaela and Liam met her outside of the church.

The Missus blushed when my brother said, "Nice tattoo, Helen! It looked great when you were going up to get the eucharist."


* * * *

T H A N K Y O U all for coming. Each of you aresuch good, kind, and loving people. I couldn't've felt more comfortableand at ease with you than I did.



Just reading the comments. You guys crack me up!

Great pictures, Freddy's Mom. :blueribbon:

Carolyn wrote:
Razz is even nice. :shock:



Speaking of nice...Here's a few nicepictures. It really was great. I'll add more as I have time to edit.But I'm quite pooped rightnow!


Ras, her hubby and SLG


The Missus and JimD


The water battle gang!



Tucker's not up for dibs! Don't even think about him and howbadly he wanted to come and live with you. Forget about how it was loveand cuddle at first sight...Just Forget It!


Next thing ya know, you'll be eyeing Cali.

Kudos to You, My Friend! You pulled your courage together, felt yourfear of big rabbits, but and allowed yourself to get close to her andpet her anyway. :highfive:

Anytime you want to get out of the city for a day or a night, you'remore than welcome to come drive up to Tucker Town and hang out at thelake. Bunnies welcome, of course!

* * * * * *

Now...Looking at the pictures that Raspberry posted...I now have one regret.

Anybody notice that Laura's hair is still dry after the water balloon fight??? :growl:
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
?"Nice tattoo,Helen!-Carolyn
? ?

It was a Big 'ol Sunflower...

Of course it just so happened to match her outfit! Leave it to The Bunny!

How the heck do you get these tattoos off any way? I'm going for the rubbing alcohol.

Carolyn wrote:
Anybody notice that Laura's hair is still dry after thewater balloon fight??? :growl:
It's an optical illusion! Hee hee

I did get nailed good in the back of the head a couple of times,though. I think I was running away more than fighting back!


baby oil should easily remove the temporary tats ...alcohol tends to turn it into sticky ****......

hehe....just make sure that Tucker boy is under lock n key :p.. i couldnt believe how mushy he was!
Buck Jones wrote:
Oh, come on, folks! Don't tell us who can't/won't come. Tell uswho is definitely going to be there, so we can look forward to meetingyou!

Good Lord willing, the Missus and I will be there with some, if notall, our buns. The Boathouse Bunny Party environs are pretty posh andexquisite in a New England kind of way. This is the type of placeNorman Rockwell used to depict in many of his paintings. Idoubt you would be disappointed.


Buck never said that he'd be here for the party whenever I spoke to himabout it. He always said, "God Willing...we'll be there!" That alwaysbothered me. It bothered SLG when he said it to her when he was in thehospital as well. She caught it.

I do think he had a hand in our group picture coming together as itdid. He loved this area, it was his idea to have it there when I showedhim and Helen the grounds. Some of you know, I wasn't looking forwardto it without him. That was the most I've smiled and had fun since TheMan died.

I sincerely Thank You All for coming. It was so important to me to haveyou all show up. I know it was inconvenient and I stole a lot of timeout of your busy schedules, but it really did help Helen and I with howyou came for us and for Buck.

Much Love,
FreddysMom wrote:
.. i couldnt believe how mushy he was!

Now why do you have to rub it in??? :foreheadsmack:

I can honestly say that you're the first I've seen him just melt into like that other than me.

Carolyn wrote:
Buck Jones wrote:
Oh, come on, folks!? Don't tell us who can't/won't come.? Tellus who is definitely going to be there, so we can look forward tomeeting you!

Good Lord willing, the Missus and I will be there with some, if notall, our buns.? The Boathouse Bunny Party environs are pretty posh andexquisite in a New England kind of way.? This is the type of placeNorman Rockwell used to depict in many of his paintings.? I doubt youwould be disappointed.


Buck never said that he'd be here for the party whenever I spoke to himabout it. He always said, "God Willing...we'll be there!" That alwaysbothered me. It bothered SLG when he said it to her when he was in thehospital as well. She caught it.

I do think he had a hand in our group picture coming together as itdid. He loved this area, it was his idea to have it there when I showedhim and Helen the grounds. Some of you know, I wasn't looking forwardto it without him. That was the most I've smiled and had fun since TheMan died.

I sincerely Thank You All for coming. It was so important to me to haveyou all show up. I know it was inconvenient and I stole a lot of timeout of your busy schedules, but it really did help Helen and I with howyou came for us and for Buck.

Much Love,
I had such a hard time leaving HelenSaturday night. That's when the tears really began to flow for me. Ican't believe how easy she is to love and how quickly it happened forme. I stood there holding her while we said our good-byes and we wereboth crying and she said "Stop now, we will see each other again."

Well,Itry to live life by that same kind ofattitude that Buck had - "God Willing"because Idon't believe there are any guarantees. You enjoy each andevery day to the fullest because you don't know what tomorrow willbring. You love everyone the best you can because you don't know howlong you will have to love them. I really, really hate goodbyes....asI'm sure everyone saw....
SLG knowshow tough I've taken leaving my good buddybehind. She's beenfull of hugs and kisses. And yesterday after she got off the phone shecame running in and she grabbed my face and said "Momma, don't be sadanymore, Carolyn is comingto see us next."

God Willing.

I was shocked you were so bummed, Raspberry. I know how you don't like friends, so your tears really threw me off.

Yes, it was hard to say good-bye to everyone. We waited solong, had such fun, and with no set plans to do it again, it was abummer. SLG is 100% correct. It's totallyin my plan to come and visit with you folks for a long weekend in2006. No worries about that at all. I'm not doneannoying you yet, Chicky!


You don't know what you're talking about JimD!


You're so wrong. Granted, you might've been tired, but you're not ugly. :nonono:
