JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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I can't WAIT either, SLG!!!!

I wish it was TODAY!!!!!


We're going to get the parents SO SOAKING WET! :gun:

It's going to be GREAT!


Laura wrote:
Ithink you can rest assured that NO ONE involved will be leftdry. If you are seenpicking upa balloon,you areautomatically targeted. Carolyn already toldme she's wearing a swimsuit under her clothes, "just incase". HAH! Just in case! That's funny.

YEA!!! If I was coming I was going to get one of those punchballoons. You know the ones that are big and round and you attach therubberband. Well I had one with Carolyn's name all over it.

I so want one of ya'll to drench her and tell her that one is from TINA.

Laura, please, please, please get her for me.

:laugh:Ya'll are nuts and certifiable , you know this right !!!!!!

Im waiting to see ifRasberry Brings that supersoaker she got Sebbiwith lmao !!!!!!!
Tina's so brave when she's not in the line of fire.

I hope you have fun!

I will be at the fairgrounds for a two day 4-H County with one of myminiature horses. This will be my second time driving my mare away fromhome, and to be honest, we haven't gotten much practice either becauseof the heat and festivities. Im a bit co cky about showmanship though,I have always won my showmanship classes.
Here's a basic list of things that you may want to think about bringing to the party:

[*]A blanket or large tablecloth-if the grass may be damp, bring a plastic tarp, too
[*]Baby wipes (or a few damp washcloths in plastic bags)
[*]Paper plates, plastic cups and plastic utensils (why spoil the fun washing dishes or worrying about breaking glassware?)
[*]A manual can opener
[*]A corkscrew
[*]A small cutting board and knife
[*]Aluminum foil
[*]plastic zipper storage bags for leftovers
[*]Hand sanitizer
[*]Two ice chests or picnic coolers: one for beverages; one for perishable foods
[*]Bottled water
[*]Extra garbage bags for clean-up
[*]Matches or a lighter
[*]Swimsuit and a change of clothes
[*]Sunscreen and/or a hat & sunglasses
[*]Insect repellent
[*]A small first aid kit
[*]Games or toys
[*]A flashlight
[*]A portable radio
[*]Sweater or windbreakers and long pants
[*]Umbrella (if you got it, you won't need it, so be sure to bring one along)
Three cheers for JimD!

Hip HipHooray!!

Hip HipHooray!!

Hip HipHooray!!

I should have enough of plates and stuff, but I suppose a small stash couldn't hurt.



Wow, i missed so much

Anyway, I cant wait to see you all! I guess im just really tired and iam missing a lot. *yawn* i need to get a on proper sleep rutine. :sleep:

Well, GOOD NIGHT! lol


Carolyn, you better believe I am going to soak your bootay!!
I agree... I am an equal opportunity soaker. =)

Soooooooo excited! Yay! One more day of workdown. Have a day of training and a day of work left beforethe party!