JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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It is 3:00 am andI am sopooped! I've been working, packing, running errandsand getting everything ready to go all day long. Everyone else went tobed hoursago! :XI can't believe SLG could evensleep! She will be calling Carolyn on my cell phone every 100miles! I've got a Treo Palm Pilot that has Internetaccess but for some reason the forum won't let me log on!:X:X:XOtherwise I could wile away the hours on the roadchatting with you all on the forum as we cruise on down the road! Weare leaving as soon as we getaround in the morning and if Ihave time I will take a photoof SLG's side of the car andpost it for everyone to see later! Her window will have brightyellowletters that say-


I'll see you all soon! It's at least a 24hour drive and that's without any stops! :shock:

Boathouse Bunny Party, Here We Come!!!!


I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
Ally wrote:
ILuV MaH BuNs wrote:
Carolyn, you better believe I amgoing to soak your bootay!!

I thought you were on our side!:X


IM ON MYSIDE!!! :dancing:

I'll be the one holding a bunnie......and keeping score, K? Except forwhen I'm eatin or drinkin...at that time I won't be keepingscore ;).

***reconsiders bringing Rosie-roo.....make note not to put the bunner down at any time during the waterfight***


Laura wrote:
JimD wrote:
I'll be the oneholding a bunnie......and keeping score, K?

Your score card had better be plastic!

Ya wouldn't soak a man holdin a bunnie....would ya?:apollo:

Ya wouldn't want to get the sparklies wet, right???:magicwand:

...or the graham crackers:cooking:

ummmm....maybe I should just go fishing during the waterfight.....:fishing:

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Bye!Bye!??? ?


:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

It doesn't get better than that!



* * * * * * * *

JimD, by the sounds of it, from what Laura seems to be saying to you is "You can run, but you can't hide."

By the way, anyone notice how Quiet Mambo101 is during all of this chatter?

Yuuu Hooo, Mamboooo???
