JULY 9, 2005 - Boathouse Bunnies Party

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Laura wrote:
I'dbring my hubby's laptop and check in, but I don't think the littlemotel I'm staying at has internet access!

The PS2 will most definately be packed. I hope it will hook up to the TV in the room!

Although we'll probably party at Carolyn's until dawn ya know. And thenthere's the after-after partay partay partay on Saturday night,too (jk;)).

Gee I wonder if they'll mind that Carolyn is having all these all-night partays???(jk again;))

Is there a Starbucks nearby....we're gonna need coffee:cool:. Ooooo wait...we gotst in-room coffee makers...too cool.
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[align=center]I CANT WAIT I CANT WAIT I CANT WAIT!![/align]
[align=center]THERE IS WORK TO BE DONE!![/align]
[align=center]OFF TO THE COMPUTER!![/align]
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I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
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[align=center]I CANT WAIT I CANT WAIT I CANT WAIT!![/align]

[align=center]THERE IS WORK TO BE DONE!![/align]

[align=center]OFF TO THE COMPUTER!![/align]


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Sooooo....quit chatting on the forum and get to work :D
Now I am REALLY tempted to go up to Tucker Town on Friday night after work,.

Dont mind my typing. Had a rugff day at work and a couple of bloody marys make Buns a happy bunmommy.

But I want shawn to meet yous guys so I had better just go up onSaturday. Or m aybve I should come up and just drive back tocome back up. I am crazy like that!

I think it is so cool that there is a cage for Sebby to travelin. Nubi and Guin are just gunna come in the carriers in thecar. The kittens are gunna miss me tho! You shoudlaseen the greeting I got when I came home from work today.They knew I had a rough day and everyone was greeting me making aruckus... or maybe because they knew I had groxceries and groceries =treats.
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[align=center]DONE WITH THE COMPUTER!![/align]
[align=center] [/align]
[align=center]TOOK PICTURES OF ALL THE BUNNIES!![/align]
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Went to The Party Store yesterday and got theutensils, plates, napkins, and all that jazz. Can't believe we're inthe week it's taking place now. At one point it seemed so far away, andwith the blink of an eye, it's here.

(Cali just did such a fast binky that she ran into the table. Even she can feel that The Bunny People are coming.)


Poor Cali, I hope she didn't hurt herself.

Even though I won't be there, I canfeelthe excitementtoo. You've done a good job Carolyn.

Rainbows! :)
Cali's fine. Thanks for asking, Pet_Bunny. She just got too excited. She didn't hit hard.

This party is truly a group effort. I can't take the credit for doing everything, That's For Sure!

You'll be there in spirit with us.


Im just excited, even though Im not going to be there.

I cannot wait to see the pics of all the buns together, and of course of all the humans together.

I am SO EXCITED!!! Man, it's coming up quick! I just can't wait! We are gonna have so much fun!!!

Although, I am a little nervous about my first plane flight, but I'llbe okay! I can't think of a better place to go to on my firstplane flight!

I am already picturing it now... All us bunny people, sharingstories, laughing, dancing crazy, singing together, and muchmore! It is going to be one heck of a party!!!


Oh yeah, I forgot, and WATER BALLOON FIGHTING!!!!!!!!! It is gonna be great!!!

Soooo Exciting! =) cant wait until Saturday!!

Unfortunatly I have to work one extra day this week =p was so excitedbecause I only had 3 more days of work until the Partay. Butnow I have training on Thursday (my day off of course).

PLEEEEEEASSSEEE let me get this new job!
JimD wrote:
***adds water balloons to list....large ones...***


I've got a bag of 200, My Friend.
