Jen's Cheeky Bristolian Bunners

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Sooo..... I finally entered my first ever PhotoPhiles Contest!! :shock::shock::shock:

Here is the actual entry:


And here is the rest of the 'photoshoot'...

'err, you have to be kidding, right?'


'hmm, I'll give it a try....'


'it will all be over soon, it will all be over soon.....'


'that's it! OFF with the hat!'


'I don't care how many oats you offer me, I'm NOT posing again....'


'ok, maybe I'll just get it over with...'


'right. and this is the LAST one!'


'Daaaaaddyyyyyyyy! Take me awaaaaaayyyyyy!'


And that's the whole thing LOL. She was ok, not actually as traumatised as she looked in the pictures! She came round very quickly with a few oats afterwards..... :)
The garden run? I used 4 boxes (or thereabouts) of NIC grids cable tied together- 2 high and about 50 or so long? It's in 2 halves that I just clip together so I can move it easily to cut the grass etc....

It's not predator-proof really so they are never outside alone in it- always supervised, and usually followed with a camera lol :p

But I love giving them so much room to run about in- it's nearly the size of my whole garden and they just love to run round at top speed and do massive binkies. It's brilliant to see :D
Your bunnies are SPOILED! That garden pen is just gigantic! How did you get all your buns to get along? I can't even get my two to sit in the same room together... :( All your buns are just precious! I love the "White Witch" too! :p
Thanks you guys!

Snowy's photoshoot was fun....

I didn't have a pumpkin- we didn't have the car at the weekend and I didn't fancy walking back from the supermarket carrying one, so I just drew on a grapefruit with a marker pen instead! :shock: I made the hat by colouring in a white piece of paper with a black marker pen (yeah, that took a while lol) and then made the boomstick by colouring in a pencil with the marker pen, and finding some really stemmy bits of hay and tieing them round the end with string! Steve thought I had completely lost it lol... :p

kherrmann (sorry don't know your first name!), the bonding happened kinda unconventionally. They were all in the same room, and we used to have playtimes together, separated by a wooden barrier. Well, one day Snowy and Barney decided to hop over the barrier, and went into Mouse and Chalk's cage to play. Then from then, they all used to play together. There was the occasional scuffle, but they were always closely monitored and it was never too serious. If it was we'd just put them away again. Then when we moved, we built their cages adjoining, and they had even more time together, including in the giant pen in the garden! Then I just decided to try and move them in together, so I built a giant cage, and in they went! They got on fine, and actually got a lot closer. Snowy was never too close to Mouse and Chalk before, but now they will snuggle together and groom each other. It's so great to see all 4 of them cuddle, and eat together!

Actually, speaking of bonded bunnies, here are a couple of pictures I took the other night:

There's a Mouse in there somewhere, can you see her? :biggrin2:


Mouse? No, I haven't seen her.... Don't look here!


Oh, there she is! I swear, I had nothing to do with that. That was all Chalk...


Yes, it was me! I admit it! I squashed Mouse! Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?



That last picture there is one of my new favourites of Chalky. It's rare to get a clear photo of her like that as she usually doesn't stay still!

Here is the link to her newest Infirmary thread, about the abscess I found on her yesterday:

Chalk has another abscess

Right now I'm taking comfort in the fact that she's still acting completely normal- eating (stuffing her face even), bouncing, pooping etc, and trying not to panic anymore. I say that after I cried my eyes out over it yesterday, but I feel a bit calmer today.

She's a little fighter and she certainly wont be letting a tiny abscess get in her way! That's what she says anyway....

LOL! I hadn't seen these photos when I commented on Snowy feeling the abuse and begging Daddy to save her from the evil costume picture photo crazy mama! ;)

Poor Mouse is being squishied! :shock::p
ARGH! I just had a whole post written out and then accidentally pressed back!! :X:X:X:X


Hello! :wave:

I was going to start a new blog, since this one makes me feel really sad looking at how our bunnies used to be so happily bonded, and now they're not. But I couldn't think of a new name lol, so I'll use this one for the time being.

I need to take pics of their new setup, which I'll probably do either in a bit or tomorrow when there's light in the room. For now, we have some pictures of Mouse and Chalk!







These are of them trying to pull banana chips out of my hand. They were going crazy for them!! :p






Oooh, yes please mummy!


I can has more?



Banana smell on your hand, yum!




That's more like it!





Hey, that's not banana :(


Barney and Snowy are out playing now so hopefully I can get some pics of them too :)
Also, I have a pic of Snowy's ear! It's looking loads better now....


It's always going to have sort of a little fold in it I think, but she seems fine with it now. I've noticed that when she's eating, sometimes she pulls just that one ear back, almost like someone tucking hair behind their ears lol, I guess to keep it out of the way? It's SO cute when she does that...I have to try and get a picture sometime...

I don't mean to play favourites but I think Chalk is now my new top-of-the list bunny I want to steal from you.

Can I haz chalk? :pleaseplease:

Snowy is looking good, yay! I didn't even know a vet would bother stitching (I just typed stithithincg then) a rabbits ear, mine didn't bother when I had two different buns with ripped ears :?. He pretty much said it was impossible and too difficult!

I'm know this sounds cheesy and everyone says it but I love your blog and keep meaning to comment in here, but I'm so boring I don't know what to say. I think I need a muse, so Chalkykins needs to come and live here and inspire me :p.

NZminilops wrote:
I don't mean to play favourites but I think Chalk is now my new top-of-the list bunny I want to steal from you.

Can I haz chalk? :pleaseplease:

Snowy is looking good, yay! I didn't even know a vet would bother stitching (I just typed stithithincg then) a rabbits ear, mine didn't bother when I had two different buns with ripped ears :?. He pretty much said it was impossible and too difficult!

I'm know this sounds cheesy and everyone says it but I love your blog and keep meaning to comment in here, but I'm so boring I don't know what to say. I think I need a muse, so Chalkykins needs to come and live here and inspire me :p.
Lol!! Erm..... no, Chalk stays here sorry! :p

The first time that Snowy's ear was stitched, the vet that we saw at the out of hours clinic (who was great with rabbits) happens to be specialising in eyes and optical surgery, so is used to doing very precise operations. He sewed it up so beautifully, all tiny little butterfly stitches.... Then it got ripped out :( The second lot of stitches are pretty good too though, although I don't like the vet that did them. She's not Clara, who has treated our buns all the way through, by the way. We took Mouse to this other vet (called Jenny) to have her nails trimmed on Tuesday, and she tried to lift Mouse up by the scruff of her neck :shock::shock::shock::X:X:X I gasped and grabbed Mouse back, and then held her myself for the rest of the nail-trimming..... I should have said something, but I was so upset....

Aaaaanyway, rambling here lol! Don't worry Michelle, I am exactly the same when it comes to blogs! I read them all the time, but I forget to comment, or don't know what to say....

Thanks for commenting on mine though! :D

Barney and Snowy pictures are uploading now :)
Wowee :shock: poor Snowy went through a lot with her stitches, aww :(.

I just now commented on a youstube video where someone picks a rbabit up by the scruff and says "Don't worry, this is how the mother rabbit would pick up her kits, it doesn't hurt them"! What an idiot :?, mother rabbits DON'T pick up their babies AT ALL sheesh. Scruffing any animal makes me angry. People stil pick cats and kittens up by the scruff and mother cats don't, they gently hold the whole neck in their mouths, not bite into the scruff. Grr at people!

I look forward to Barney and Snowy pics! Makes me think of Hamish and Cassidy if they hadn't died, so I can imagine what they would have looked like.

I know, it makes me so angry. One of Steve's friends came round last year with his new girlfriend, who was really looking forward to meeting the rabbits because apparently she loved them and had loads of experience. I was holding Chalk in my arms and asked if she wanted to hold her. She grabbed Chalk by the scruff of the neck! Poor Chalk was terrified and just leapt onto the sofa which we were standing next to. Needless to say, she is now referred to as 'evil witch' lol!

I should clarify that the vet didn't actually lift her. She sort of lifted her halfway to move the towel underneath her, but her back feet were still on the floor of the carrier. Even so though, poor Mouse was already stressed as I'd had to walk up there with the carrier! :X

Photobucket is slloooooooooow! But I promise pics soon.... Poor Cassidy and Hamish, I miss their pictures.... :( I'm so sorry you lost them...:hug:
Here are Barney and Snowyyyyyy pictures as promised!

First up, a picture of me and Barney. Yes, he was perfectly happy to smoosh next to me for pets and noserubs :D I was actually going to take a picture of Snowy who was off in front of me when he appeared at my side...









Do you mind? I'm in the shower!


Snowy's out of focus here sadly, but look at angry Chalk in the background :(:


Pretty bunny :)


Blurry but still of beautiful Snowy :)


Same picture of me and Barney sort of, but without the flash:


Mmm, nomminess!




That's it for now! I have more pictures of Barney and me but I took them on a different camera as that was what was handy at the time so I'll have to upload them separately lol... :p

YAY lots and lots of pictures :D

Poor Snowy, still such a beautiful bunnny! Those pictures of you and Barney are really sweet!

But to be honest I think you should send Barney to me, sooo sweet!!

Beccccaaaa -x
Thanks Becca!

Ummm, no you can't have Barney! :p I don't know what I would do without my fluffy cuddly boy! He's the only bun who will snuggle with me!

I have a video of him getting noserubs and nudging my hand for them, I need to upload it and then I'll post it here.... I also have pics of him 'bowing down' for noserubs lol... :D