Jen's Cheeky Bristolian Bunners

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SnowyShiloh wrote:
That castle is awesome! I can't wait until we live somewhere big enough that the bunnies can have a castle. They would love it. The picture of Chalkie's little butt and tail going in the castle is so cute.
Hehe thanks!

The castle is now out of reach for the moment though... I picked it up earlier and looked in the bottom- you couldn't see the bottom for about 5 million poos that were in it! :shock: And it was soggy with pee.... It's stunk out the living room all day lol..... :?

Naughty territorial bunnies! :X :p
WOOHOO! They uploaded!!! :bunnydance:

So, yesterday morning, Steve told me to come downstairs *very* quietly to see Chalk. I didn't do it as quietly as I should have, because she moved, but I did manage to get some pics of her, she'd made a nest!!!! :D Sooooo cute!

The nest:


In the nest, trying to eat the hay surrounding her!


What? I'm comfy!


Empty nest:


Cute pics:





There's more to come, inlcuding the cutest picture of Mouse (but sadly slightly out of focus) EVER!!!! :D

kherrmann3 wrote:
OMG! That is the cutest nest ever! She looks like a little sparrow in a nest! :) So adorable!
Lol! Thanks! :D She actually was snuggled into it properly, and all you could see were the tips of her ears lol! But I woke her up lifting the lid of the cage to take a picture :(
Ok, cute Mouse pictures!!!


After a yawn:


Out of focus, but look at the bunny tongue! :p


Now, could she look any more disapproving?






Coming next.... All I want for Christmas!! ;)
All I want for Christmas.....

Is a Chalk, under the tree! :biggrin2:




Ooooh, what's this?




And that's my bunny update for tonight! :D Tomorrow, I shall get pics of SnowBarn! :D
For me? You shouldn't have! I love my Chalk present, thank you :p.

Chalk is so so so so so so so so cuuuuute! :inlove: I love tyhe 3rd picture down espcially, those ears and then those little round poos off to the side .
NZminilops wrote:
For me? You shouldn't have! I love my Chalk present, thank you :p.
Noooo, she's MY pirate bunneh!!! :D You can have the other 'presents' she left, LOL!! :biggrin2:

The floor there is fithy, but the thing is I'd cleared that up a few hours before! It's where the other half of the cage used to be when they were bonded, so they all seem to think it's their territory lol.... There's a litter tray in the corner, but they wont use it! :X :p
It's not flithy, it's rabbity! I think we are all paranoid on here that everyone else will think we are messy when we all have the same sort of messes :p. Sakuras' room is much worse than anything your pictures show, trust me ;).

Hmm, I wonder if I could get DNA from Chalks 'presents' and clone her? :idea
NZminilops wrote:
It's not flithy, it's rabbity! I think we are all paranoid on here that everyone else will think we are messy when we all have the same sort of messes :p. Sakuras' room is much worse than anything your pictures show, trust me ;).

Hmm, I wonder if I could get DNA from Chalks 'presents' and clone her? :idea
LOL! I will HAPPILY send them all to you so you can find out..... Although the shipping costs for that many 'presents' would be huge! :shock:


I know what you mean though, I'm always paranoid that people will think I don't clean them out or something! But in reality, I spend all day running after them! :sweep And then I just get sick of the never-ending saga of sweep-up-poops-more-poops-are-pooped lol! :X
Wow, I am so lucky that Toby is very good with his poo habits. The corner near his litter pan gets stray litter all over the floor, though. Your house never looks messy, though! It looks good to me!
kherrmann3 wrote:
Wow, I am so lucky that Toby is very good with his poo habits. The corner near his litter pan gets stray litter all over the floor, though. Your house never looks messy, though! It looks good to me!
That's because I only show the tidy bits LOL! :p It has been a state, but I've been trying to keep the living room at least and the kitchen tidy.... It makes me really depressed to live in clutter although I'm not great at keeping it tidy..... :?

They all used to at least go in their cage (if not always the litter tray lol) when they lived together! But since they randomly unbonded, the Poo Wars are on! Everytime they're out, they poop all over the floor, and then the other pair come out and do the same, lol....

Got pics of Snowy and Barney though! :D Will upload shortly! Snowy got a scratch on her nose last night :( Mouse managed to get her through the double barrier :X I've fixed it now, and Snowy's nose is cleaned up and fine, but you can see it in the pics. Just so you didn't think I just left it....

Aww! That is adorable! She does look like a little sparrow!

Poor Snowy, though. She just can't get a break! I wonder what happened to tick the other two off so much?
kherrmann3 wrote:
Aww! That is adorable! She does look like a little sparrow!

Poor Snowy, though. She just can't get a break! I wonder what happened to tick the other two off so much?
I have no idea! My friend said that maybe she said something about their mum lol..... Poor Snowy :(

Saying that, they do seem so happy in their pairs. I don't feel as sad about it anymore....

Chalk is like a little sparrow! She's been in that nest all day lol!

I changed the name of my blog as well..... Sorry for any confusion anyone who reads it regularly, but I felt like a change! :D