Jen's Cheeky Bristolian Bunners

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LOL you guys are like Snowy at tea time!!! :p

It will be soon......soon! Maybe tonight although I am very sleepy so maybe tomorrow.... I'll try and get a couple of pics up at least!

Picture time!! :biggrin2:

I haven't got time to upload them all but I'll do some now and some later...

This is the bunnies in the garden, enjoying some late autumn sun yesterday afternoon:

Mouse with her funny molt lines still:


Close-up of Chalk sat on my lap!


This looks suspiciously like a bunny butt on my shoulder. WAIT....


Maybe if I'm stealthy mum wont notice me...


Oh.....hi! I've been up here all along... honest! :D


ALRIGHT.... I'll get down.... Mum said something about neck ache? :dunno Dunno what she's on about....


Barney enjoying some pets:

'hmmmm.... that's nice'


'now rub my ears'


You stopped for longer than half a second. RUDE!! I no talk to you now


That's all for now.... Got loads more to come later! :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:
Ok! Here are the videos! They all went outside for a run about yesterday, and much binkies were performed. The video mode on my compact camera is so....POO though so the buns look a little fuzzy, but you can still see them, just about :)

The background noise is a little weird- my garden backs onto a special needs school and if it's a nice day they do a lot of stuff outside, and it makes a lot of noise. It was also super-windy yesterday! :p

Ok, here goes. 6 videos!!

JadeIcing wrote:
Awesome! Love them, now when can you pick up Maggie?
Awwww, I WISH!!! She's gorgeous.

For the rest of you that don't know.... I have fallen in love with this magpie lop, called Maggie:

She's 3rd from the bottom....

And the rescue where she is, is only about 10 minutes from my house. We pretty much go past it every time we go shopping.... :?

*ties self to sofa to avoid running to get her*
JadeIcing wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
*ties self to sofa to avoid running to get her*

Oh you are bad!! I would love her... although we'd have to wait until after San Francisco to take on another bunny..... I don't think Steve would let me get another one though.... :(:(:(

PICTURES!!! From yesterday, in the garden:













That's all! Snowy, bless her, binkied SO high that she would land and have to recover for a second or 2 before taking off again! They all loved being outside and running around.... They would be out again today but the grass is soaking...

It's Mouse and Chalk's gotcha day today! One year exactly since we got our first bunnies. I can't believe how fast it's gone! I remember the day we bought them home, in their little cardboard boxes that hopped all over the place.... And putting them in their new hutch that sat in our living room LOL. They were sooo tiny at 8 weeks old. I can't believe how much they've grown! And how cheeky they are! Mouse got her name because she was literally a frightened little mouse when we bought her home, but she's blossomed so well. She's not a big fan of being picked up, but she does love her noserubs, and she loves to jump on us if we're on the floor with her. She is SO cheeky, and will do almost anything to try and get on top of the TV unit, and the TV! To eat the wires!! Chalk was the confident brave one from the start, and she's stayed that way ever since. Although she has calmed down a lot now, and isn't as naughty as she used to be. Thank God! Either way, we couldn't live without these 2. Our first bunnies, and the ones that made us realise that we couldn't ever be without bunnies in our life from now on. They are both so special to us :) :hearts:

Great pictures and videos. Your babies are so darn cute.

Maggie would look wonderful with all your babies.I think you should go put a hold on her.:pOr you can drop off all your Babies to me on your way to the States after all Canada and USA are on the same continent.
