Introducing Yofi :o)

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LOL...I love that picture! :biggrin2: (I should send that one to my son :wink)

Oh, yes...I saw RV too! Love Robin Williams, and the raccoon scene was hilarious. :laugh:

I think these planned attacks aren't just confined to rodents either...thinking back, when I was growing up our family had a beagle-mix dog named Charlie. Poor old Charlie was lying on the verandah of our cottage soaking up the sun when this barn swallow swooped down from the rafters and launched a vicious avian assault on him. Charlie began running around in circles in a panic until we finally came to his rescue and opened the door for him to come inside and hide. We later discovered a welt on his head the size of a small egg. That bird meant business!

Peppa and georgie, the English lop definitely has the largest ears in bunnydom! There are E-lops out there with much longer ears than Yofi's, but he still fits within regulation length (I *think* it's 21 inches measured from one eartip to the other). Yofi's earspan seems to be around 22 inches. And oh, he got mad at me tonight...I accidentally stepped on one of those silky dustbusters as he was attempting to trip me up on my way to the kitchen. Needless to say, a baby carrot soon soothed his ruffled feathers. ;)

Last evening I was attempting to teach Kaya to be a bit more tolerable with Yofi (a losing battle, but I'm ever the optimist). Now that The Dog is considerably older, I find that her tolerance levels tend to be much lower. And her tolerance for one overactive curious rabbit has always been less than desirable. So I decided to try something last evening, putting her halti and leash on her and promising her a cookie if she didn't growl at Yofi whenever he crossed her path. With The Cookie sitting behind me, I told Kaya that IF she was good, and IF she didn't curse under her fetid canine breath at the lapine with the long ears for at least 5 minutes, she would be rewarded. And at first I thought my plan was working, as she even gave Yof a kiss at one point (yeah, she's not dumb...suck up to The Mom so she can get her reward faster). However, my efforts soon were thwarted when - after praising Kaya for doing so well - her face suddenly contorted into a twisted look of genuine doggie horror. Wondering what on earth was wrong, I turned around to look....and discovered that not only was her reward gone, but there in the far corner sat one very rotten long-eared thief, contentedly munching away on one large pilfered doggie biscuit.

You know, sometimes The Dog's curses truly are justified.
Bassetluv wrote:
Charlie began running around in circles in a panic until we finally came to his rescue and opened the door for him to come inside and hide. We later discovered a welt on his head the size of a small egg. That bird meant business!
:DPoor Charlie! Maybe it's the name. We have a Charlie, too,a Pointer-Spaniel mix. I could totally see something like that happening to him. He gets himself into some pretty goofy situations without even trying!

:laugh:Yofi stole the doggie treat. What a little long, loppy-eared stinker! Kaya has to be muttering under her breath, "One of these days, Yofi, one of these days. You just WAIT until Mom isn't around...."
I think this is one of my favourite Yofi Pics. He is such a handsome boy!


HI Di,
I've just discovered your blog, and I have to say the adventures of Yofi, Anna and the rest of your fur kids are hilarious!!!! You certainly have a talent for telling a story and capturing the moment. Thank you for sharing your stories and family with us. I'll be an avid follower from now on.

You never said how you went with your job this year. I think you have a great fall back option of a book to write if you ever need the income. All you need to do is collate the stories here and write a few connections between them.

I've been having a similarly bad run of luck over the past few months, and reading your blog has certainly provided a great distraction for a couple of hours. I'm sure Yofi (when hes not adding to the drama) provides a fun distraction from your troubles too.

Thanks again for sharing the joy!
Well, I tried posting some pictures last evening, but my computer seems to have a mind of its own. It's almost like living with a poltergeist in residence, only in high-tech not-so-state-of-the-art format. (I can just hear the grinding and chugging of gears and modem squelching out - in ominous 'puter-speake, of course - "Don't doooo itttt....don't DOOOOO ITTTTT!!".) Then lights flash and flutter and great moans spew forth, and I finally give up and go to bed. And then, of course, it comes back to life the moment I am drifting off into netherland, with nightmares of evil little bits and bytes dancing through my head. ;)

Anyway...jewelwillow, thank you for the compliment! So sorry to hear that you've been having a bad time this year as well. I think a great many of us are in the same boat...or at least on various levels of the same boat, wondering what cruise we signed up for this time around; and more importantly, where is the nearest port with a beach and masseusse? :biggrin2: This week I went into work and four of us - who do the same job - were called into an emergency meeting with our director, who promptly told us that our particular positions are going to be farmed out to a company in China. job will definitely 'be no more' at some point in the future. However, they are also looking at creating new positions (long story, a lot of shuffling ideas being tossed about) for the new spinoff company, so we were told we'd have something to apply for, at least. Funny thing is, I didn't even realize how hard the news hit me until a couple of days later, I guess because so far we'd all been told that they were attempting to keep almost all of the present positions. I'd totally forgotten about the staff meeting the director was holding that same afternoon and I missed it - yet three separate people claimed they saw me there! I am positive I didn't go though, as I was working in my cubicle all day. But what's even weirder is this: One of the guys I work with sent me an email that same morning, asking how I was and if I wanted to go for a walk later and talk. I responded to his email and said, 'Sure, let's go out'...and then the next day realized he had never got back to me. HOWEVER....when I told my sister (who works at the company too) about this, she said, "But...I saw you and Olivier outside walking around the building and chatting". She swears up and down that he and I went out, and yet I have absolutely NO RECALL of it whatsoever. None! Now that's scary. My sister thinks I was in shock. I dunno...when Olivier returns from his holiday I'll have to confirm with him. I do know that there are entire chunks of my childhood that I've blocked from my memory due to very bad experiences, but this is the first time I have absolutely no recall of a current event. Weird.

Anyway, back to bunnies and pics. These ones are mostly of Yofi, of course (camera hog that he be), and I'll have to upload quickly as I'm supposed to be cleaning my house right now - which is in desperate disrepair...I tend to neglect everything when I'm stressed, and oddly (;)), housework is the first to be sacrificed.

First, I have to share this...I was searching for something in a drawer the other day and came across an old Rabbits magazine. At first I just set it aside, but then I looked more closely at it. And it struck me as so funny....the date on the mag is 2006, but look at the picture in the upper right-hand corner:


Remind you of anyone? LOL...If I didn't know any better, I'd say that the Yofster had been planting a seed in my brain to get him, even before he was born! :D

"Did I hear a COW?!?!" (see previous blog entry for explanation ;))

T"No beasties shall enter these premises except for us-eth"

Giving Gene Simmons a run for his tongue (I'm sure Yof heard that KISS was in town this week)

"SO.....not to be demanding but....WHERE'S DINNER???"

"HEY...not the ear! NOT the EAR!!!!"

Prelude to this pic...The Dog's bag of food had been sitting in that corner, at least until one curious (ravenous) rabbit decided to chew a hole the size of a baseball in its side. This meant cleaning up dog food ball after dog food ball after dog food ball, which had rolled and skittled under any nook and cranny within the bag's radius....but apparently I didn't quite get every single morsel:

This one was taken some time ago. I had camera in hand and was sitting on the floor, waiting to take shots of rabbits in action, when suddenly a Yofi-head appeared out of nowhere, erupting from between my legs much like the dreaded chest-bursting scene in 'Alien':

Anna: 'Why does HE get all of the attention?'

"FUD? Still waiting...."

Chillin'. It's hard werk after seeking out dog fud balls, after all. (First one was mid-flop)



A profile in kittyness:

Mug shot (keep this one in mind if ever I hafta identify him at the police station)

Now, this one has me baffled. The Boy was actually IN THE HOUSE when I found him running around looking like this. How does he do it?? :?

Oh yes, and just in case I ever forget where I put it....

Hi Di, sorry to hear about your job. I really hope that theycreate a new position for you. It's so stressfull having to look for work in this economy.

You pictures are wonderful as always.I agree with poor Anna, she needs more pictures, she's such a beauty.

Susan :)
SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi Di, sorry to hear about your job. I really hope that theycreate a new position for you. It's so stressfull having to look for work in this economy.

You pictures are wonderful as always.I agree with poor Anna, she needs more pictures, she's such a beauty.

Susan :)


Thanks so much, everyone! :hugsquish:It seems like so many of us are struggling through this year, doesn't it? Yet we always manage to find a smile hidden deep inside that eventually manages to find it's way to the top. ;)

btw, I watched a movie a few days ago on tv that had a great was made more for children, but I found it a very good movie for adults too. "Kit Kittredge" was the title, and it was about a young girl growing up during the days of the great depression. Her family was more fortunate, her dad having a good job while so many others were in despair, but of course that didn't last, and they wound up struggling along with everyone else. Watching that movie reminded me of how tough things really were (and in some cases today, are) for so many job, no home, no food...and people being seggregated into haves and have nots...hobos especially being looked down upon. Yet in the end, I think if we have even one friend to talk to, and to share ups and downs, fears and funnies, we're more than rich. :D

And having bunnies helps too. :p
Well, I've discovered that the memory can be a very funny thing - selective remembrances, blocked/repressed memories, mind playing tricks. And of course, my sister could be wrong too. ;) She's been out of sorts for the past few weeks as well, even though she's in a much better position than me. Yeah, that's it...I'll say it's her...hehe.

As for dopplegangers Jan, who knows? :dunno I've had weirder things happen in my life...or maybe I've been cloned and don't know it yet. Actually I remember several years ago a friend of my son's coming to my house and he was so excited, saying to me, "You've GOT to come with me to the McDonald's on St. Laurent (Boulevard)...there's a woman working there who looks EXACTLY like you! You wouldn't believe it!!!" LOL...I laughed at him for being so dramatic about it, but it was funny to see him go on as if he'd seen a ghost (or...doppleganger, I guess ;)). I never did go with him to see *my other self* though.

And on the other side of the coin, I used to work at a building supply company here in town...was there for over 7 years and for the last two or three was their inventory controller. There was a staff of roughly 25 or so, but some of the guys (it was mostly men working there) I worked with more closely than others. One of them was Bret, one of the sales staff who I used to see every day. We'd have lunch at the same time or wind up on break together, and he and I used to talk a lot about our families and such. When the store closed down everyone went their separate ways...but about 6 years later I happened to run into Bret, who was by then working at a local Home Depot. I approached him and we spoke for about 20 minutes, and you know, he couldn't remember me at all. Even after I reminded him I had been the inventory controller, I was one of the only females working at the store, and we'd been friends there for quite a while. He didn't have a clue who I was...didn't recognize me, didn't remember me...yet he remembered everyone else I mentioned who used to work there. Then, about a month later I had to go to my vet's to make an appt for my dog. I hadn't been there for probably a year and a half - dog was overdue for shots - and the receptionist, Kim, asked if she could help me when I walked in. I said, "Hi Kim, it's know, Kaya's mom?" Yet she had a perplexed look on her face...she had no idea who I was. I'd been going to that vet every year for over 15 years, and Kim had been the receptionist from the time I started taking my pets there, always chatting with me and asking how things were going....yet that day when I walked in, she absolutely had no clue as to who I was. How weird is that? :? I can't explain it.

As for the Yofster, "Beast to be tamed" would be quite the accurate description, wouldn't it? And I can guarantee you that anyone who meets him never forgets'd be impossible! :p
I know what you mean about stress causing problems with the ole memory! I had a weird incident a couple of weeks ago where I ended up calling my sister and asking her, "Did you and I just have a conversation on the phone? Like, 5 minutes ago?" LOL. It ended up that I had a DREAM about talking to her, and I woke up with the phone in my hand...I think I was sleep walking while I had the dream about calling her.In the dream, I remember thinking, "I'm tired, Ithink I'll go back to bed for awhile." I probably woke myself up getting back into the bed! And then I seriously didn't know whether Ihad actuallytalked on the phone or not! It seemed SO REAL.

LOL How weird is that??

Sorry for the really late reply wabbitmom, but oh, I must say I've done that too in the past...had a dream and could have sworn it was something that had taken place in real life. LOL...your sister must have gotten quite a kick out of you! ;)

Am just passing through quickly to post...speaking of stress and stuff, I've been off work for the past week because something weird happened to my arm. Shoulder, actually. I woke up one morning thinking I'd slept the wrong way, but the pain in my arm/shoulder just kept getting worse throughout the day, rather than better. After four days I decided I'd better go to the dr, and he wasn't sure what it was but told me to stay off work for a while (i.e., off the computer). He sent me for x-rays and I went that same day, and was thinking, 'gee, the pain isn't that bad...maybe it's improving', but then when I changed into that annoying peek-a-boo blue gown that ties in the back and is at least 10 times too big, a sudden pain shot through my shoulder, so intense that I immediately broke out into a sweat, and at the same time a huge wave of nausea struck. Of course I'm standing there in a little changing booth, the nurse has gone off to tend to something else, and I seriously thought I was going to lose it. So for a few moments I I wait for the nurse and chance redecorating their un-feng shui booth, or do I run off to the one washroom available on that floor? This last option was a bit complicated, for it meant having to dash through the waiting room / reception area, leaving the clinic area, running down the hallway and darting into the bathroom...that is, if it wasn't occupied. And all of that would have entailed me running with a humongous blue gown sailing out behind me, exposing things that should never see the light of day - at least in public. Because the silly outfit tied in the back, and because of the pain in my shoulder, I couldn't reach around to tie the straps. And because it was a *one-size-fits-far-too-many* outfit, the danged thing kept falling off, despite my desperate efforts to encourage it to stay upright. Then, just as the situation was becoming dire enough to go for option two (damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead!), the nurse finally showed up. And after providing me with a plastic-lined waste bucket and a glass of cold water, my pain and stomach finally settled down, and x-rays were administered.

(Rule number 222 when going for medical stuff...if you can, and they don't interfere with the actual procedure, pick up prescribed pain meds FIRST; then take care of the rest later.)

Anyway, as odd and severe as the pain was, just as mysteriously it disappeared. I doubt they'll find much on the x-rays; I've been having weird aches and pains in my joints and muscles (off and on) for many years now. This however, was the first "@#%##!!!" intense, immobilizing pain I've ever had. And now that I've had my rest, it's off to work tomorrow.

Will update with Yofi/Anna pics when I get a chance...right now it's raining and they haven't been out in a while, so are snoozing in their room. I swear, we've had so much rain and humidity this year that I wouldn't be surprised to some morning find that both bunnies had turned fuzzy green. (They say we've only had six days in total - all summer - where it hasn't rained!)
I am glad your feeling better, that sounded really scary (I know duh!), I am glad it went away and I hope it stays away too.

I wish you would send some of that rain down here! We had a fairly wet spring but this summer has been relatively dry.

Really can't see Yofi staying still long enough for mold to grow on him.:)
