Many are worried about you! I know I have heard from you, thank goodness!
Update us when you can, girl!
aaww...thank you! :hug:
Yofi cracks me up! Was that with extra butter? Poor Kaya so terrified of the Yofster.
Yes, Kaya really IS that scared of him. If I head for the bathroom Kaya is no more than a few inches behind me, so fearful is she that I will leave her to her own defenses with *HIM*. Even in the morning when I'm brushing my teeth before going to work, Kaya comes in and literally plops herself behind me, hiding from the evil bunnylord. :foreheadsmack:And the popcorn, yup, it was extra-buttered!

Oh, and the popcorn sorta led to a rather harrowing evening last week (see below).
As for updates, well...Yofi gave me a pretty danged good scare last weekend. It was Friday evening and when I'd come home from work I was sick, so after letting the dog out and just poking my head into the rabbit room (and seeing two sleeping bunnies) I decided to lie down. Around 10:00 or so I was feeling better, so got up and went to let the rabbits out of the room. Oddly, I remember thinking as soon as I got up that something *wasn't right*...and sure enough...
I opened the door to the rabbits' room and Anna, as usual, came flying over to greet me (she may not be a very active bunny, but she definitely is attached to me in her own way). Yofi, on the other hand, just sat there on the cushion next to the cage, a big cream-n-white-colored muffinlump. So I called to him, but he didn't move. Didn't even look at me. Now that was unusual for him. Normally Anna is the first one at the door, but Yofi always follows suit moments later, each of them scurrying about with their unworded pleas: 'Hiya mom, where were ya? What'd ya bring me?' 'When's dinner?' 'Why does Yofi smell weird?' (oops, last one was just Anna) Anyway, this particular evening none of that was heard from the Yofster, not even one 'Hihowyadoin'. He just sat.
So I walked over to him, hoping he'd get up and start bugging me, but knowing deep down that something was upsetting him. When I reached him I greeted him with a pat on the head and a 'Yofi! How are you?' but reaction. So then I picked him up. Again he didn't react...he just lay in my arms. DEFINITELY not a good sign. At that point I took him into the living room and put him on the sofa, then got some of his favorite foods...banana, apple, even the mother of all temptations, a craisin....and...nothing. He sniffed each of them and just sighed, and lowered his head. I noticed too, that his stomach felt odd...his ribs were jutted out more than usual, a sign that he was tensing his gut muscles...which with him is a definite sign of pain. And that's when I began to get very worried. I kept thinking, impaction, blockage; the things no bunny mom or dad wants to dare even ponder. So I decided to calm myself down and take things one step at a time. I opted to give Yofi some simethicone and see if that helped, as gas could also have been a cause.
And that's when I cursed myself for being such a bad housekeeper. At some point in time I moved the box that has all of my bunny meds in it, and do you think I could find it? No...I searched high and low but it eluded me completely. I had to sit down and think for a moment; what to do next? I decided to run two blocks to the local pharmacy and pick up a new bottle of Ovol, the other one was probably getting old anyway. It was a cold, dark rainy night, so I put on my coat, grabbed an umbrella, tucked Yofi up in a blanket and promised to be right back.
An hour - and
five pharmacies later - I came home empty-handed. Not one of the drug stores was open. Oh sure, Ottawa has 24-hour pharmacies, but they must all be crammed into one strip mall at the far far reaching edges of the city's armpit, because they sure as heck aren't near my place. Yofi was still where I'd left him earlier so I picked him up and began giving him a deep, gentle tummy massage. And I swear he looked like he was enjoying it, despite the discomfort he was in. His gut still felt immobile, and thoughts raced through my do I get him to the one vet clinic (again, at the other end of the city) at this time of night?
Then I remembered something; in the far depths of my bathroom cabinet I used to have some Gas-X pills for adults; if they were still there I could give one of those a try. So again I went searching, rummaging past lotions and potions and freebees and who-knows-what else I never ever use any more, and at last hit the jackpot. Eureka! Gas-X...little red liquid gel pills. Quickly I took one, poured some warm water and mixed some drops of the gel into it, and eye-droppered it into the Yofster's mouth. Then I began more tummy massages, along with a grooming to get rid of his excess loose fur. (The Boy is the
worst moulter I've ever seen in an animal..ever!) Add to all of this was a great many prayers, and that is what seemed to do the trick for...lo and hour later he was not only hopping about again, but was climbing all over me, demanding that his dinner be fed to him THIS MOMENT. It was the quickest recovery I've seen, and I must say the relief was huge. The entire time this was going on I kept trying to think of what Yofi could have eaten, in the off chance it was an impaction. He tends to get into absolutely everything, so the list can be long. But all I could think of was the bag of popcorn he'd raided earlier - though I thought it was pretty much empty when he found it - and he also had eaten a bit of corn from corn-on-the-cob. Again not much at all, but still...both are foods that aren't the best for bunnies. Combine that with his explosive shedding and that could be a recipe for intestinal disaster. So now I am attempting to monitor his external suction hose (aka, mouth) more closely. And keep his 'hareline' as shed-free as possible. Maybe shaving him would do the trick. I've seen those skinny hairless cats, and 'skinnypigs'; they're not so bad-looking. A hairless e-lop would be kinda cool. Come to think of it, the 'skinnypig' moniker would be rather appropriate for The Boy anyway. Think he'd go for the bald n beautiful look? But more importantly...would I hafta wax his ears to match?
On one other (continuing weird year saga) note, guess what I got in the mail two days ago? A lovely little invite from the Ministry of the Attorney General's office, asking me if I would like to pleasure them with my company on November 2nd. Well, 'asking' is not quite how it went; it was actually a 'summons to the juror' notification,
telling me that I have to report to the Ottawa lawcourts on that day, as I am being herded in with a whole other bunch of poor souls to be considered for jury duty. The bugger of it is, you don't know anything until they decide who they're going to pick; and then once they do, it
may be held in Ottawa, or it may be held in Toronto; and it
may be a short trial, or it could drag on for months - and thus the jurors could be sequestered for the duration. They do not pay jurors unless the trial goes beyond 11 days, and when that happens they will pay $40/day...not a heck of a lot if one's employer decides they can't afford to continue paying you while you're on jury duty. (Fortunately my employer does pay...if they didn't, and I wound up in a long court case, I'd be in trouble.) And of course, if you don't want to do jury duty, well....ya don't really have a choice, unless ya want to be on the receiving end of the law. :X Of course for someone like me, who has (mild) social anxiety, this has been rather stressing - on top of everything else so far.
Well, as Bill Cosby always used to say, 'Never challenge 'worse'...
