Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone....
nermal, my 'honey' has not been so sweet of late lol, I doubt he'd be up for that! He's realyl stressed and fed up of having to do everything round the house I think, he's been super grumpy with me recently and moaning at me all the time
I feel so bad!
**** Ms Binky, and other people who are squeamish may not want to read this bit too carefully, sorry!*******
I had the worst day EVER today....:tears2:
I went to have my stitches out at the hospital. The consultant looked at it and thought it looked ok, and would heal up fine once they were out, he said he couldn't see that it was infected like it was at the weekend. Anyway, the nurse came to take them out, there was 36/7 of them in total, and most of them had become embedded in my skin due to them being in so long... AGONY. Some of them weren't too bad, most of them were excrutiating, and some of them had me screaming in pain. My mum had to hold me down for most of it. She said that there were tiny abscesses all along where each stitch was, and that the knots for the stitches had become buried under my skin, so the nurse had to pull them out with the tweezers... :XTHEN, she sprayed the whole thing with antiseptic spray, to help it heal, and it felt as if she had just set if on fire!
Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, we stopped off at my doctor's surgery on the way home to pick up more painkillers and my certificate for my absence from work. The sick note hadn't been written, so my doctor came out and called me into his office. As we got in there, I noticed that my legs felt a bit damp at the back. I put my hands there, and they came back covered with blood :?I'd somehow bled through the dressing, through my pants, through my trousers and down my legs (we later found out it was all over the car seat too)... so the doctor showed us into the nurse's room, and she had a look, but couldn't see where it was coming from and didn't want to interfere with it too much. We went home andI changed, and called the hospital who wanted me to go back up there! We went all the way across town back up there again, and they redressed it. They said that it should be ok now, but to keep an eye on it.
God, what a day! I'm knackered now, and it's really hurting still, although I haven't got the pulling from the stitches now luckily. It bled from one of the tiny abscesses that the stitches had made, although there was a LOT of blood...... :?
I just don't understand why these things always have to happen to me?!! Lol.... Oh, and I'mso shattered because once again I couldn't get to sleep until gone 4am....
Sorry if that was too graphic for anyone by the way! :hug:
nermal, my 'honey' has not been so sweet of late lol, I doubt he'd be up for that! He's realyl stressed and fed up of having to do everything round the house I think, he's been super grumpy with me recently and moaning at me all the time
**** Ms Binky, and other people who are squeamish may not want to read this bit too carefully, sorry!*******
I had the worst day EVER today....:tears2:
I went to have my stitches out at the hospital. The consultant looked at it and thought it looked ok, and would heal up fine once they were out, he said he couldn't see that it was infected like it was at the weekend. Anyway, the nurse came to take them out, there was 36/7 of them in total, and most of them had become embedded in my skin due to them being in so long... AGONY. Some of them weren't too bad, most of them were excrutiating, and some of them had me screaming in pain. My mum had to hold me down for most of it. She said that there were tiny abscesses all along where each stitch was, and that the knots for the stitches had become buried under my skin, so the nurse had to pull them out with the tweezers... :XTHEN, she sprayed the whole thing with antiseptic spray, to help it heal, and it felt as if she had just set if on fire!
Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, we stopped off at my doctor's surgery on the way home to pick up more painkillers and my certificate for my absence from work. The sick note hadn't been written, so my doctor came out and called me into his office. As we got in there, I noticed that my legs felt a bit damp at the back. I put my hands there, and they came back covered with blood :?I'd somehow bled through the dressing, through my pants, through my trousers and down my legs (we later found out it was all over the car seat too)... so the doctor showed us into the nurse's room, and she had a look, but couldn't see where it was coming from and didn't want to interfere with it too much. We went home andI changed, and called the hospital who wanted me to go back up there! We went all the way across town back up there again, and they redressed it. They said that it should be ok now, but to keep an eye on it.
God, what a day! I'm knackered now, and it's really hurting still, although I haven't got the pulling from the stitches now luckily. It bled from one of the tiny abscesses that the stitches had made, although there was a LOT of blood...... :?
I just don't understand why these things always have to happen to me?!! Lol.... Oh, and I'mso shattered because once again I couldn't get to sleep until gone 4am....
Sorry if that was too graphic for anyone by the way! :hug: