Aww bless you all. Thank you so much for your support, it really means a lot to me!
I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, I've been trying to get the house into some sort of order, so that I don't have to worry about it while I'm in hospital, or when I get home. I'm gonna be lying down for 2 weeks and I don't want to be looking at mess the whole time lol!
Shiloh, I will add you to MSN! Thanks! So you know it's me, my address is
[email protected], anyone else feel free to add me as well if you like
Flashy, I'm gonna be in a private hospital (I have private healthcare through Orange, who I work for), I'm not sure that they have those patient line thingys? I remember when I went into Frenchay (NHS) a couple of years ago and my bed had one, but I was 10p short of the change for a card, I was sooo gutted lol! I think that the rooms at St Mary's have tv's in them, and telephones as well, although you have to pay for the phonecalls yourself.
Orchid, thank you soo much for finding those links! Bless you! I really like them, even though it's too late, it might help relieve my 'recovery shopping'. I'll have to check to see if they ship to the UK though...
I think I've got everything ready, I had a nice meal tonight, Sea Bass, fennel and purple sprouting brocoli, as I can't eat after 8am tomorrow, I've got all my nightwear, dressing gown etc packed, face wipes etc as I wont be able to get up to wash myself I don't think, tons of magazines... Only thing to do is to add some more music to my iPod to listen to....
Argh! I just wish I could go to sleep now and wake up when it's all over! Then again, I said that 2 weeks ago and it's gone by quickly. I'm sure tomorrow will be here before I know it (can you tell I'm trying to stay positive? I've actually been a mess today lol :?)
Thank you all so much, I feel like I have some true friends on here :hug: