Hey everyone, I'm home!
I came home aound 12ish (it's 16.45 here now). This will probably be quick cos I feel really rough and might not be talking a whole lot of sense! :?
The operation went well, or at least, it went to plan. I've not managed to see it yet, as it's had a dressing on the whole time. There was a small drain in it but they took that out yesterday (eugh!).
I did have a morphine pump, but they took it away after one night as I'd used quite a lot- it was working, but I was just in sooo much pain. The nurses on the first night were mean- in recovery they barely spoke to me at all, only to answer whenI asked for water (and even then she 'forgot' once as she was too busy talking to her friend) and the rest of the time just gossiping with another nurse about where she was going on holiday

All night nurses were coming in to take my blood pressure etc, and not one of them spoke to me. apart from to ask my pain score. Not evena 'hello, how are you feeling?'. Nothing

One of them asked me my pain score once (they ask you to score it from 1 to 10) and I said 7, as it was pretty bad. She just looked at me and said 'you do realise that 7 would be really really awful pain? 10 is supposed to be the worst pain you've ever had' and I said 'well it's not the worst pain I've ever had, but it is pretty horrible' and she just huffed and walked out

Then I needed the toilet and had to use the chair thing with a bed pan, and one of the nurses got annoyed cos I couldn't make it to the toilet- I could barely stand up. I later heard her doing the handover with another nurse in the hallway, moaning about how I'd not been able to take myself to the toilet and how I was supposedly in so much pain but I'd managed to eat a sandwich, etc. I spent most of the night crying, wondering why they all hated me so much, in absolute agony, and unable to sleep a wink
Luckily the nurses were a lot better the next day, apart from one who helped me to the toilet, and when I got faint, told me to sit on the edge of the bed :shock

id she not know where I'd just had surgery?!!
I had to fight to get some good painkillers after they took the morphine away, and I only slept a few hours last night, the first time after the operation. I don't really remember how I kept myself occupied, I read a couple of magazines, but I think I just laid there feeling out of it most of the time! :?
Anyway, I came home today, and mum helped me wash my hair. The car journey was uncomfortable, I can't sit down at all so I had to lie right across the back seat on top of some blankets holding on the whole way. I've pretty much been lying down since I got home, I can't stand up for longer than a couple of minutes or I feel faint and sick, and need help to get to the bathroom or anywhere still. I've only just got the energy to switch my laptop on and come online...
So there you go! I guess at least it's over with now, I just have to recover... At least I have the good painkillers at home that work, that they wouldn't let me have without a fight in there
Thank you soooo much everyone for all your posts, and messages etc, it really means a lot to me. It cheered me up in there when Steve text me to say that you'd all replied with stuff
And sorry if none of that makes sense or seems long-winded lol, I really have no idea what I'm doing right now at all!
Jen xx