I had to decide: Operation VS waiting...

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Thank you for updating us! I've been thinking about her all day and worried! Is she home? or in the hospital?

Give her a hug from me and tell her I'll miss her cheerful posts while she's away!

Get well soon!!! :pink iris:
Hey Steve, thank you for coming in and giving us news. I'm sorry to hear that she is in pain. I really hope it was worth it this time! Give her many hugs from us please :)
GET WELL SOON JEN!! :bouquet::sickbunny:

When can you go home, hope those nurses are treating you well I just read your facebook message if they are not I will personally come down to Bristol and :duelJessica and Dexter asked me tosend you a hug :hug:and here is a big hug from me as well :hugsquish:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I've been following this, but every time I've tried to post, my computer eats it... Anyway, I hope your recovery is speedyand the nurses give you lots of ice cream (or something you do like if you're not fond of ice cream) :hug1
Today's Update From Jen's bedside:

'Say thanks to everyone so much, I'm still stuck in here, lots of pain, nurse are mean etc and missing our bunnies a lot and can't waits to get back to RO'

Still no definite date for when they'll let her home, but she'll be straight back on here no doubt...

I love that she is updating us through you, Steve! I thought I'd be sitting here worried sick about her for a few days at least!

Tell her that she needs to stay right there for now. When they did my niece's surgery they sent her home that afternoon (the USA is bad like that) and she was miserable and a mess for several weeks. The hospital is where someone needs to be with this sort of wound.

*hugs from the USA!*
Mean nurses :nonono: Sorry to hear she's in pain! Is she comfortable enough at least to read her magazines and stuff? Is the wound doing okay so far? And Bo, can't believe they'd let your niece go home right away after a surgery like this...
Hey everyone, I'm home!

I came home aound 12ish (it's 16.45 here now). This will probably be quick cos I feel really rough and might not be talking a whole lot of sense! :?

The operation went well, or at least, it went to plan. I've not managed to see it yet, as it's had a dressing on the whole time. There was a small drain in it but they took that out yesterday (eugh!).

I did have a morphine pump, but they took it away after one night as I'd used quite a lot- it was working, but I was just in sooo much pain. The nurses on the first night were mean- in recovery they barely spoke to me at all, only to answer whenI asked for water (and even then she 'forgot' once as she was too busy talking to her friend) and the rest of the time just gossiping with another nurse about where she was going on holiday :(All night nurses were coming in to take my blood pressure etc, and not one of them spoke to me. apart from to ask my pain score. Not evena 'hello, how are you feeling?'. Nothing :(One of them asked me my pain score once (they ask you to score it from 1 to 10) and I said 7, as it was pretty bad. She just looked at me and said 'you do realise that 7 would be really really awful pain? 10 is supposed to be the worst pain you've ever had' and I said 'well it's not the worst pain I've ever had, but it is pretty horrible' and she just huffed and walked out :(Then I needed the toilet and had to use the chair thing with a bed pan, and one of the nurses got annoyed cos I couldn't make it to the toilet- I could barely stand up. I later heard her doing the handover with another nurse in the hallway, moaning about how I'd not been able to take myself to the toilet and how I was supposedly in so much pain but I'd managed to eat a sandwich, etc. I spent most of the night crying, wondering why they all hated me so much, in absolute agony, and unable to sleep a wink :(

Luckily the nurses were a lot better the next day, apart from one who helped me to the toilet, and when I got faint, told me to sit on the edge of the bed :shock:Did she not know where I'd just had surgery?!!

I had to fight to get some good painkillers after they took the morphine away, and I only slept a few hours last night, the first time after the operation. I don't really remember how I kept myself occupied, I read a couple of magazines, but I think I just laid there feeling out of it most of the time! :?

Anyway, I came home today, and mum helped me wash my hair. The car journey was uncomfortable, I can't sit down at all so I had to lie right across the back seat on top of some blankets holding on the whole way. I've pretty much been lying down since I got home, I can't stand up for longer than a couple of minutes or I feel faint and sick, and need help to get to the bathroom or anywhere still. I've only just got the energy to switch my laptop on and come online...

So there you go! I guess at least it's over with now, I just have to recover... At least I have the good painkillers at home that work, that they wouldn't let me have without a fight in there :D

Thank you soooo much everyone for all your posts, and messages etc, it really means a lot to me. It cheered me up in there when Steve text me to say that you'd all replied with stuff :)


And sorry if none of that makes sense or seems long-winded lol, I really have no idea what I'm doing right now at all!

Jen xx

I'm sorry it was rough, but hopefully you will recover better at home :)

*keeps talking to you on msn*

I'm so sorry :(Ugh, i feel nauseous just reading your post. How horrible it must be! Yuck! I'm a terrible grouch when I am sick or not feeling well. Imade a scene when I was hospitalized and wasn't allowed up to go to the bathroom. They wanted me to pee, in a bedpan, in bed??? And there was an old man right beside me? Noooooo way! Finally they brought in the chair for me. Didn't like that there was only a curtain separating me from the old man but oh well... Had the nurses treated me like that, they'd probably have ended up in the bed next to mine. :baghead
awwww honey I'm so glad you are back home. EVIL NURSES! I can't beleive they could be so mean, thank gawd your back home. Bet the bunnies are glad to see you :) SO GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK!!

Big hugs xxx
Thanks you guys. I missed this place too! Although I would have been in no fit state to post here the past few days (I barely am now lol), you would have gotten some strange things! I sent a secret text to a friend while I was in there, telling her I was ok, etc, and at the end I randomly put 'what did you say about the sock?' for no apparent reason! :?

The nurses being mean really upset me, I just couldn't understand why. I was in tears most of the night, and the next morning I was still really upset and kept saying to my mum 'I just don't understand, what have I done?' Luckily the next night there was a much nicer nurse on, and last night too, and the other day nurses weren't as bad. It wasn't fun though. They sent me home with a questionnaire thingy about the care I received, so I'll be putting quite a bit in there!

I still feel quite terrible. I've been lying on the sofa all day, but because I can only lie on my side, it's made my legs start to really ache. But when I get up to try and stretch them a bit, I feel really dizzy like I'm going to faint and have to lie down again. I picked up Mouse earlier and had a cuddle, until I felt close to collapsing and had to put her down. I feel sad that I can't get on the floor and play with them at all, I think they're mad at me for leaving them :(

I guess that this is only just the start of the recovery and I've got a while to go yet, I'm just fed up of being in all the pain and being ill and stuff already! :(Steve is looking after me really well though, taking care of the buns, cleaning the house, getting the shopping, and helping me to the bathroom etc etc....

And woah, I've written a whole load again when I only meant to write a few sentences. Doh! :?

Ill Jen xx
Hi Jen -

I'm sorry you are feeling so awful! I guess it's to be expected, but I sure hope you are getting relief. I'm so sorry those nurses were mean! I know how you feel. I had to go to the hospital tonight, I've got an infection, and the nurse was yelling and snapping at me. I don't know why people that don't give a damn get into that profession - but it happens a lot, and I hate when I see it. I've come across a lot of mean nurses and it makes me so angry. The last thing a sick or in pain person needs is the person who is suppose to be taking care of them acting like a you know what. You shouldn't have to deal with that!

I'm sure your buns will forgive you - they know you are hurting, and they are probably just worried about you. I'm glad Steve is taking good care of you. :)

Hugs :)
mouse_chalk wrote:
'what did you say about the sock?'

This is great! I sniggered to myself about that for a long time.

Just to amuse you back, when I was in hospital the other week, I too was very out of it and asked my mum if I was a member of the Starship Enterprise. I don't remember asking her and I don't even like Startrek,but she said that when she said no I looked very relieved and went back to sleep. lol.

Look forward to maybe helping you pass time on msn again today, I also hope you managed to get some decent sleep.

Hang in there hun and try not to focus on the whole recovery thing, focus on a manageable amount, such as the next half an hour or so, you'll get there and we'll help you.

Jen, sorry I missed this. How are you feeling today?

There is nothing worse than being in hospital with unfriendly nurses - just when you need to feel cared for most :X. Hope your bunnies are giving you lots of kisses ;).

Feel better SOON!!

Thanks you guys :hug:And Jan, don't worry lol, you've had enough going on yourself moving to Canada and all!

Today, there's really only one word to describe how I feel:


I am in serious amounts of pain today. It's not surprising really, I got a good look at the wound yesterday when my mum changed the dressing, and most of it is black with bruising, and there's a lot of swelling there. I couldn't really see well enough to count, but in total there's about 30-40 stitches? I can only lie on my side, can't sit at all, and every time I move I feel the stitches pulling, and it disturbs the bruising :(

Apart from a few trips to the bathroom, I've been in the same position on my side on the sofa all day, with my head and chest turned upwards, and the laptop balancing on my hips, surfing RO. That's all I can do :cry1:

I've taken all the painkillers I'm allowed, as regularly as I can take them, but it still hurts so much! I hate this! :(

Sorry to moan you guys!

I forgot to mention, on top of all this stress, Steve had a call from our letting agents who manage our house earlier. Our landlord is most probably going to sell our house, and we'll be getting notice sometime this week giving us 2 months to leave. So now I have to house hunt while I'm recovering, and we've got to work out where to find more rent each month from, given that rent has gone up a lot since we've been living in this house, and it's now around £100 more a month for the same sort of size place in this area. It's like the powers that be decided that we didn't have enough stress at the moment! :(

Jen xx