I had to decide: Operation VS waiting...

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Aw, sorry to hear you're still hurting a lot. That sounds really darn unpleasant. Can you lie on your stomach? Though that doesn't really allow you to do anything with your hands!

Maybe everyone can suggest their favorite movie and Steve can go rent some for you to watch? If you haven't seen them, I'm pretty fond of the Pixar movies. Even as a kid, I didn't like Disney movies much, but I love Pixar and some other computer animated ones. I like Cars, Ratatouille, Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc, the Shrek movies (especially the 2nd) and the Toy Story ones best, if that helps. They're all quite up beat so maybe they can take your mind off things a bit! 40 Year old Virgin, Dick (a comedy made a few years ago about Richard Nixon, it stars Kirsten Dunst and Michelle... something or other), Chicago, Hot Fuzz, and Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human are some of my favorite cheerful movies.

Sorry to hear you guys have to move! Is housing hard to come by in your area? I'm glad you have two months though and not just a couple weeks or something! Sure did come at a bad time though. I hope you find a place you like even better than where you live now!

Rory sends kisses and snuggles, he's sitting with me now.
:hug:(but gentle hugs)

I did try to talk to you again on msn but it wouldn't let me send you a message, it kept telling me it had failed.

Hang in there hun, baby steps, look at the present, not the future.

You know Shiloh, this is gonna sound really weird, but.... I don't really like films! :shock:I mean, I do watch them, but I just never ever feel like sitting down on my own and watching one all the way through, I get bored! That's bad isn't it? To fill my day I watch a lot of cookery programs (also bad,I know!) and hang about online. I could lie on my stomach, but it's not that comfy, it means I can't watch TV or anything either :(

Thank Rory for the bunny kisses, they are much appreciated! My buns seem to have forgiven me a bit now lol, I managed to put Barney on the sofa earlier, and just about knelt on the floor and cuddled him for ages, which was nice. I'd miss Barnicuddles! Chalk and Mouse have been to 'visit' me on the sofa too, and Chalk told me what she thought of me being away for so long and being in so much pain by eating the shoulder of my nightdress LOL!

I dunno, I guess it's just going to take a bit of time, but the pain is just so distracting, it's hard to domuch else :(I knew it would be really painful, but it's hard to imagine how bad it will be in advance! :X

And yeah, housing isn't really difficult to come by, its more finding something in our price range that's difficult. We'll have to find more money each month to get something similar to what we've got now, when we really need something bigger, so Steve has a bigger room to work in, and there's more living space... I guess something will come up eventually, it's just going to be stressful in the meantime worrying about it!

ARGH!! Is all I have to say lol!
:hug:so sorry you are sore that sucks. Also typical NHS helpfulness from the sound of things poor you.

You will just have to indulge in plenty of chocolate (well it always makes me feel better :nod)
polly wrote:
:hug:so sorry you are sore that sucks. Also typical NHS helpfulness from the sound of things poor you.

You will just have to indulge in plenty of chocolate (well it always makes me feel better :nod)

Lol Polly, the thing is, it was private! I paid (or well my employers insurance company paid) for people to be horrible to me! :(

But yes, I think that chocolate is the way forward! :)
I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. Have they ordered you to take baths and soak it or anything?

I hope this goes as planned in the healing stage and you don't have to suffer with it anymore!

I'm sorry guys, I've been meaning to update this! I don't know why I kept forgetting, it's not like I never get chance to come on here!

All I can say is: OUCH. And, I don't think 7 is going to be my lucky number :(

I've been in lots of pain all week, varying from just bad to really bad, lying on the sofa crying unable to do much kind of bad.

Yesterday was AGONY. I was in lots of pain in the morning, then I took my usual shower (Bo B Bunny, I'm not allowed to bath, I have a shower and leave the dressing on so the water pressure doesn't disturb it then take the dressing straight off afterwards and my mum comes round pronto to change it- she's a nurse!). Anyway,I was in so much pain after that, I don't know how I managed to lift my legs to get out of the bath. All I could do was lie on my front on the bed, crying so much, because I couldn't even move to reach my painkillers. I managed to take a look at the wound in the mirror and I knew it wasn't good. It looked all red and swollen, where the stitches are. Steve had to even help me get dressed because I could barely move.

My mum came round, and took one look at it and called the hospital where I was last week. She was convinced it was infected. I'd also been REALLY nauseous and hot all day. They told us to go straight in, and so I had to lie on the back seat of the car, and my gosh, every bump we went over was sooo painful :(

The kind people put me back in my old room! the doctor looked at it, and spoketo my consultant, who was typically playing golf. He decided it was infected as well, and the upshot was that I was sent home with more painkillers, and very strong antibiotics, Metronidazole. They make me really sick, and very spaced out...

My mum looked at it again today and said that she doesn't think the stitches will hold, as the skin edges are coming apart. I'm due to have the stitches (37, we counted!) out on Wednesday, and we think that once they're out, it'll just break down and I'll be left with an open wound again. I'm so upset, because that inevitably means another operation at some stage, even if it's to re-stitch it, and I'd really started to believe that this might have been the last one... :(I don't really know what to do about it anymore... The pain hasn't been any better today either :(


Sorry to go on so much, actually I feel quite ashamed of myself now for moaning so much when other people are going through so much more than me! :?
Go ahead and moan all you want!! You are going through so much pain that I couldn't imagine doing it.

You are being so brave and so strong.

I have been thinking of you and praying that you get better. I really hope you don't need another operation.

Don't feel bad, you have every right to be upset! I'm sorry you are in so much pain, that's awful! I wish you weren't. Wish I could help.

All of our paws, hooves, and ears, are crossed here for you Jen. I hate that you are suffering. :hug:
Goodness, Jen, don't apologise. I can't imagine the horrors you're going through - I am absolutely no good with pain at all - and I am just so sorry that it doesn't seem to be getting any better painwise. It's good that your mum is a nurse and can
tell when things aren't right, and it sounds as though Steve is a good'un;)

I will be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping things get easier

Thank you everyone :group:You've all been so great, and it helps a lot more than you know :)

I just don't know what to do anymore :(I'm scared to move now in case that makes it any worse somehow by pulling the stitches. I didn't get to sleep untilabout 5.30 this morning cos it was hurting and I think I was scared to sleep in case I moved in the night or something and disturbed it even more... I'm so scared to have my stitches out on Wednesday, I know it's going to be really painful, because it's so painful whenever anything touches it at the moment...

I'm just soooooo sick of this! ARGH!!! :grumpy:And the worst things are I can't even relax with a glass of wine in the evening because of all the stupid pills I'm taking lol, and I've got no money either so there's none of the buying myself nice things on eBay likeI did last time! :XBunny blogs and photo philes are my only consolation! :p
Hon, that's a bad surgery and a worse place to heal. The skin they say is like trying to sew wet tissue paper. My niece was in a lot of pain also and was for a long time. She still has to be careful of sitting for too long on hard surfaces and such.

I think you will be better from this but I think it's going to be a long healing process like hers was.
I'm sorry to hear you had such a hard time falling to sleep, Jen! Just think, in a few months this should all be over and you'll be healed and you can get back to doing what you want to do. Is your pain any less bad than yesterday?
Shiloh, no, I'm not in any less pain today! It sucks! I've been soo tired today as well but I've tried to nap and I just can't get to sleep... it's really odd. I think it must be cos I'm so worried about this and stress and upset about other things as well... Normally I'd have a nice hot bath with candles and lavender bath bombs when I can't sleep and that always really helps but I can't have a bath... :cry1:

Bo B, yeah I've heard that analogy as well, that's why they've not stitched it before I think... this operation was a drastic measure! The good news I suppose is that the side bit has just about healed quite well, the stitches basically go across the top half of my butt horizontally, and then join the middle bit which goes in a kink of oval shape over the middle. The stitches that are horizontal on the side are ok, and the skin has healed, but it's the skin in the middle that's not looking great and possibly infected. (Sorry if that's too much information for anyone!) I'm going to get Steve to take a couple of pictures of it later for me, and keep taking pictures regularly so I can track how well it is or isn't healing, and also maybe post them on the pilonidal.org forums so that people who have this op in the future can see how it's done... don't worry I wont post them here lol!! :p

When, oh when will this all be over?!!?!! :(
Get your honey to buy some lavender oil....a couple drops on each of his finger tips and a gentle massage of your temples and maybe even a few drops massaged into your neck at the base of your skull :)
Oh you poor thing :(I am feeling very queasy and sore just reading your posts. You'll have to forgive me, I only skim through them cause I don't handle these things so well. I'm nauseous just from reading about the stitches prob not holding... *Happy thoughts, happy thoughts*

I haven't been bugging you on msn because I don't want to bother but I am thinking of you and I hope your pain goes away very very very soon :?:hug::rose:
It will be better soon. Just remember thatthe pain istemporary and that eventually you will feel better from it. :hug:
Hey Jen,

Just want to say that I really hope you are done with this mega pain business very, very soon. I feel horrible for you. I just can't imagine.

Sending well wishes to you. I hope all this is over soon;).
