Well-Known Member
Scold him. You don't whant a spoiled bunny. Tellhim "No!!" And stomp your foot. When you see him on or begining to hopon there repeat this action and he will learn to not jump on the bed.Or take a water bottle and spray him if he ignores you. You can alsotake a rolled up news paper and smack the bed to scare him off. I don'tcare if Bun-Bun is on my bed - but if he starts chewing at the sheetsthats when tell him NO!! If he ignores me I smack my hands, get up, andpoint my finger to his cage and say "Get into the cage -NOW!!" Andhe'll go into the cage cause he knew he did some thing bad. Even if Iturn my head and see him doing it - he'll jump off cause he knows he'sbeing bad.