Well-Known Member
mybunnywinnie wrote:
what if all he wants to do is sleep?Winnie likes to be "teased". I have a backscratcher that Ihold in front of him. He grabs the end w/ his teeth and moves it eitherto the left or right. I put it right back where it was and we do thisover and over, with Winnie moving it further away each time. I can'ttell if he's getting annoyed or is enjoying it, but I just keep doingit until he gets bored.
You can also try to make him "beg" for his veggies (hold it above his head and make him stand on his hind legs).
I will also sometimes put a towel over his head and he'll poke around until he finds his way out and then do it again.
You can try just about anything and go with whatever works. Just followhis lead. Just don't do anything that angers or scares him.