Well-Known Member
Nope, those aren't it. Scroll down then you'll see what they are.
my dad and i have almost nearly spent lots of money on my rabbit cage, we are extending it because my first rabbit had babies with my male rabbit named mochaDepending on prices, you could spend anywhere from $50-$100. I think my cage I'm going to build, might be in the $70-80 price range if I get another box and do the things I'd like to do with it. And, it's going to be huge then.
The one that K mark sells. 6 grids for I think 14$. I'm not sure. Also I might use tiles for the floors. They are like smooth and easy to clean.$120? What grids are you looking at? Mine were $15 for 17 grids, and they go on sale a lot for $10 a box.
There are a couple different things you can use for the floor, most of which you should be able to find at a normal home improvement store like Home Depot or Lowe's. I used plywood with stick-on vinyl floor tiles (make sure they're not glossy or smooth!) for my first cage. You can also use remnant linoleum or vinyl flooring. Several people here have used pegboard, which can also be covered with stick-on floor tiles to make it less absorbant. Coroplast is very popular at the Cavycages website. It's plastic signboard. You can get it at home improvement stores, sign stores, or sometimes you can find stuff like old political signs made out of coroplast and get them for free.
My first cage was 2x4 grids, 2 grids high, with a 1x4 grid shelf. It cost me about $60.
in my oppinon I think they both dont seem soo good. Is zip tie is like a rope that ties your grid together. What will happen if it unties. And the connetors doesn't seem strong.I think zip ties.
i got a 6cube set for $15... and it only took one box to make my bunnies cage...it has plenty of room for both of them and it has three different leves/eight different shelves..Opps my bad. I thought it's 6 grid but i said 6 cube set. I don't know how many grids.
And which is better? Connectors or zip ties?