How do you play with your rabbit

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how canI tellmy rabbitthatI dont like it when he bites me. Even though it didn'thurt a lot. But I just don't like to get biten.
you can say OUCH when he does it or you can makea little squeal noise to let him know that its hurting you..but notvery loud because he might be scared;)
peapoo_bunny wrote:
you can say OUCH when he does it or you can make a littlesqueal noise to let him know that its hurting you..but not very loudbecause he might be scared;)
I tried but it just endupnipping on me more. And how do I cut it's nails?
peapoo_bunny wrote:
i just use normal fingernail clippers on my two, but dontcut the quick;)
You mean a nail cliper for humans or I have tobuy those special ones for rabbits. And If I cut my rabbit's nailswon't it be a lido shaper becuz of the edge? How do I trim the nailsafter I cut them.
yeah i use the ones for humans... and it doesmake them a little can try using a nailfile to file themdown after you cut them if he will let you
peapoo_bunny wrote:
yeah i use the ones for humans... and it does make them alittle can try using a nailfile to file them down afteryou cut them if he will let you
I tired cuting my rabbit's nailand it grew back so fast. But I cutted his nail with my friend. Myfriend holded the rabbit while I did the cutting. I tried to use afiler but I think the one I got is too weak so it didn't really work.How offen do you cut your rabbit's nails? And is it funner with onerabbit or two?
i just check my bunnies nails every now and thento make sure they havent grown out to long...but if i had to guess iwould say i trim them about once a month..maybe more than that im notsure..

i liked having just peapoo, but i also like having more than onebunny.. i think its both fun...but now that i have two bunnies theydefinately get into more trouble than peapoo ever did by herself
ummmm then how would you play with bunny ifyou're afraid of him?... keep in mind that biting isa form ofcommunication for rabbits.. they don't mean to hurt you... if youshould get nipped make a high pitched EEEEEEEEEE noise.. that's thenoise they make at each other when the nip is too hard... you'll noticebunny back off right way... soon bunny will learn what is an acceptablenip for you... you can't expect them to never nip you... I never had aproblem with any of my "biting". Yes bird toys are ok for bunnies.
Augusta LOVES to play tag!! it makes her sohappy!! I should count the binkies maybe.....23. She also loves toiletpaper rolls I put grass inside of it because she is and outdoor bun. Iswear shes gonna turn green!!about trimming her nails. you canjust trim them with regular nail clippers and file them....bunnicure!!just please be careful not to trim to the pink!! leave some room infront of the pink (which is the blood). Is your bunny a boy or girl andwhat breed is he or she? I'm sure we all have suggestions for names.
I hated clipping Bun-Bun's nails. He moved alotand you can cut to far and cut the quick and his toe willbleed. I usually had to take him to local vet to get themclipped. They finally yold me how to do it my self. Put a towl over hishead to make him feel safe and gently move his legs towards you andclip the nail. Make sure you do not clip the nail too far!!
As for him chewing on stuff, if you see him doing it - displine him.Thump your foot on the floor to get his attention and say "NO!!" Or"BAD!!"
Bunnies are not stupid - they are just like cats and dogs, they can learn rules and their names also.

As for a name, try Buster or Oolong. Those are 2 of my fav Bunny names.

bunnylover202 wrote:
Augusta LOVES to play tag!! it makes her so happy!! I shouldcount the binkies maybe.....23. She also loves toilet paper rolls I putgrass inside of it because she is and outdoor bun. I swear shes gonnaturn green!!about trimming her nails. you can just trim themwith regular nail clippers and file them....bunnicure!! just please becareful not to trim to the pink!! leave some room in front of the pink(which is the blood). Is your bunny a boy or girl and what breed is heor she? I'm sure we all have suggestions for names.
It's a loprabbit. Kinda big. Umm it has black and brown fur on the top. But onthe bottom where his belly is it's all white. I don't really have agood clear picture of it. Oh yea it's a boy.
Bun~Bun wrote:
Ihated clipping Bun-Bun's nails. He moved alot and you can cut tofar and cut the quick and his toe will bleed. I usually hadto take him to local vet to get them clipped. They finallyyold me how to do it my self. Put a towl over his head to make him feelsafe and gently move his legs towards you and clip the nail. Make sureyou do not clip the nail too far!!
As for him chewing on stuff, if you see him doing it - displine him.Thump your foot on the floor to get his attention and say "NO!!" Or"BAD!!"
Bunnies are not stupid - they are just like cats and dogs, they can learn rules and their names also.

As for a name, try Buster or Oolong. Those are 2 of my fav Bunny names.
Lol buster from auther. Oolong... I'm not sure if i'm prononcing it right. is it o-o-long or oo-long?
I'm not sure how to pronounce it, but Oolong thename of a rabbit on a very popular site. His owner wrote alot about him and took lots of pictures of the rabbit, who was trainedto balance small things on his head. Ever see a picture of abunny with a pancake on his head? That was Oolong.;)

What about naming him after his white nose? LikeSnip? Or his sweet personality? Or do you havefavorite characters that you would like to name him after?One of my buns is named after the Norse trickster god Loki. Ialso have two sister buns that are named after fairies- Fey andSprite. Mocha got her name because she's dark chocolate brownand hyper.:D

There's lots of great ideas for rabbit names, especially once you know what their personalities are like.
naturestee wrote:
I'm not sure how to pronounce it, but Oolong the name of arabbit on a very popular site. His owner wrote a lot abouthim and took lots of pictures of the rabbit, who was trained to balancesmall things on his head. Ever see a picture of a bunny witha pancake on his head? That was Oolong.;)

What about naming him after his white nose? LikeSnip? Or his sweet personality? Or do you havefavorite characters that you would like to name him after?One of my buns is named after the Norse trickster god Loki. Ialso have two sister buns that are named after fairies- Fey andSprite. Mocha got her name because she's dark chocolate brownand hyper.:D

There's lots of great ideas for rabbit names, especially once you know what their personalities are like.
What aboud brat from the simpsons. Lol. That doesn't sound socute though:?Oo yea can rabbits play with tinny beaniesbabys? I have this one that looks small and the soft square toy Ibought for my rabbit broke. And it seem like a lot of toys I buy frompetstores always break or the rabbit jsut doesn't like it.
try filling a box with paper and see if he likes shredding it...this keeps my two entertained all day:)

i like the name peter rabbit from the story...even though its not very creative i still think its cute;)
Actually I got the name Buster from TinyToons. Babs and Buster Bunny. But I forgot that Aurther did have abunny named Buster too, lol.
And yes, I got the name Oolong from the Japanese Dutch Rabbit thatcould rest stuff like pasteries, toys, and the mostimpressive, lit candle, on his head.
It's pernounced like the tea. "Oolong." Oooo-long.

Here's some names:
Bun-Bun #2(LOL.)
Baby Cakes

very impressive bun bun. My suggestion waspatches, b/c of the different colors or picking a name of a characterin a movie that is out right now. My rabbit likes when you roll upnewspaper into a ball and put it in front of her... she throws it up inthe air and plays by herself. Do you have any area in the house withcarpet? Maybe carry your bunny into that room to let him run and play.It does take awhile if they are shy. My rabbit gets excited by sillythings like plastic rustling. Probably because her veggies come inplastic but even if I am not getting food out she runs the 500 when shehears that noise or we sing to her. I promise to stop singing if shestops running around like a mad woman.. it works. LOL. I think patienceis a virtue. It takes awhile to get to know rabbits and theirpersonality because in their first year of life they go thru what weexperience in our first 15-20. They are babies when we bring them home,they go thru puberty and hormonal stuff, then if we neuter them thathelps but takes some time to settle them down and finally they are anadult. They have the personality they will most likely have longterm.Rabbits are the most unique and fun pet you could have if the ownerjust puts the time and energy into them. They will be what we make ofthem. It is a lot of hard work, but it is true. I have found this in myexperience. I had to be out of town for awhile and my bun totallychanged when I was not here to give her the same attenion as before.She seems to be coming around, but everyone cares for them differentlyso be patient and use the internet to it's fullest. OH and enjoy ourresource center as well as member advice. It has truley helped me. Mostof all remember to read what people write with the caring way they meanit, and don't get offended if someone writes weird things at 3am hayesit is 3 here now, wishes and have fun with your friend

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