Holiday & Fiesta

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:hug:Leaf, you gave those boys the best life possible, and stepped up to the challenge for caring for them when most people who have hesitated. You did everything you could for them, made them comfortable and happy, you are amazing. And them boys I'm sure are very grateful and will bewatching you from up above always, and the best part is, they are together again.

I'll never forget these two, and if I ever get the chance to do what you did, you can gurantee I will in a heartbeat. I admire you so much.


RIP Holiday and Fiesta

You guys were truley special.
I'm so sorry, Leaf. He was such a special little boy, in every sense of the word. I am glad though that you were able to be with him when he passed so he wasn't alone.

We all knew they weren't going to live long lives, I just wish they could have lived longer. But I think you made them really happy in the time they were with you.

Binky free with Fiesta, Holiday.

I'm sorry I didn't put his name in the TODAY thread before now. I just..... couldn't stand to even think about it. I have tears rolling down my face.

That little guy touched so many people! I keep thinking of him in the water and how he liked that feeling.

I'm so sorry, Leaf. I can only echo what others have said on here, that Holiday was a beautiful, special boy and that you are a wonderful person for making the last part of his life filled with love and comfort. He may not be with you anymore, but you gave him so much while he was and you're an inspiration to all of us for that. He truly can binky free now. I hope your heart can heal.
So very sorry to know he is gone. What you did for the boys was the kindest, most generous thing anyone could have done. You made them feel loved and special. Hope you can take some time for yourself now and heal your heart. Blessings to you.... :hug:
What dear little boys they were....and how awesome you are to have given them such a wonderful life....thinking of you and praying that your pain will lessen, and your happy memories of your sweet boys will fill the void.
I rarely commented on your blog, but I loved reading it. I even shared the pics with my husband and son..they were literally in love with them..sweet lil beings..

I was in tears when I read about Holiday. My husband came back from Mickey D's and found me in tears. I am truly sorry for your loss..

Oh I just read this Blog and was so overjoyed with it all.. I know your heart is breaking as they are at the Bridge, but you REALLY were an Angel to them, for them and for the next.. they knew love and happiness because of you..

Quite the responsibility you took on and wish I was as strong as you were through this all.. bless you..
What a heartwarming story. These two will definitely have a place in my calendar, as well as a place in my heart. As do you, Leaf. It takes a strong person to take in lives so dear. Thank you for doing so. Thank you for sharing it with me.
Oh Leaf, I'm so sorry to hear that Holiday passed away. Being off the forum for a month I missed so much.

These 2 little ones, had the best life with you thatany Bunny could have. I'm sure you brought them such joy and they knew they were safe and so loved.

Binky Free at the Bridge:rainbow: Holiday & Fiesta.:bunnyangel2:

You will be so missed by many.

Wow, I was away for too long too. . . I had no idea that Holiday had gone to the Bridge. . . Binky free boys, be sure to show my girl around up there.
Oh Leaf, I'm so sorry for your loss.:tears2: Those sure were two special boys and you are so wonderful for having taken them in and making them as comfortable as they could be until the end of their journey. You are their angel.

:bunnyangel2:Binky free Holiday and Fiesta.:rainbow:
angoragrl wrote:
Wow, I was away for too long too. . . I had no idea that Holiday had gone to the Bridge. . . Binky free boys, be sure to show my girl around up there.

I was so sorry to hear you had lost Lily. It breaks my heart each time someone loses such sweet family members...

You were so much a part of Holiday & Fiesta's journey - I can never thank you enough!
Thumpers_Mom wrote:
Oh Leaf, I'm so sorry for your loss.:tears2: Those sure were two special boys and you are so wonderful for having taken them in and making them as comfortable as they could be until the end of their journey. You are their angel.

:bunnyangel2:Binky free Holiday and Fiesta.:rainbow:

They were both wonderful and had so much to offer in their short lives. Reading back through everything - it just amazes me how kind and compassionant so many were with the boys - and how hard people worked to give them a good life.
juliew19673 wrote:
Oh I just read this Blog and was so overjoyed with it all.. I know your heart is breaking as they are at the Bridge, but you REALLY were an Angel to them, for them and for the next.. they knew love and happiness because of you..

Quite the responsibility you took on and wish I was as strong as you were through this all.. bless you..

They are in my thoughts so often, simple daily things happen, or I run across something that I wonder about - small items that could possibly work for making lives easier for splay legged bunnies.

Perhaps in the future another (or more) will come my way. I'm up for the task, though in our seemingly short time together - the boys taught me so much more than I ever expected.

It's funny because I still research about disabled rabbits. Maybe one day something will come of it all, but for now I'm happy knowing Holiday & Fiesta were loved and given a chance at life.
I finally updated Holiday's Bunspace profile and I also left a message from the heart in the Rainbow Bridge section there.

It seems *SO* final now.


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