Holiday & Fiesta

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I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you about this and I know you must be grieving.

How is Holiday dealing with this? Is he doing ok?

They say that what you had to do is the "final act of love" and I think that is so true -but so unfair. Why is it that by doing what is best for the animal so that it isn't in pain - causes us so much pain? Its like by opening our hearts to love - we also open ourselves up to the intense pain of grief...and in cases like yours - helping Fiesta cross the bridge - its like you open yourself up for the pain.

You gave Fiesta so much love in his short life....and you showed us as a forum that even severely handicapped bunnies could have a good life for a while.

I'm so sorry for your thoughts and prayers are with you.

Give Holiday an extra hug for me tonight...ok?

I'm so sorry to hear this very sad news.

I am sitting here in tears reading this blog.

Binky Free at The Bridge Fiesta.:rainbow:

Susan :angelandbunny:

I wrote this awhile ago for a dear friend and have shared it but felt that I should again.

Binky Free Sweet Boy.

We choose them sometimes they choose us and other times they are given to us.

We bring them home and suddenly learn there is so much more.

We love them and care for them.

We feed them and play with them.

We watch them grow and marvel at the change.

We laugh and enjoy there every move.

We sometimes get annoyed at some of what they do, than they look at us and it is all ok.

We do our best to keep them safe and it is not enough.

We sometimes make the choice for how there life ends and sometimes they choose it.

We love them will all our hearts in the end they know this and that is best of all. They go to the bridge loved when so many others have never known love. They go knowing some day we will see them again and their hearts as well as ours will be whole.
Thank you all for your kindness. This has been very hard for me. I havent even wanted to be online since so much of my time on is dedicated to rabbit related searches, special needs rabbit website design etc, posting and answering questions about the boys - and talking about rabbits.

Work is keeping me too busy but its time when I'm home that really hurts. I believe everything that could have been done was done for Fiesta in his best interest.

Losing him really has made a huge impact on me, more than I thought possible I guess.
I read in your thread about your Flemmie that Fiesta is gone... I'm so sorry! I can't really imagine how you're feeling right now, because while I've lost a bunny before, I've never lost a special needs bun like him. I'm so sad for Fiesta and you and Holiday :( How is Holiday holding up? Poor boys.
Oh Leaf, I have just seen about little Fiesta. I am so very sorry. He had so many odds stacked against him, but still you hope that they can stay with us.

Thank you for giving him (and Holiday) the chance of love and happiness

[align=center]I'veupdated Fiesta's Bunspace blog and made a note on their Rainbow Bridge section as well.

I just read about Fiesta in your other thread....

I'm so sorry :(I just want to say that I think you are amazing for giving them a good home and so much love and happiness. Fiesta may not have been around for long, but he sure was a very loved bunny.

I hope Holiday is doing as well as can be expected....


:rose:Jen xx
Holiday is hanging in here. He had been quiet and calm for the last day or two, unlike in the beginning when he was always perking up looking for Fiesta.

This morning I had him laying on my lap while I was on the computer and I decided he was past due for a bath. His underside matts up quickly since he lays in everything.

He loves his baths. He's calm when the water is running and perks up when his weight is lifted by the water. I always have to support him so his head doesnt go under but it's cute to see how active and perky he is in the tub.

Drying off is a huge time to bond. I wrap him in a towel, very lightly rub him and dab him semi-dry, then put a hair dryer on low and blow him for a while. After that, he gets wrapped in a new towel and he sits on my lap while I pet and "scrunch" through his fur in order to help it dry. The process takes a LONG time but I think he really enjoys it. :)
Oh Leaf, that's so sweet! He really loves his baths! Does he try to swim?

I think I'd have to hug and cuddle him all the time! What a doll. I'm glad he's doing ok.

How's his health right now?

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