Holiday & Fiesta

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Doesn't Holiday remind you of what a bug on a windshield must look like when it hits?



It's bath day again - see how poopy his bum can get?

Oh Leaf, I was reading through this thread and bawling of course because as you know I just found out about Fiesta. . . . I think I must have been stuck in a box somewhere or something to have missed that one. . . . and then I get to Holiday!!! I needed that!

You know how you said he likes his baths. . . . . I guess I wasn't too far off with my nickname for him when he was here those few days then, remember, I was calling him Ducky!
Leaf, I just read about Fiesta on BinkyBunny, so I came over here to check out your threads on RO. I am so very sorry about Fiesta. It is little consolation, but you gave him a heck of a lot more than the shelter was willing to, and he got to be cuddled and fussed over (and green beans!) for part of his life because you were willing to give him a chance. Please give Holiday a nose rub for me.
When I got off work this morning I had a voicemail I couldn't quite understand but I thought I heard "a bunny" and Holiday. A little confused, I came home and e-mailed Save A Bunny rescue.

Several hours have gone by now and I was just about asleep when my cell phone rang. I let the voicemail catch the message...

Bottom line, S.A.B is FULL and they have someone pretty insistant on surrendering their 7-8 month old splay legged girl bunny - would I be interested?


Bo B Bunny wrote:
Gonna spay her before you introduce them or neuter him?


:foreheadsmack:LOL - I think it's all perfect considering the thread I made about being denied adoptions because he isn't neutered and then shortly after I get a call from the rescue I adopted Holiday & Fiesta from...

I still don't know anything else about her at this point but I emailed Joann this morning with a definant YES that I want to adopt another splayed baby.
I wonder if they could give her some hormones or something?

Might be easier to snip Mr. Holiday....
I have yet to follow through with another adoption, and at this point I believe I'll hold off.

The celebraton of life both Holiday & Fiesta shared has come to a conclusion.

I came home from work this morning to find Holiday in shock. He had flipped his back legs over, as he was somewhat prone to do, to where his back end was twisted while his front legs and head remained flat on the ground.

We only had moments together before he passed on. I don't know what else to say at this point.

Both boys were special and they touched my heart in a way I just can't begin to describe. Losing Holiday today has made the boys' journey complete but I know I'll never be the same.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Take comfort in the fact that you made the final days of these bunnies lives happy ones. They are together again, binkying at the Bridge.

RIP Holiday and Fiesta.
:rainbow:RIP Holiday. I'm so sorry to hear this Leaf. Holiday and Fiesta are together again and you gave them a great home while they were here.
Binky free, Holiday and Fiesta. They are together again now. Leaf, you did a wonderful thing giving these guys a home, and lots of love and care during their short lives. You did the best for them that you could have, they were a lucky couple of little buns.
Well, I'm getting ready to go to bed. I have to work tonite but I don't know how much sleep I'll actually get today. I've just been so out of sorts lately.

The arrival of my niece was a huge, uplifting experience that left adopting from S.A.B on the back burner. I still feel bad for putting that off but the timing struck at a bad time (of which I actually have few moments of since my life is so.. dull) - In a way I wish things could still go through but I'm too numb right now to even make an effort.

After losing Fiesta I cant describe how much of an appendage Holiday became for me. I carried him everywhere, situated him in whatever room I was in where ever I was, took him to visit family. He was my constant companion. I was so, so afraid he'd become depressed and lonely after losing Fiesta.

Now I'm empty, even with my remaining 5 bunnies. Several times this morning as I've wandered through the house doing needed chores I've paused to get Holiday - I've stopped typing on the computer to look over and check on him as well.

I may break down his pool house after I type this, just so I dont walk back into the room later and see it empty. I just don't know.

Thank you all for your kind words. Those boys were dear and I wish so much many of you could have met them. They were happy and I gave them my very best.

Leaf wrote:
We only had moments together before he passed on. I don't know what else to say at this point.

Both boys were special and they touched my heart in a way I just can't begin to describe. Losing Holiday today has made the boys' journey complete but I know I'll never be the same.

Oh no! I am so very sorry for your loss.

Your boys touched me in a special way and I hope you know that our private discussion about splay legs helped me with Radagast so he will have a better quality of life.

I am so sorry for your loss - that is all I can really think of to say. I sit here in shock - with tears streaming down my face. I was so looking forward to reading more about Holiday.

I knew you'd never be the same after they entered your life (I don't think you can ever be the same after caring for a handicapped rabbit) but I certainly never expected them to leave you so soon.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Oh Leaf, I was just thinking of Holiday yesterday and wondering how he was doing. :bigtears:I'm so sorry but I know that you gave him more than he could have hoped for in life - most people would unfortunately just let them suffer or die without an ounce of kindness or love.....

Holiday got love, tummy rubs, a nice clean place to live and many many people who loved him and he touched on RO especially.

Bless his little heart, he can binky like a normal bunny and with his brother...

I am so sorry, Leaf. These two little guys touched so many of us, and seeing how they enjoyed their short lives proves that you giving them the chance was so worthwhile - thank you for that.

God Bless, Holiday, go play with Fiesta.

I am so sorry Leaf. They were both so lucky to have a life with you before they went over the bridge. I am sure they both loved their time with you.

FRom any post I have read that you write I can see what a compassionate person you are. Sad though these times are you should be so proud of the life you were able togive them:):hug:

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