Holiday & Fiesta

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Bo B Bunny wrote:
Aww Look at those babies! They do well for how disabled they are!

I noticed that the larger one seems to wait for the smaller to get things and then he can take them away...?

He also seemed to be breathing harder.... was it just at that time?

Fiesta is the bigger one. His vitals get stressed the more he moves around so he "uses" Holiday quite a bit. Even at rest, though, Fiesta is more stressed than a normal rabbit since his weight is compressing his body.

It's a good relationship though. Holiday is very attached to Fiesta. Because of that, Holiday usually stays near Fiesta even though he is more likely to roam.

Fiesta simply conserves his energy by using Holiday's nearness as leverage or as a "fetch" mechanism. Of course this does irk Holiday sometimes when his hard-won items get snatched away by his greedy brother.
Oh, my! They are just so incredibly adorable! They almost look like little beanie babies, lol.

They are extremely fortunate that you take such wonderful care of them.:biggrin2:
I just checked my mail and saw that I had gotten my mini bales of hay in, so I decided to break open the oat hay for Holiday & Fiesta.

When I went into their room I noticed that Holiday had one of his ears down so I scratched it for him. He was THRILLED - so I scratched the other and his little back legs went nuts.

He couldn't give me enough licks fast enough!

Both ears smell fine, no discharge that I can see, but he was definantly needing a good scratching (something he cant do on his own).

When I left the room his ears were up but now I'm concerned. I dont want to run to the vet over every little thing so for now I've made a post in the infirmary section here to get some feedback.

Fiesta shows no signs of any ear discomfort at all.


Oh Leaf,I just watched the green bean video-bless their little hearts! They are so adorable but it just breaks your heart, doesnt it? They are so lucky to be with you.

About the ear, I wouldnt worry too much unless you see him itching it a lot or losing fur in that area. It could have just been an area he has trouble reaching.
There are some things that they can adapt to and others they won't be able to.

I have family member that was born without an arm. Try teaching a girl to shave her armpits with only one arm. Tying shoes, playing on a swing, swimming........

Trying to find options and solutions is all you can do. It would be great if you could bond a "motherly" bunny to them to help.

Some things you will have to do for them and sometimes they should have each other or if need be a healthy bunny to help them.

BTW - my family member is a parolympic athlete in a sport that everyone else has 2 arms...

Sometimes it works out just fine. :hug:
Holiday LOVES oat hay. He is such a buggar. :biggrin2:

Fiesta doesn't go after the new hays as much as his brother, but he enjoys "sorting" through it with his nose. :hearts
Leaf wrote:
Holiday LOVES oat hay. He is such a buggar. :biggrin2:

Fiesta doesn't go after the new hays as much as his brother, but he enjoys "sorting" through it with his nose. :hearts

More video! :inlove: I just love these little guys soooo much!!!

sas :camera :nod
Today isn't starting off well. Here's a post I just sent to the disabled rabbit group I'm part of:


Some of you may remember my initial posts about Holiday & Fiesta the splay legged bunnies I adopted through rescue.

My bigger boy, Fiesta, is currently having more issues than he's had before.

Over the last few days his breathing has been more labored, his appetite has gone down and his poop has lessened.

He has been vetted several times and the last time there were 'moist' sounds in his chest. Not *much* to worry about but the condition has yet to clear up.

I recently bought different hay in order to entice his eating, to little/no avail.

This morning he is even more lethargic than usual. He did drink some but he shows no interest an any food at all.

I know I've sent pictures and video links out. Last night I worked on my photo bucket account, moving images to folders so links may be broken at this point. Once I get a chance I'll resend pictures of the boys.

My vets prognosis is grim, as the boys grow their weight will eventually cause more harm than good. At this point, as Fiesta is bigger, he is feeling the strain.

With no two legs that will work together a mobility cart isn't an option for him.

Compromised breathing is hurting Fiestas quality of life at this point.

The vet has left me with "it's a matter of time". Other area vets have been less than blunt with their observations when both boys were doing well.

I am just at a loss this morning. Time is very crucial right now but the main problem is deciding when enough really is enough - or when more could help, if even for a short while.


I'll update as I can with this.
When I sent this PM out on Feb 27th to one of our forum members I didn't originally intend to make it public.

However, with problems we're starting to face here I've decided to post it. I was *so* happy to be able to candidly talk about the boys even though some realities are hard to face:


Both Holiday and Fiesta have good quality of life right now, but my vet (and I agree) feels they will not reach maturity, or much further beyond that point.

She feels strongly that they are New Zealands or mixes, which means their potential to grow is great within the upcoming months.

The boys lay fully extended on their bodies with almost no support from any of their legs. They resemble seals at rest with no tail or appendage support.

Fiesta is growing faster than Holiday. His body, if you could see in person, is alarmingly flat already.

They both need proper nutrition in order to keep them healthy - internally they cannot affoard to be ill as they need full function of all organs since the organs bear great pressure and have to work harder than those of an ordinary system.

Of course, their genetic make-up only knows one map system, and they are at their maximum growth period NOW.

Because I know them on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour level the vet trusts me to keep an eye on their progress. When I have doubts or questions they are welcome at the office and blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels can be checked.

Unfortunantly there isn't a lot more that can be done.

They have to live as stress free as possible - little excitement in order to keep heart rates normal and oxygen levels up, lungs clear of residue.

Because Fiesta is heavier he cannot breathe deeply. Due to this, his lungs are at risk daily for any type of buildup that could worsen. He is comparable to a person with cystic fibrosis.

Holiday can prop his rear quarters up by extending his back knees. This, and his smaller size, has kept his body more normally rounded so his organs aren't as affected.

The negative side of Holiday's outlook is he is absolutely LOST without Fiesta around. His stress level increase quite a bit if he is not within sight of his brother.

As the weaker of the two, Fiesta is at higher immediate risk. As the more dependant of the two, Holiday does not manage well without Fiesta.

Losing one to quality of life/health issues ... It's hard to put into words, but I expect to lose Fiesta first. If that happens Holiday will be alone and unhappy and unfortunantly (though I NEVER wish a disability on any rabbit) finding an appropriate bond-mate for Holiday would be nearly impossible at least in a timely matter that would *possibly* make a difference.

These boys have been together from the beginning and when the rescue took them in there wasnt much hope of adopting them out. Once Fiesta started showing stress signs their adoption potential went DOWN - and realizing the bond between the two- no corrective vetting was done on their legs because time had already began to stand still for them.

(I refused to decline the adoption even though I knew he was getting bad once I was finally told of the situation)

Depending on* rabbits' splay, organs can shift at various degrees. Some effects are rarely noticeable or affective on a body. These two have been dealt quite a hand. What they are, they are. Various routes could have been taken in their fate but this one was put into play and my absolute goal for them is to provide comfort, support and love - all while trying to keep an open and honest outlook.

But really, it isn't easy. Losing one is almost a guarantee of losing the other - but then I have to be fair and can't hold onto one longer than what is fair... all to prolong the others lifespan.

It's a lot to think about, always in the back of my mind. Day to day is the best way to live with these babies. Each day is a blessing, each ounce gained a curse as to the double edged sword it represents.

If I think of it too long ... I don't really. Anything less than celebrating each moment spent together is a moment lost and I don't want that.

Not right now.
Praying for you and the boys. :pray: You have a good heart and the strength to guide you through this tough time.

Oh, no :(

I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that Fiesta was getting worse rapidly. He looked good in the green-bean video.

I suspected as much, having looked into splay legged bunnies before. :( Been wracking my brain on how to take pressure off, last night I thought about pool therapy...I was going to ask about that.

Here's hoping that at least for now he can shake this off andspend more comfortabletime with his little brother and the remarkably kind and selfless bunny mom who has allowed him to experience such a wonderful life eventhough it could only mean a brokenheart.

Keep working it little guy.

Im so sorry, Jessica.

One suggestion I have which may help just a little is to go out and buy a stuffed rabbit that is about the same size as each (you should have a lot to choose from this time of year). Rub it all over each of them and then put it in their enclosure for them to snuggle with. Then, if one passes, the other will still have the stuffed buddy to snuggle. It may help a little.

Wish I could help more.


I had a bunny that was slightly splay-legged, but it wasn't nearly to this extent.

All I can do is tell you that I wish you the best with them.
I think the hardest part of all of this is the fact that Leaf is going to end up with a broken heart, Pipp.

Fiesta has had a better life in the short time he's been with her than so many people and other animals ever get.

He also has gotten green beans..... andthat made him very happy. Love and food and a nice soft bed is pretty cool to a little bunny.
Fiesta showed no improvement through Monday. Even through care from the vet he was unable to remain comfortable or breathe without difficulty into Tuesday evening.

Xrays showed additional problems Fiesta had acquired due to the skeletal twisting due to his weight and body posture. Organ damage and malfunction were adding stress to his body that may have been able to be temporarily corrected *if* surgery were preformed but with his breathing difficulties surgery was not an option at this point and with his steady decline the outlook wasn't good at all.

His stress was very evident early this morning, appetite completely exhausted and with very heavy hearts we decided to let him go rather than to keep him in so much distress while hoping for a possible turn in his condition.

It is a beautiful day outside right now and not one I would have wanted to spend this way - burying my boy.

:bigtears:Oh, Leaf, I know you'd have done anything you could not to have to let him go. Poor little guy. I'm so sorry.

How is Holiday doing alone?


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