When I sent this PM out on Feb 27th to one of our forum members I didn't originally intend to make it public.
However, with problems we're starting to face here I've decided to post it. I was *so* happy to be able to candidly talk about the boys even though some realities are hard to face:
Both Holiday and Fiesta have good quality of life right now, but my vet (and I agree) feels they will not reach maturity, or much further beyond that point.
She feels strongly that they are New Zealands or mixes, which means their potential to grow is great within the upcoming months.
The boys lay fully extended on their bodies with almost no support from any of their legs. They resemble seals at rest with no tail or appendage support.
Fiesta is growing faster than Holiday. His body, if you could see in person, is alarmingly flat already.
They both need proper nutrition in order to keep them healthy - internally they cannot affoard to be ill as they need full function of all organs since the organs bear great pressure and have to work harder than those of an ordinary system.
Of course, their genetic make-up only knows one map system, and they are at their maximum growth period NOW.
Because I know them on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour level the vet trusts me to keep an eye on their progress. When I have doubts or questions they are welcome at the office and blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels can be checked.
Unfortunantly there isn't a lot more that can be done.
They have to live as stress free as possible - little excitement in order to keep heart rates normal and oxygen levels up, lungs clear of residue.
Because Fiesta is heavier he cannot breathe deeply. Due to this, his lungs are at risk daily for any type of buildup that could worsen. He is comparable to a person with cystic fibrosis.
Holiday can prop his rear quarters up by extending his back knees. This, and his smaller size, has kept his body more normally rounded so his organs aren't as affected.
The negative side of Holiday's outlook is he is absolutely LOST without Fiesta around. His stress level increase quite a bit if he is not within sight of his brother.
As the weaker of the two, Fiesta is at higher immediate risk. As the more dependant of the two, Holiday does not manage well without Fiesta.
Losing one to quality of life/health issues ... It's hard to put into words, but I expect to lose Fiesta first. If that happens Holiday will be alone and unhappy and unfortunantly (though I NEVER wish a disability on any rabbit) finding an appropriate bond-mate for Holiday would be nearly impossible at least in a timely matter that would *possibly* make a difference.
These boys have been together from the beginning and when the rescue took them in there wasnt much hope of adopting them out. Once Fiesta started showing stress signs their adoption potential went DOWN - and realizing the bond between the two- no corrective vetting was done on their legs because time had already began to stand still for them.
(I refused to decline the adoption even though I knew he was getting bad once I was finally told of the situation)
Depending on* rabbits' splay, organs can shift at various degrees. Some effects are rarely noticeable or affective on a body. These two have been dealt quite a hand. What they are, they are. Various routes could have been taken in their fate but this one was put into play and my absolute goal for them is to provide comfort, support and love - all while trying to keep an open and honest outlook.
But really, it isn't easy. Losing one is almost a guarantee of losing the other - but then I have to be fair and can't hold onto one longer than what is fair... all to prolong the others lifespan.
It's a lot to think about, always in the back of my mind. Day to day is the best way to live with these babies. Each day is a blessing, each ounce gained a curse as to the double edged sword it represents.
If I think of it too long ... I don't really. Anything less than celebrating each moment spent together is a moment lost and I don't want that.
Not right now.