Harper's in emergency surgery

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MyBoyHarper wrote:
Hey guys! Harper is doing much better! He is readily eating and drinking now with his collar on, as well as munching down on hay. His poops are still a bit weird, but he's pooping more and more each day. He has a nice pile in his litterbox tonight. They're still odd colored and shaped. Sometimes it'll be a string of dark, thin poopies stuck together, and other times it's a pile of very dry, hay filled poopies. Poopies nonetheless though, and I couldn't be happier!

His staples come out on Thursday, boy are we excited! :D

:woohoo...grrrrreat news!!!!

Binx had strange poops after her surgery, too.

Everything should slowly go back to normal after he recoups and get all of the meds out of his system.

Binkie had to wear her collar for 4 weeks...24/7. I couldn't take my eyes off her for even a few seconds without it, or she'd be chewing at herself. She absolutely refused to let me groom her and by the time the collar came off she was pretty scraggly looking. She groomed non-stop the whole day after we took it off. Talk about weird poops......it was more like arts & crafts stuff :shock:.


Jim, his poops are looking a bit better this morning. He's starting to have more round, plump size ones, although they are still dehydrated and dry looking. I'msure they'll be normal soon though. He's got a litterbox full this morning!

Even though his staples come out Thursday, he has to wear the collar until Monday to make sure that he doesn't chew the incision and open it back up. If that happens, we'd have to do this collar thingall over again!

I take his collar off for a minute every now and then but he usually goes right for the staples, so it pretty much stays on 24/7. However I do take it off each day while holding him so that I can groom his sheddy little self. Oh jeez does he shed!
