Hi Carolyn!! Good to see you around, you're rarely here!
Harper is doing good this evening. He's drinking loads of water, and nibbling on bits of hay. However, I am getting extremely concerned. He barely pooped a few tiny little poops yesterday, and absolutely none today. The vet seems to think it's because he is barely eating, however I am still worried. He is also refusing to eat his pellets, and hasn't eaten any since he came home Wenesday (he had the surgery Tuesday). He only wants to nibble on a *little* hay here and there.
He's also grooming himself a LOT when I take the collar off, as well as pulling out his chest hair because of the Nutri-Cal that keeps spilling there, even though I wipe it off. All this worries me because he sheds so badly all I keep thinking about is another hairball blockage.
I called the vet and the receptionist said he was gone today for some reason but she wouldpass on my message to him. She said he would call in the morning and let me know whether to come in or not.However he opens at 8, I live an hour away, and he closes at noon.
After a blockage surgery, has anyone had any of these problems or concerns? This is Harper's first surgery and first big illness and I am beside myself with worry.
He and I sat together awhile ago and he got a 45 minute nose rub while I was watching Spongebob. My hand was cramping by the time I finished,and then he was upset and kept nudging me for more when I quit, LOL! Him and I have bonded a lot lately since he got sick, because I've been with him nearly 24/7. He's probably sick of me by now!