Harper's in emergency surgery

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Best to make your own slurry using Harper's favourite pellets (well soaked!), metamucil (seeing as he doesn't have a blockage anymore), a probioticand some banana or apple juice or something. He'll be getting his vitamins from the Nutric-Cal. (I don't think the Nutri-Cal is easy to mix in with the slurry, but that would be great if it is).

I'll poke around for a recipe with the amounts.

Will do, thanks for all the great advice Pipp!

Jim, remember how you said your rabbit scooped his pellets up in the collar and used it as a serving tray? Well Harper is doing that now! He's been doing it a lot tonight and has a pile of pellets in his collar right now, LOL. Hoping this means that he will be eatinga bit more and we'll see good poopies tomorrow!

One thing that NOW puzzles me is why banana is good for diarrhea, and if that means it's not so good for constipation/stasis situations.

Definitely need more info on that one!

I've heard somewhere before that banana causes constipation in bunnies... which, I assume, is why it's good for diarrhea. I actually gave Harper a tiny piece this morning just to see if he would nibble it, but he refused. Such a picky bunny (but he's always been that way!).

The only place in this state that I can find that sells Dandelion greens is Whole Foods, which is an hour and a half drive from me. I am going to go Monday and buy him some, because he absolutely loves his dandelion greens. Maybe it'll makehim feel better, my poor little dude needs some extra spoilin'.

We have poopies!!!! And quite a few poopies...probably about 20 or so in alittle pile in his litterbox. However, I'm not sure if they are good poopies... on one side is a string of very narrow poopies all strung together and they're very dark. They almost look like hardened Nutri-Cal strung together. Then on the other side on the box is a little pile of very dry, semi-round poopies. He's pooping, so that's a good sign, but is the abnormal poopies... normal? Especially since he just started eating more and getting things moving again. Should I be concerned or mainly just happy that he IS pooping now? BTW, the dry poopies have little hay specks in them as well.


If they're poops at all, they're just fine! His little insides areprobably out of shape, not surprising that what comes out is alittle bent, too!


sas :yes:and the happy bunnies :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Woohoo! Well, then this is definitely a wonderful sign! As of last night, he was eating a lot better (shoveling pellets into his collar, he must've overheard you Jim!), eating bits of hay, ate his pumpkin, and this morning... poopies! I am so relieved at all this positive progress!

MyBoyHarper wrote:
Jim, remember how you said your rabbit scooped his pellets up in the collar and used it as a serving tray? Well Harper is doing that now! He's been doing it a lot tonight and has a pile of pellets in his collar right now, LOL. Hoping this means that he will be eatinga bit more and we'll see good poopies tomorrow!
Smart little guy!!

Binkie needed to have a big shallow bowl, and ended up spilling most of the pellets. For the first few days I made sure her bowl was full and then once she got it figured out, I tried to limit them so she didn't become a chubby bunnie.
Within a week she was chowing down like normal.
The stitches come out Thursday, however the collar will stay on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to make sure that he doesn't open the incision back up. If he does that, we have to do this all over again. So, he has to have it on another week until next Monday... poor Harper.
Glad to hear that Harper is on the mend! :bunnydance:
Pipp wrote:
One thing that NOW puzzles me is why banana is good for diarrhea, and if that means it's not so good for constipation/stasis situations.

Banana is supposed to be good for both diarrhea and constipation ;) High in fiber, but also high in moisture, bananas help regulate the digestive system. In humans,that is. I believe their high sugar/starch content can adversely affect rabbits if fed in high amounts.
:bunnydance::highfive::yes::great:sooooo glad to hear that he's pooping....hope it's even better today....keep us posted....nose rubs all around!...grace, pumpkin and whiskers
Hey guys! Harper is doing much better! He is readily eating and drinking now with his collar on, as well as munching down on hay. His poops are still a bit weird, but he's pooping more and more each day. He has a nice pile in his litter box tonight. They're still odd colored and shaped. Sometimes it'll be a string of dark, thin poopies stuck together, and other times it's a pile of very dry, hay filled poopies. Poopies nonetheless though, and I couldn't be happier!

His staples come out on Thursday, boy are we excited! :D

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