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gypsy wrote:
LOLI was going to get pictures tonight Tiffbut unfortunately it didnt turnout as good as I would have liked , We lost one ofthe Tort babies tonight , I guess he hadntpulled far enough out of it and justexpired.
oh no! :(Gypsy Im so sorry! :(
I did find out itwas mold in the center of the hay bales, My feed store sent back the whole load , I askedthem if anyone else had issues with htis load ofhay and was told yes the center ofthe bales were molded . I am nowconcerned for the other 5 I am justpraying they can pull out of it , thankfully noneof the older rabbits are having an issueright now .

My feed store has offered to replace thebales , thats not a concern as I toldthem , But losing 6 baby dutch will break my heartif it happens .
ugh ... how terrible! ...butat least you know what the problem is, so that the other babies can beaffectively treated if any problems come up. You should save a sampleof the mold and give it to your vet so that if the lil guys need to betreated they will know exactly what treatmentto use.
Cheddar is doing well onBaytrill and the subQ they stuck under is skin, and I have been giving him Rasberry teaby serynge. I have started the other 4 on it aswell but have to wait till morning to get themsubQ'd , major inconvience butwe do what we have to do .
I wasn'tchastising you dear! I really meant it! You walk such a line betweengetting right to the dirt of the matter and then sometimes you are sosensitive. This was a great example of that... Your way of saying thathe's crossed the bridge was a gypsyism if ever there was one!

:hug:Thanks Razz , I knew you were not chastizing ,

Sometimes I get a bit overly emotionalabout losing Babies . and after the fightwith Cowboy and these 6 Dutch babies , the need to findcorrect wording was out the window asfrustration on the death of the baby andthe loss of Bullet was a bit much to bear inthe same 2 week period. I am not aneasily frustrated person . I do have to tell youthat those two deaths rocked me tothe core , especially with Bullets coming so out ofthe Blue and at that time whatseemed to no apparent cause .

The deaths have caused me torethink whats going on here and to lookfor alrenative means of getting hay to them. and Alternatives to everything elseconcerning the rabbits . I know 2 balesdont make a bad truck load But the what ifsare scaring the life out of me . Myscariest thought is what IF it had efftectedmy Pregnant Flemish ! and she had aborteda much anticipated litter , There is somuch to think about and to take into concideration. I have warned before that Breeding is not forthe faint of heart . But i didnt know it would bemy Heart that was severely Tested .

remember : Even though a Willow bends in the wind , The Willow also has a breaking point .
I'm so sorry thatthis has been so rough on you. But as youput so well, you canbend a long way before you break.

Sometimes it's just up to a higher power.We don't even know why. Even though it's difficult, remember thatsomebody that is a lot better at mapping things out, is planning thetrip... Who knows what mayhave been ahead for thosetwo?

When it's our time, it's our time. Ashard as it is to see it come.Be it bunnies, friendsor Grandmas...We just have to learn to love them enough tolet them go. Then we go on and try to live a little betterbylearning from something they shared with us while they werehere.


For Freddy's Mom :





For PGG:

Ethel aka Keiko : Ethel is a Champagne DArgent.


For SLG:

Gramma Milly:


Gramma Milly and her brother haveBoth decided that they need a skunk strip runningup the back of their necks . Neither I believe isshowable , oh well the search goes on .Both will stay here with me . their justto sweet of babies to rehome .

I forgot to add the Happy couple , They were introducedYesterday , Miss Tank Bossy Pants Thought they should , Poorshy introverted Sam thought they shouldnt, so Tank decides to nip thefeet and the chase was on ! :disgust:Babies on hte 16 Jan. who knows , she wasinsistant but he wasnt really umup to it .


ok wheres the picsof my baby spotty butt lololol i still so want thatlittle baby LOL
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:


These are the best pictures to date that I've seen. :blueribbon:

They all look phenomenal.


I have been sitting herethinking and thinking about Our Miss Tank.and Concidering we really have no way to judge acuratelyjust how old she really is , Rose thinkssomewhere around 4 , but it could be more or less .I have decided that If she took lastnight and does kindle around Jan 16th ,This litter may be her last litter of babies .Judgement will be made upon kindle and how well shebouces back from her conception and weaning. I would personally rather have her happyand be able to retire into a pet rabbitfor the rest of her days . Sheis a joy to be around andloves to bask in attention .She really enjoys her Round pen time, even gives me half binkies , Shewill even come over to me nowwhen I sit inthe pen with herand nudge me for attention , lay comfortableand relaxed as I pet her from earto toe .

She doesnt fight mepicking her up , nor does she offer to bite , scratch , or beobnoxious , I have a tendency to hold her as one would holda small child , facing me arm around hershoulders and an arm under her Butt .her response to that is bump me under thechin so I rest my chin on herhead , her eyes close and Wewalk to the pen .

Spmeone once mentioned her snottyattitude as being one of not beinginthe right forever home . Ihave to agree with that statement . Shehas turned into one of the best well behaved rabbitsin my Barn .

This is my main reason in notwanting to breed her again . I want tokeep her in teh good graces she is in now. As her and I grow old together we willforge a friendship unlike she has ever known before .

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