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Awww poor little thing, hopefully today will bebetter for her lol no more grossing out poor little SLG. Just as anupdate on mom her thumb is very very sore this morning, its right inthe part of the thumb that whether you move the thumb or not it stillflex's. So the stitches are sore and so is the bone and all the tendonsin her hand from having to compensate for not being able to hold aknife right.
Poor SLG, I guess everyone was out to gross her out last night , even the TV lol.

SLG: why is it when hurts happen to Us its cool and neat ,but when it happens to someone else it bothers us more,? anythoughts Sweet Heart?:kiss:
Oh Gypsy!! :sad:

I just saw your hand. :no: Not a good place to cutyourself - the thumb is probably our most used finger as we can't pickanything up without it.

Keep it clean, Dear Heart! I'm pray for a quick and completerecovery. Good Lord, if it's not one thing, it's another, ey?

I hope the throbbing and pain has dimished since it happened.


:jumpforjoy:I have an idea! I have an idea!

Since you can't do stuff with your thumbhurting, you should make ol' what's-his-butt fluff some cushions foryou to plant your tushy on, then he can massage your tootsies, make youa nice meal and hand feed it to you, and then do yourchores...hmmm.... there must be more.... It's yourturn to be taken careof!

Wow Gypsy, that sounds nasty! And I agreewith Carolyn, the thumb is so important to us for being able to dothings. (If my dog had thumbs I'd be in serious trouble...:?) Take careof it and yourself, and yes...take things easy for a change and leteveryone elsepamper you!

Feel better soon....

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
:jumpforjoy:I have an idea!I have an idea!

Since you can't do stuff with yourthumb hurting, you should make ol' what's-his-butt fluff some cushionsfor you to plant your tushy on, then he can massage your tootsies, makeyou a nice meal and hand feed it to you, and then do yourchores...hmmm.... there must be more.... It'syour turn to be taken careof!


:rofl: Thats a great idea Raz, but ummm yeah if he were to cook mom andcass would starve lol goodness only knows what he might try to feedthem. Also I just dont see him doing it.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
:jumpforjoy:I have an idea! Ihave an idea!

Since you can't do stuff with your thumbhurting, you should make ol' what's-his-butt fluff some cushions foryou to plant your tushy on, then he can massage your tootsies, make youa nice meal and hand feed it to you, and then do yourchores...hmmm.... there must be more.... It's yourturn to be taken careof!


:rofl: omg thats too funny, old whats his buttactually do something for himeself I have a better chanceof a more hotter climate freezing over !!!

*******I just saw your hand. :no: Not a good placeto cut yourself - the thumb is probably our most used finger as wecan't pick anything up without it.

Keep it clean, Dear Heart! I'm pray for a quick and completerecovery. Good Lord, if it's not one thing, it's another, ey?

I hope the throbbing and pain has dimished since it happened.*******

Carolyn , I havent had proper use of that thumb for nearly 15years now, its no bigdeal . its just another bumpin the road , I have learned to use my hand in different ways . I havealso learned wehn smacking hubby cassi Shadow orone of her 3 kids , to wake up their brian , that I can smackthem and pick their noise with my thumb at teh sametime.

JimD, wasnt dressing anything with the chainsawaccident , that happened while cutting wood, , allI have to say to teh hubby is get teh chain saw I will helpwith wood and he goes all pale in the face.

The throbbing has let up some today , well it hadtill I cuffed on of the kids and made itache all over again. Then of course notenough hurt was inflicted so Shadow had to torture me somemore by banging into it in the car. Cats keepgrowling at it, and most of the bunniesrun away from that fat white thing.LOL. well except MissCheeky Butt herself , she came flying at it all growiling andsnarling. all whole 1 lb of

*****Thats a great idea Raz, but ummm yeah if he were to cookmom and cass would starve lol goodness only knows what he might try tofeed them. ******

Shadow has a point , I would have to go around for a headcount, yep 50 + rabbits ( check ) 2 cats ( check ) 4 kittens ( check )3 Birds ( check ) 4 snakes ( check ) 1 kid ( check check).assorted ducks, chickens etc, ( check chrck ) .Look at him and say OK: what is it ? , go make myself a sandwich.

Shadow has a point , I wouldhave to go around for a head count, yep 50 + rabbits ( check ) 2 cats (check ) 4 kittens ( check ) 3 Birds ( check ) 4 snakes ( check) 1 kid ( check check). assorted ducks,chickens etc, ( check chrck ) . Look at him and say OK: whatis it ? , go make myself a sandwich.

Yeah, um.... who'scooking Thanksgiving dinner?? Please tell me it's not whats-his-butt!:shock:

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Yeah, um.... who's cookingThanksgiving dinner?? Please tell me it's not whats-his-butt!:shock:

***meanwhile at "Jim's Eats"....***

"......microwave on High for 10 minutes......extinguish flame and let sit for 1 minute before serving"

Thanks For AskingJim D , I was getting \around to posting butwoke up a bit under the weather , andit looks like the weather maybe on us beofre thanksgiving , Have Imentioned I HATE SNOW!

I got the stitches out onMonday. the outside scar is healing nicely but itis feared that more internal damagewas done , They are waiting to seewhat the tendon will do , ifit will mend itself ( its seperatedlengthwise this time). I have lost what littlefeeling in the tip that I hadand now the upperjoint wont bend , Up side is . I haventhad total use of that thumb since 19 91so I am used to working with out most ofit . just now the stupid thing will get inthe way more often and I wonteven feel the problem untillits too late . kinda like LastMonday lol .

Whats his Butt is NOT allowed near the Stove, cooking utensiles , poor bugger islucky to be allowed to use a dull spoon ,Even then I am sure to carefully checkfor a sharpening stone.,:growl:ya just never knowwith him .

I will be cooking Dinner , hardpart will be peeling the potatoes andsquash, I have to remember all overagain how to hold the knife and peel atthe same time , No big ,

whats really annoying is I have to wear old ladystreatchy pants untill I can figure outhow to button jeans and use azipper agin lmao .
Too bad you dont live closer Gypsy... I havewaaaaay too much food for two people... I ordered my turkey... and thenyesterday, one of our clients' guardians came in with 13 15lb turkeys:shock:

He bought all of the regular staff a blooping turkey!

>.< dont know what the heck I am gunna do wth all this turkey...
LOL Yep thats itspermenet position now lol straight up ,or out to the side dependingwhich way the hand is being held at any givenmoment lol .

Doc says it will live, itsa long way from my heart , ( especially where as Ileave my heart in a dresser constantly ) . 99.9 bunnies allagree if its sticking out itmust be edible !:shock:Everyone has tried to get a bite ofthe funny colored carrot sticking out of my hand .lol dweebs .

It will never get back to what it wasbefore but If hubby doesnt getit with a chain saw , therabbits dont decide it is edibleIt just may stay on my handfor the rest of my life . :D
Well one thing to say is... nothing keeps Gypsy down for long lol!

I jusdt realized... it is gunna be vera dangerous when this bunnytransfer goes down... all those cute bunnies at Gypsies place......

Oh dear lord what did I get mahself into!
:rofl:Mellissa youare so in deeeeepppppp poo poo lol . One More dayleft before I see if I have Palomino Babies, theywill be of the lynx variety for my firstbreeding , hopefully it was a successful take !Nothing cutier than Pal babies inthe nest box LOL they are all ears ,

I was able to also abscond with 6 Goldens from a YouthBreeder who will be graduating in theSpring , I have 2 of her babiesPreviously , whodid very well on the Tables at Storrs. Iwill try to get pictures up as soon as I know whois who (have to match ear numbers topedigrees). The only One I am sure ofisthe Buck lol . Her Herd willbe continued as well as herestablished Line .

The Golden Buck is much Lighter in colorthat Tank is ,. His Genes will lightenTanks Babies from the deepbrassy red to the nice Golden colorJudges will be looking for , I am so excited .

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