Gypsy's Home thread .

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OMG I cant believe how much Mr. Jynx's face has matured! ::sniff:: he's growing up into such a man! :tears2:

Mr. Moose looks awesome as always! How much is he weighing these days??

and oh my gosh ... Freddy's evil twin is still the cutest ever! and the fact she'sa snot makes her even cuter LOL ..

My want list:

1. Freddy's evil twin, 2. a Pal baby, 3. a Checkered Giant baby ....butalas ..every time I speak with Brian he stresses ... NO MORE BUNNIES:X....we'll see come January ...heh..
Wonderful pictures, Gypsy, and your post aboutTank warmed my heart. It will be great if she has taken, then canretire and spend the rest of her time snuggling with you, her foreverMom :tears2:. I'm so happy for you both!

I feel sunshine in my heart!:love:

You and Tank deserve each other. I thinkshe must have known it was okay to let her defenses down and just beloved.

You're a good bunny mommy!

Time for an Update !

Please Read First , Before Looking at the Pictures.

Got 2 new babies in last night and Shadow has the third .

Jumping up on a soap box withthis one . and I am sure Blue Giants willjump right up here with me . CrossingPalomino with Flemish was one thing ,sometimes One can get the desired effectsto better one or the other breed, but asI post these pictures you are going tosee just how stupid some peoplecan be and how theyfoolishly jump into breeding just for the ProcessorPlant and have no regards for color ,style , bone density and temperment .whats really scarey is some of thesebabies can and do go into private homes. as Pets! Or they unknowinglyend up as some childs 4H project withdisasterous results .

what you are going to see , andat first you may not thinksomething is amiss here so I willexpalin it as I go along .

This picture shows a Sandy Flemish and aBlack Flemish , both these babies have Pedigrees ,What you dont see at first glanceis the Sandy has the wrong color Ticking, it isnt even and it isnt uniformedmeaning way too light on hte bottom ofthe rabbit graduating up to an almost though notquite Sandy ticking .

On the Black what you see is the Blackbody color , but upon closer inspectionyou will notice the Fawn undercoat. Herunderbelly is Blue.

The Mother of this litter of 9 is a Stunniing Steelwith a bad attitude weighing in at just over 17lbs.

The Father is a beautiful Fawn with thetemperment of aLover ,who Iwould guesstamate at close to 20 lbs ,these kids are not going to be smallpocket rabbits . They just turned 8 weeksold and these 2 already weigh 4 lbs each .




For anyone working with 4 H children :

Please feel free to use these pictures and thispost as a deterent toBreedforComercial Rabbit Sales , If theyperchance do breed for such purposesremind them it IS NOT a good idea to put them outfor the unsuspecting Public to purchase andpossible breedings that may occure.

I bought these rabbits with the intentof Educating the missgnomer ofbreeding for fun and profit andanyone else who feels this wayand would also like to pass the messagealong is free to use this post as a learning tool .

I will jump down off the soap box nowand let everyone digest my rantings Thank You foryou time, patience and help.

Oh Gypsy, I hate when people don't do breedingthe correct way at all. That is a shame for that. But on the other handthey are beautiful though. But not to mess around runing something likethat though.
i know nothing about breeding, or showing, andtherefore have nothing important to say on the issue except, i thinkthose two are beautiful. i understand your meaning and irresponsibilitybehind bad breeding, but i still think they are cute as heck.

lol, and i hope one day i can help as many rabbits as you do,

Nicky Snow wrote:
i know nothing about breeding, or showing, and thereforehave nothing important to say on the issue except, i think those twoare beautiful. i understand your meaning and irresponsibility behindbad breeding, but i still think they are cute as heck.

lol, and i hope one day i can help as many rabbits as you do,


They are very beautiful babies on their own, they are funny, energetic ( a word not normallyused when describing Flemish baby oradult lol ) and so full of them selves .Tonight Cassi put them into the round pen and itwas the most hysterical sight , they were running, jumping,twisting and full blown binkys . silly little babies .

I am not going to sugar coat anything it isnt mystyle as everyone knows , These 2 babieswere destine for the Processor along withthe other 6 siblings , I took them withthe chance of I could use them as a learningtool for children and someadults who seem to be clueless and " justwant to breed their rabbits " for fun orwhat ever , Mother Nature does not demand littersof rabbits . Rabbits procreate in order to fill aneed and to enhancethe breed , when Greedy Humans enter theequasion this is what results ,Mis marked rabbits occur naturally I for one dontthink it is necessary to creat mismarked rabbits . Unlessyou are working toward a certificate on anew or trying to reestablish a dying breed . Thatis my opinion only No one has to agreenor disagree , But I would like to hope someonewill take the time to look at this andthink before they try to breed two totallydiffernt, uncomplimentry colors together.
i would never want to be involved in breedingbecause, i'd want to keep all the babies ;). and i don't reallyunderstand judging and how some markings/colours are accepted and someare not. i always like unusual markings/colours. that is why Kweli camehome with me.

i went to my first show this year and it was fascinating. i still havesoooo much to learn. i was talking to some breeders, and one inparticular about Pals. He said Ontario shows never have Pals, but agood Pal could be entered and even win. (of course i forget whatcatagory :?)

ps- i'm am still considering adopting a pal, and i hope if Tank hasbabies, well i don't want to jinx her, but i hope you'll keep me inmind?

I agree with you Gypsy, I know that there is somuch in breeding that everyone needs to know. But If I wanted to trysomething new in the right way then I would.

I bet they will be so georgous though. I just love the black one.
Definately Nicky ,

I have set up a list of homesfor all but one Tanklette, One tanklette I willkeep , Naturally Rose is on the first place , after all shewent through heck getting Tank here .

Even though they will only have half pedigrees theywill be tattooed in decending order soI can keep prospective babiesand parents straight , afterall I am nearly at the top of the hilland getting toward that down hill slide lol .
gypsy wrote:
I am nearly at the top of thehill and getting toward that down hill slide lol .
*gasp* Never, :)

i think it'd be awesome to enter a Pal in Ontario and a baby Tank wouldblow the others out of the water ;). Then again, i might just keep thelittle rascal all to myself.

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