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gypsy wrote:
Iforgot to mention Laura there willbe 4 broken Aguti French Lop babies upfor adoption as soon as your ready . 8weeks from now there will be ( either ) BrokenOpals or Broken Blues , I amnot sure which their going to bequite yet.
Oh, Gypsy. I'm just seeing this. It's a good thing I live so far away!

How many blue French babies do you have? The one in the picis adorable - ooh - those little ears! How old is he?


gypsy wrote:
Iwas taking pictures of the French Lopbabies up for Adoption tody and decidedto go a little wild , ( well as wild asan old lady can get anyways )
That's enough of the "old" talk there lady!!

You are as only as old as you feel or the person you are feeling LOL

Old is such a naughty word in my book.;)
Laura wrote:
gypsy wrote:
I forgot tomention Laura there will be 4broken Aguti French Lop babies up for adoptionas soon as your ready . 8 weeksfrom now there will be ( either ) BrokenOpals or Broken Blues , I amnot sure which their going to bequite yet.
Oh, Gypsy. I'm just seeing this. It's a good thing I live so far away!

How many blue French babies do you have? The one in the picis adorable - ooh - those little ears! How old is he?

The Blue litter( all Opals ) arejust going on 3 weeks old and there is 6 of them .
Bitzy had her Last litter ofKitens last night , its kind ofbitter sweet , These Kittens are the last legacy toMr.Woo , I was hoping for a Solid Blackbut She only had Four Babies, all 4 havenew homes . Dont mind the mess all 8 yrold girls clean their rooms thesame way .


Jen : Not sure what you mean by amrble ? but one is Blck Tiger and theother 3 are orange tigers

The Mommy Kitty isa Half Bengal , If I can ever get her tosit in one place closeenough I will get a Picture ofher eyebrows ,They form a ridge over hereyes giving her the " I am grumpy look "when in fact sheis the swetest thing on 4 paws, as for the swirling affect Iam not sure , Cassi's bed is too low , kittens are too far back and Iam too old anf fat to get underthere and get back up , lol besides we soldthe Wrecker we had years ago lmao. Hopefuly she will move them in a weekor so , so that I can actually get areall good look at them .
Mommy must be just like Shasta, but minus theattitude. LOL Shasta is 1/2 Bengal too.But she is the most neurotic thing in the world. I handraised her from 2 weeks and I am the only person who she will let nearher. She has that Bengal fur.

You scared the heck outta me, Woman!! Zee was concerned because your daughter couldn't get you.

In your own words, you ever do that again, and I'll nail your feet tothefloor.

CRIMMINY! cripes I had tomake anEmergency run to Walmart this morning MyCoffee Machine commited suicide and I had nomorningCoffee! Ihome now and alls good even got2different types of Machines JUST IN case the newone decides to jump ship !

Where on earth did you find that smiley type thingy Gypsy????

And Crimminy Cripes??? I love that saying LOL I'll have to remember that one.

So ok by now you'd of had coffee so????? What's it like???? lol
allbetter now coffee in hand andfeelin good!!!!!!

Smileys are courtisy of Smiley central , justbe sure after down load tousea spy sweeper to get rid oftracking cookies.
I like these weird faces you guys comeup with, I have tried smiley central before but no luck in getting itto work, I think has something to do with the platform I use as I don'tuse explorer.

Anyway I have found a heap of others that I can sift through;).

Enjoy that coffee Gypsy, I know what I am like without my morning cuppait seems like the day just isn't right until you had one.
Ariel , it sounds likea firewall problem , it runs onan active X program and if you dont allowit it wont work , nest time youtry to down load it just on top ofthe window it will come up with abar saying active x blocked ifyou right click on it it will ask if youwant to open it or not justclick yes , you dont need IE touse smiley central , I use many different browserswith it on them and all work fine as longas you allow Active X.

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