YOU really want babies, but does Fluffball REALLY want babies? How would you feel if you were the bunny and a human made you carry a litter against your will. Some does just don't want to be a mommy.
You need to prepare yourself if she does give birth, you still could end up with no babies. Most of the time first time mothers have litters that do not survive, as they are inexperienced.
When I was a kid, I was cleaning my bunny's hutches and our 6 year old male (Frisbee) jumped into 9 year old female's (Middy) hutch. I saw them mate, and I took Frisbee out and didn't blink and eye. I really didn't think anything of it. Until one day I went out to feed the bunnies and saw a nest with two baby bunnies in it.
Middy was NINE YEARS OLD and she birthed a litter. She had two babies. "Arthur" may have been still born and was smooshed at the bottom of the nest. "Folly" lived to be a week old, then passed away. Middy was old and just wasn't experienced. We, as the humans, weren't experienced either. Middy passed away at age 9.5.
To this day, I am still sad that Middy had to go through that. She was an awesome bunny who I had for 9 years. She lived in a backyard hutch with no toys or attention because we didn't educate ourselves.
Anyway, if Fluffball doesn't have a litter, be thankful. It may have saved her life or her babies. You don't want her to go through what Middy had to go through, regardless of age.