Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

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Becca wrote:
Oh :grumpy:

I really thought she was preggers :cry1::cry1:
I thought mine was too, she is acting normal now though. I think when we really want something to be true we kind of convince ourselfs she looks preg and stuff.
I've just had a super duper idea!!

If I can raise another £40 then I could get Dippy and Benjamin neutered at the same time then they can be bonded together. THHHEEEN I can get Fluffball spayed and bonded with them *fingers crossed* And if mum lets us adopt a preggers doe when she's had her babies we can spay her and then bond them ALL together. That may not work but its worth a try!

Now what should I do to raise money?

ETA: I will take some pictures of her today to show you her size and stuff.
I wouldn't put her out in her run if I were, if she is pregnant and late then she needs to be in her hutch.

As for adopting a pregnant doe, do you mean foster or adopt? I would focus on gettinjg yours fixed and bonded and then go from there because they may not necessarily bond together, so that should be your first priority.
theres still chance shecould be preggers hun ;)my doe gave birth during the day half 2 to be exact onthe 31st day :)so deffinatly keep her in the shed for now hun just incase dont want any babies being born in the run :shock:

im not sure if a rescue would let a 12 year old foster for them and most pregnant does in rescues are normally kept with experienced people who have handreared etc. before and know the signs of complications.so your best bet is to rescue a pregnant doe from free ads in your area instead at least then you can take comfort in the fact you havent added to the popiulation of rabbits.

im sorry if any of my posts have come across abit harsh im just a person who gets straight to the point and tells people whats what but wont tell people what to do as id hate for someone to do that to me.
Skittles point still stands the same, 12 is not that different from 13. The only time age becomes more important one year to the next is milestone ages like turning 16, 18, 21, 60/65, etc. Basically, you're under 18, so you probably wouldn't be allowed to foster,. It would have to be one of your parents that was the legal fosterer if they allowed you to foster :)

I still think you should focus on yours for the moment though and when you have transitioned through all the spuetering and bonding and know where you are, then decide if you want to foster/adopt more or not. Your priorities should lie with your current buns before adding anymore. But that's just my opinion, that's all.
Becca you need to stop being rude or stropping at people.People want to help, but to constantly get a 'smart' comment back, or something that implies you getting annoyed with advice you asked for/stropping/whateverelse is very wearing and makes people less inclined to help and personally makes me feel like I'm wasting my time trying to help. I personally am going to avoid this thread as much as I can now and only post if I REALLY have to, but you know where I am if you want to ask me anything or whatever, and you also know I'll help you in anyway I can, I'm just fed up on trying to help and you having a very TEENage reaction at it (on this thread moreso than anywhere else).

Good luck with whatever happens and whatever you decide to do. :)
No need to apologise. Just know where I am if you have something to specifically ask me or anything :)

YOU really want babies, but does Fluffball REALLY want babies? How would you feel if you were the bunny and a human made you carry a litter against your will. Some does just don't want to be a mommy.

You need to prepare yourself if she does give birth, you still could end up with no babies. Most of the time first time mothers have litters that do not survive, as they are inexperienced.

When I was a kid, I was cleaning my bunny's hutches and our 6 year old male (Frisbee) jumped into 9 year old female's (Middy) hutch. I saw them mate, and I took Frisbee out and didn't blink and eye. I really didn't think anything of it. Until one day I went out to feed the bunnies and saw a nest with two baby bunnies in it.

Middy was NINE YEARS OLD and she birthed a litter. She had two babies. "Arthur" may have been still born and was smooshed at the bottom of the nest. "Folly" lived to be a week old, then passed away. Middy was old and just wasn't experienced. We, as the humans, weren't experienced either. Middy passed away at age 9.5.

To this day, I am still sad that Middy had to go through that. She was an awesome bunny who I had for 9 years. She lived in a backyard hutch with no toys or attention because we didn't educate ourselves.

Anyway, if Fluffball doesn't have a litter, be thankful. It may have saved her life or her babies. You don't want her to go through what Middy had to go through, regardless of age.
Good Lord Becca, I have read through this thread shaking my head. Honestly you are 13 why don't you wait till your grown up have a job and your own place then have Baby Bunnies.

All the rabbits you have now need to be fixed and it doesn't look like your parents are going to help pay for them. Then in your next breath your sayingif Fluffballs not pregnant you want to adopt a pregnant bunny. I'm sorry but give yourself a shake and wake up and smell the roses. You really are much too young, you don't have money, so many other things I could say but won't.

I would love to have baby bunnies but to me that is just IRRESPONSIBLE to bring more bunnies into this world when their are so many homeless ones out there. I also have a house (which my bunnies are housed in doors), money for emergencies (it cost us over $1500.00 for Buttercup a couple of months ago). Like I said you can't even afford to get the ones you have fixed never mind if you have an emergency.

I really hope your Fluffball isn't pregnant and you are wise enough to get this idea out of your head that you want Baby Bunnies. I doubt you will but I just had to say something on this blog.


PS I really don't need to be slammed here as many others have been when they have opinions that some don't like.
SOOOSKA wrote:
(it cost us over $1500.00 for Buttercup a couple of months ago).
I just had to say....


That's more than a mortgage payment for us....
