Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

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I don't think at that age she would be mature enough to mate with a buck in the shop.

But Annnyyyywaaay!!

Fluffball is alright at the mo, I just went to check on her....
BlueGiants wrote:
I think we need to get back on topic about waiting for Becca's litter... and stop going off on different topics.
Ya, I just wanted to make a point that he shouldn' be mouthing at her.
paul2641 wrote:
BlueGiants wrote:
If she isn't letting him mount her, she isn't ready yet. Let her grow up.
I'm not forcing her to breed at all I don't even care about getting a kit. Any way she is prob already pregnant because she was in with a male at the pet shop. And I didn't make that up I have been saying that to sabine for ages now.
You better learn how to plan correctly, if you think you're just going to be getting ONE kit from her....cuz you're wrong. You could get 1-6, as six is an average number. If shes' 5 months old, take her away from him. He could hurt her really badly by trying to mount/breed with her.

And, I suggest you yourself do research about breeding and raising a litter, because it sounds to me like you know nothing at all...pshh only thinking you're going to get one kit. yah right. :?

irishbunny wrote:
Oh ya that's another thing, he'll be constantlyat her, biting her, trying to mount her, and will prob pull out chunks of her fur.
He is actaully very friendly towards her there has been no biting at all not even to people. Or fulling of fur.
irishbunny wrote:
Oh ya that's another thing, he'll be constantlyat her, biting her, trying to mount her, and will prob pull out chunks of her fur.
Thats what i was going to say, If she was trying to get away she might resort to violence as an act of fright.
You could go with a sort of theme. Like names from characters of your favorite book or movie.
Those are good names Irish! Do you have any other ideas since she may have more than two babies?
Any litters we have we name the babies in relation to what the parents are called.

Flash (whose full name was Flash of Lightning), fathered a Sky and a Moon.

Sky fathered a Cloud, a Lightning, Dusk, Dawn, Sunny and Star. He also fathered a Hope (to symbolise for all we had lost) and an Angel (who was a mini version of his grandaddy Flash, who had by then died).
Ah,well if my bunny kindles then I'm calling them Kai and one Feilim, but if you like them Becca feel free to use :)

Hmmm..names, well my friend has a buck called Twiggles and a doe Wiggles, have you any interest in Irish names? Me good at them :D
I have some name suggestions. :biggrin2:

Gonzo (male)
Button (male)
Luna (female)
Melody (female)
Cinnabun (female)

I named one of bunnyfood's baby's Luna!! And the person it went to kept the name Luna!!! YAYAYAYAY!!

If I was to call one of them Luna the others would have to be:

Hermionie LOL!!



I would like some name suggestions too, my bunny is due tonight, so me and Becca are in the same boat :)I just checked on Princess, she is staying crouched in the corner and won't let me hold her, which is weird for her, she has a big belly but I don't feel movement :?