Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

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Becca wrote:
and other people are young on here that have or are breeding their buns.

Becca, I dont want to get in a fight, but is that really an excuse to breed Fluffball? "well others have done it so it means I can" ?
I have told you what happened a while back, I am also close to a breeder that I help out at and guess what? a 12 year old handles the rabbitry, who is to be bred, when the rabbits retire, feeding, cleaning, vet bills (she works at a stables for £70 per week, her parents would help her in emergency's though ), vaccines, neuters, hand rearing etc. and the rabbitry works well - *nobody* here has anything against you being 13 and wanting to breed, what people are against is:

You are not really paying attention to the important things
You are risking Fluffball's life
You are not taking GOOD advice from pro breeders
You are still wanting babys when you know she could get very ill - or worse
Your rabbits are PET quality, they are called "pet quality" for a reason
You are saying you cant get the boys neutered yet you will pay for emergency vet trips
I could go on.
I am sorry, I am not at all attacking you but I wanted to point these things out.
What's done is done now I can't take it back and why couldn't everyon of said this ages ago when you first found out? No wait everyone did I know everyone's saying the same things and I know what ya'll are saying which is why I am not doing it again - I keep saying that.

i don't know if any of you all have studied child psycology but if you have remember the theory of Reality vs. Fantasy? Basically there is a part of the brain that helps us determine real from not real. that part of the brain doesn't even START to develop until the age of 11 or 12. It doesn't FINISH until the age of 18. they are even finding boys don't completely finish until 21. this is why as adults we can watch something on tv and KNOW it's not real but younger kids may start to know it's not real but still not completely sure they only know b/c they are told. this is why so many teenagers are in fatal car accidents.....they really don't get it that if they drive fast they can loose control of the car and wreck it. how many times do we read the paper and think "what was that child thinking driving 90 mph?" that's the point.....they are TOLD it can happen (the accident) but it just doesn't click that it will happen to them. between the ages of 18-21 does the brain finish developing in that area. I understand that a lot of people are fed up with giving advice to Becca but if any of you have teenagers---girl teenagers----well, she's responding the way my 13 year old stepdaughter does. extreme mix of emotions. mad one minute then apologizing the next. and she knows it's dangerous to breed the bunny now but she's only 13 so the fantasy part of fluffy babies is still very strong in her brain too. so she'll flip flop between these two emotions. i know a lot of you are frustrated but she's responding as any 13 year old girl would. Becca......please don't take offense to this post. I don't even know you but it warms my heart to read your posts. even when you "smart off" replies. Paige's dad and i divorced years ago so it's not like i have her every weekend like i used to so i miss having her around but she's so much like you. Paige doesn't have bunnies but if she did she'd want to breed them too. and i'd never hear the end of it.....she'd talk all day about baby bunnies etc..... i dont' have all the experience with breeding like others do on here but if you ever just need to chat or "let your hair down" you can always pm me and rant. you make me laugh. Paige loves animals too. she just doesn't have rabbits. and i'm happy. her other friends are obsessed with boys and makeup.....paige just loves to be outside and with her pets. So keep being bunny obsessed......:biggrin2: like i tell paige....boys are icky...lol
hey bec---here's another idea. why don't you see if there is a bunny rescue or even an animal rescue that you can volunteer one day a week at. it would give you all kinds of experience without taking all the animals into your home. if you continue to faithfully go one a week and you're a good worker it'll look awesome on a work resume or college resume. and hey, you never know.....you might end up liking animals so much that you'll want to be a vet one day. just a thought.
purplepeacock wrote:
hey bec---here's another idea. why don't you see if there is a bunny rescue or even an animal rescue that you can volunteer one day a week at. it would give you all kinds of experience without taking all the animals into your home. if you continue to faithfully go one a week and you're a good worker it'll look awesome on a work resume or college resume. and hey, you never know.....you might end up liking animals so much that you'll want to be a vet one day. just a thought.
I just asked mum she said "I don't know are there any locally?"
Also, If Fluffball isn't pregnant does anyone know the reason why her poops have increased in size?
Should I be worried?

I sat there with her today and just fed her strand after strand of hay and dried grass.
if she's eating more hay her poops could get bigger. my guys turned into huge hay eaters and the poops doubled in size!
I have been following this thread but reluctant to post, for obvious reasons.
I will admit that I've been hoping she isn't pregnant. I think she should be the first to be spayed, as well, before the boys' neuters.
With that said, Becca, you should really volunteer! I did it for many years and I also volunteered at 4h rabbit shows when I was about your age as well. My parents would never even consider letting me breed for all the reasons already stated 100x around RO, but I did have a good time helping out the older 4h members with their rabbits and helping move the rabbits from carriers to their show cages, etc. It's a great way to feel involved and learn about rabbits. Volunteering at animal shelters has been one of the most valuable things I've ever done... you see so much that really changes your mind about a lot of things.
I have a feeling, with your passion for bunnies, that you would LOVE IT!

I'm so relieved that this thread in finally heading in a positive direction instead of all the blah blah blah and everybody upset with everybody. when i was a little girl and lived on long island we had a wild life refuge that was free to the public. they were always doing free educational classes for kids of all ages and teens and adults. they always were looking for people to be dedicated volunteers. i really miss that place now that i live in pennsylvania. maybe there is a wildlife refuge close to you too. sorry for my ignorance but i have no clue as to where you live. for all i know you might be in a city area that doesn't have anything like that. but there should be animal rescue groups. you could ask maybe your guidance counselor at school. they might even know of volunteer places. or do you have a community center or even the public library might have information if you ask them.
purplepeacock wrote:
i don't know if any of you all have studied child psycology but if you have remember the theory of Reality vs. Fantasy? Basically there is a part of the brain that helps us determine real from not real. that part of the brain doesn't even START to develop until the age of 11 or 12. It doesn't FINISH until the age of 18. they are even finding boys don't completely finish until 21.
I believe it's the frontal lobe that is underdeveloped until 18-21. Will's brother just moved out (after months of living here/not living here) and it was OH SO OBVIOUS! Once you are older, Becca, you will look at 13-year olds and saying the same thing that we have been ;)

I always wanted baby... well, anythings when I was younger. Now that I am older (and have to pay for my own bills, I don't have a mom/dad to pay for my things) I can see how much a disaster it would have been. Baby critters are adorable, but too much work and money. I would prefer to take a "baby" that was raised on the street or forgotten in a back corner of someone's house. It gives you a better "warm fuzzy feeling" to rescue than it ever would to have babies around.

Just my two cents!
kherrmann3 wrote:
purplepeacock wrote:
i don't know if any of you all have studied child psycology but if you have remember the theory of Reality vs. Fantasy? Basically there is a part of the brain that helps us determine real from not real. that part of the brain doesn't even START to develop until the age of 11 or 12. It doesn't FINISH until the age of 18. they are even finding boys don't completely finish until 21.
I believe it's the frontal lobe that is underdeveloped until 18-21. Will's brother just moved out (after months of living here/not living here) and it was OH SO OBVIOUS! Once you are older, Becca, you will look at 13-year olds and saying the same thing that we have been ;)

I always wanted baby... well, anythings when I was younger. Now that I am older (and have to pay for my own bills, I don't have a mom/dad to pay for my things) I can see how much a disaster it would have been. Baby critters are adorable, but too much work and money. I would prefer to take a "baby" that was raised on the street or forgotten in a back corner of someone's house. It gives you a better "warm fuzzy feeling" to rescue than it ever would to have babies around.

Just my two cents!
lol....funny you say that b/c my whole life all i wanted was a baby and to be a mom. even when i was becca's age.....i wasn't even interested in all that took place to get pregnant at that age...lol...but wanted a baby. needless to say i did a LOT of babysitting. i'm in my 30's now and still haven't done the mom thing yet. i'm hoping in a couple of years but at the end of the month the bills are paid but there's not much left over....and i hardly live a glamerous life. can't even tell you the last time i splurged and bought clothes. it's just life in general and staying afloat. when i dreamed of being a mom i did the next best thing and took care of other people's kids. you can do the same with bunnies. give some love to a bun that needs it.
I was never allowed a pet as a child except a budgy (who I didn't even like:() Probably that's why I'm making up for it now by indulging in bunnies:(
What I was thinking is unless the parents are totally prepared to look after the pet it's probably not a good idea to leave teenagers totally in charge of rabbits. After all they can live up to ten years and are quite a commitment (rabbits I mean :D. Would you really want to be tied down by pets when you could be travelling the world, seeing things, doing things, being independent. That's another reason why my kids own gerbils and such like and the bunnies are all mine (MINE!!!!)
Maybe for you Becca, a rabbit or two, that your parents can take over when you move on to other things is plenty, rather than a host of baby bunnies who you might end up keeping because there might be no suitable homes.
When I was 19, I was somewhat forced out of my parent's house and I lived with Will at our roommate's parent's house. I couldn't bring Toby there. When we were going to get an apartment, NO ONE would take a rabbit (they breed (even though Toby is by himself!)) and I almost had to get rid of him. I cried and cried. Finally Will and Sean (roommate) backed down. It's hard to move and find a place that will buns when you are younger
purplepeacock wrote:
  extreme mix of emotions. mad one minute then apologizing the next. 
Miz emotions are hanging on to me atm... argh one sec im angry the next im happy uuurgh... hormones...

..boys are icky...lol
i used to think that haha now half of my friends are girls half are boys. but uurrgh boys can be so hmm.. how cann i say "icky" lol
i doubt it, she is taking a break from RO to spend more time with the bunnies for awhile, she said she would only come on and update if her bun had babies so it looks like she has not