Feed question

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BunnyMommy wrote:
Buck, this is an eloquentlywritten and thoughtfully presented post (as always).I simply adore intelligenceand insight.

You have an excellent grasp of thedifferent schools of thought in regards to the issue of natural vs.pelleted diet and stimulate very balanced ruminations andthought-provoking conversations on such. Exchanging ideas anddebating with you is always a joy.
Great mindsthink alike BunnyMommy! I was just reading Bucks post (amlate getting in on this thread and must say I'm not sorry) and wasthinking to myself "I'm going tomake sure Buckknowswhat I think of hiscommunication skills".
Buck, canonly imagine from the posts I've read in the last weeks, what kind ofman you must be, but my imagination is a good one. :) I thinkthose who know you, and call you friend, must consider themselves veryblessed. You always speak with knowledge, humor and warmth,even in a situation as heated as this. The world is a betterplace with those such as you. ~Raspberry
Elf Mommy wrote:
Absolutely! Cheers to Buck!

I was wanting to changecuddles foodover to oxbow i found it in a store by me....i think cuddles is about 8mo now. Do you gradually change them over to a new food to let theresystems get use to the change?
I was advised by my breeder, CuddlesMom, and then by Buck Jones, to introduce the feed gradually.

I follow that line of instruction. Other's have said it doesn't matter, but I do it anyway.

I need some help. I have acquired 4wild baby bunnies that are about a week old or so. I am currentlyfeeding them kitten milk, about every 4-6 hours and they are doing ok,but they don't want to eat. Can someone tell me what to dowith them?