You all will give me a swelled head!Actually, I hadn't thought of this thread as a debate. I justlooked at it as a format to advance my own thoughts and questions in alogical manner, hopefully, that might lead to greater insights from allyour own comments.
At the risk of offending you, MyBunnyboys, it was never myintentionto"win" anything, whatsoever.After your lavish compliments, I feel guilty for disagreeing withyoufor whatever reason(s). Yourrationaleto pellet feed surely parallels that of my own, but if the jury wereever to come in on the question, I would have no problem to eliminateone form of diet for another.
Perhaps, BunnyMommy, it takes one to know one, eh? I'vestated publicly that I was impressed with your own reasoning and theextent of your rabbit expertise insuch a relatively shortspan of time.
Carolyn, you are certainly too kind, for you do know me and us wellenough to not be quite aseffusive with your praise.You've seen the, "real thing."
Dennis, there you go, getting all angry and defensive, and vulgar toboot! Don't you understand, it is not your opinion(s) thatincites the reactions to you that you see above? No one herehas the intention to insult you, but if the shoe fits, and you mustwear it, be my guest. There is little more that can be doneto dissuade you of that belief, I'm afraid.
As for the back-handed comment: "As for the powers that be, I am inawe of how quickly she has become the expert of the world ofrabbits." the only thing I can say is, Yes, I, too, am in awe ofthe rapid learning curve of the "powers that be;" but, you know, onehas to give credit where credit is due when it is deserving and bemagnanimous about it as well, instead of just carping withsnide remarks. When someone is putting out good information,it remains good information regardless of how, where, or where it wasobtained. I can find no fault here on this forum in thatrespect.
Dennis, one of the things I learned as a teacher is that someofmy students may later return, knowing more than I everdid. That to me, was a perfect testimonial that I had done agood job initially, and maybe it was my turn to learn something fromthe student. No one "knows" it all, and if someone claimssuch, there is every reason to disbelieve him or her.
You and I both know that if the "powers that be" chose to exercisethose "powers" out of pure chagrin and/or malice, your time here wouldbe short lived. I think a lot of judgment has been exercisedheretofore in that respect, so don't add insult to injury by adoptingan even more bellicose mood.
If you peruse the archives here, you will see a rapidlearning curve among many posters here that certainly has me in awe oftheir capabilities. The fact I've been at it longer than manyof the others, doesn't preclude me from learning from them.Most people here are like family and right now, in myopinion, you are acting like a bull in a china shop. This isnot about "beating" the other guy or woman. These are nottrolls, so try to relax and be less boisterous about it all.
In spite of what you may think/believe, I do consider you a good friend.