Feed question

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MyBunnyBoys wrote:
Have I told you all lately how much I love you guys and this forum?! lol.

Back atcha, Dear Heart. You're a treasure, there's no doubt about it.

bunny could verywell live a long and healthy life on hay and water alone).
WRONG! Just because he's a Vet does not make him the bearer of ALL KNOWLEDGE!

your rabbit just might survive on such a diet for a short while. Itmost certainly would not thrive and grow to it's fullpotential. Think about it. How about if your parents fed youonly Cheese and crackers 24/7 year in and year out? Not a verystimulating thought huh.

Rabbits fed a quality pelleted rabbit feed diet do indeed live LONGhappy and even healthier lives than those raised on everything underthe sun. Since it's a matter of opinion and you are quitecontent with disagreeing with me, that is most acceptable to me.However, one cannot argue with facts. The fact is that my rabbits havebeen fed in this fashion since I first acquired them [1989] They havetheir health, have grown to their full potential, bred and reared theiroffspring and continue to thrive to this moment. Barring some unforseencatastrophy: such as a Dog attack, or prevalent dsisease[Like Pasteurella] I dare say they will do as all rabbits do until suchtime as I see fit to end their stay for whatever reason.Sorry, but I just simply cannot accept the HRS's Dietary plan forrabbits. However I care not what enyone wants to feed their rabbit norhow they choose to house them. It is a personal choice. If it works foryou, GO FOR IT! I simply stated my opinion. Nobody is forcedto listen or to follow it. However, I will graciously allow you youropinion if you can accept the fact that I don't agree and allow me mine.

Have a good one,

"Hi, Hank. Thanksfor your opinion. I actually have done extensive research inthe area of bunny nutrition and am well aware that there are multipleschools of thought in this regard."

* * * * * * *

...bunny could very well live a long and healthy life on hay and water alone).
WRONG! Just because he's a Vet does not make him the bearer of ALL KNOWLEDGE!

* * * * * * *

Bit jumpy today, HankHanky? Fine that you don't agree withBunnyMommy, she wasn't rude in stating her disagreement with you.

Perhaps it's time for yourbran muffin.


Understood, Dennis. I may not agree with youropinion but I do respect it. I think we all agree that our bunnies wellbeing is what we care about most.


BunnyMommy was perfectly fine in her statement and did not condemn ordisrespect HankHanky's opinion. BunnyMommyhas morerespectfor people on this board and in the world than almostanyone I know. I don't believe she once was rude or'yelled' (capitalized letters) her opinion or her experienceout.

She is allowed and always allows people's opinion in a matureand thought-out way.She will nottalk tothem like they're stupid for having them; she simply stated hercase.

If you notice, she thanked you foryour opinion.



Don't you think that was a bit like jumping down BunnyMommys throat? Idon't mean to be rude because your opinion is as welcome as any buteveryone, even BunnyMommy, has the right to believe their vet. None ofus are experts on rabbits, we all have a lot to learn and things arenot proven and we all turn to our vets for opinions on issues we do notknow regarding our bunnies health. The vet may believe a differentpoint of view from you but that does not mean he's wrong. In facthumans could live quite well off of only vegetables but we are not justplant eaters and need meat to live too, rabbits are not like that.Seeing as pellets are hay, a rabbit could probably live well on just ahay and water diet. That's my view.
NO Carolyn,

I feel there is no reason for you to jump on me! I am not/was notangry. Just stating a fact in the most clear and precise way I knowhow. If I offended anyone, I apologize. But it is the reader [YOU] whotook my post the wrong way. However, I will refrain in the future fromhaving such outbursts. Please accept my humple apologies. Grovel,Grovel, Grovel. Now do you feel better?

Oh HankHanky, you just don't get it do you?? I'll say it again.

BunnyMommy was perfectly fine in her statement and did notcondemn or disrespect HankHanky's opinion. BunnyMommy has more respectfor people on this board and in the world than almost anyone I know. Idon't believe she once was rude or 'yelled' (capitalizedletters) her opinion or her experience out.

She is allowed and always allows people's opinion in a matureand thought-out way. She will not talk to them like they're stupid forhaving them; she simply stated her case.

If you notice, she thanked you for your opinion. She never said youwere "WRONG!...(as you had)", are not welcome, or not allowed to youropinion.


P.S. Laura, extremely good points and very well stated.

"...BunnyMommy, has the right to believe their vet. None of usare experts on rabbits, we all have a lot to learn and things are notproven and we all turn to our vets for opinions on issues we do notknow regarding our bunnies health. The vet may believe a differentpoint of view from you but that does not mean he's wrong."

The Doc is as close to an expert that we can get here, even though she won't say it.


BunnyMommy was perfectly fine in her statement and did not condemn ordisrespect HankHanky's opinion. BunnyMommy has more respect for peopleon this board and in the world than almost anyone I know. I don'tbelieve she once was rude or 'yelled' (capitalized letters) her opinionor her experience out.

She is allowed and always allows people's opinion in a mature andthought-out way. She will not talk to them like they're stupid forhaving them; she simply stated her case.

If you notice, she thanked youfor your opinion.


Um, Carolyn, did you really intend to direct that post at me? Because Iwasn't referring to BunnyMommy. I responded to HankHanky's post andonly HankHanky's post. I'm not sure what gave you a differentimpression, but I assure you, I was not even thinking about BunnyMommywhen I made that post.

Yes, Sorry, m.e.

I did mean that for him, as I copied it down for him again.

My Apologies.

Goodgrief! :( I just woke up to check this thread and... * sigh *

Thanks so much, Carolyn andLaura. You understood perfectly well what I meant and Iappreciate your support. As always, you both are shiningpoints of intelligence, grace, and dignity.

As you all know, I usually try to takethe path most peacefully traveled, but in this case I think that I needto pull off my shoes and earrings and just jump in ...

Hank, the only one here who has their furup in a dander is you. Don't try to get snide with Carolynbecause she called you out on it. The tone of your reply wasmost inappropriate, and it was very obvious that despite yourprotestations that you were the one who wasoffended because I disagreed with youropinion. I made it very clearthat even though I didn't agree with your opinion that I allowed thatit was valid because there are multiple schools of thought in this area... engineered by professionals who are much more highlytrained, researched, experienced, andeducated than yourself.

Personally, I'm old enough and matureenough to deflect the rancor in your post. However, I'd hopethat you'd never go after one of the younger members likethis. We've had an excellent rapport on this board up untilthis point and I have no intention of allowing anyone to disruptit. Interpret that however you will.
HankHanky wrote:
NO Carolyn,

I feel there is no reason for you to jump on me! I am not/was notangry. Just stating a fact in the most clear and precise way I knowhow. If I offended anyone, I apologize. But it is the reader [YOU] whotook my post the wrong way. However, I will refrain in the future fromhaving such outbursts. Please accept my humple apologies. Grovel,Grovel, Grovel. Now do you feel better?

Let me take the liberty of answering for Carolyn.

No, we don't feel betterbecause your apology is not sincere. In addition tothis, we didn't take your post in the wrong way. We took itjust exactly as you presented and intended it.

Please do refrain in thefuture from having such outbursts. It's childish, immature,and not representative of the fine quality of members that we havehere.

Should I go and stand in the corner now?

Oh my gosh oh golly,

What will I do now?

Have a nice day you all understanding and perfectly perfect examples of humanity!

It's been very! I have learned something today! "NEVER give your opinion unless you are asked for it"!

So be it!


And just for therecord ... PRETENDING that you don't understand the real issuehere doesn't diminish it to any degree.

Your opinion is always welcome, but next time you may want to re-thinkhow you are going to put it. That post did come accross and rude andjust required a bit more thought as to how others would take it beforeit was posted for the post to have never been an issue. You could havestated that you do not believe the vet was correct and that rabbitsmust have pellets to live happier, but instead you came accross as ifBunnyMommy was a terrible person for listening to her vet. I just hopeyou take this advice and think before you post. :)
Agree with you that opinions are welcome; thatsaid, unnecessary rudeness and talking down to someone because theydon't take the same position as you is not.


Ahh, HankHanky...me thinks you have met aformidable group of "thinking women" here who will brook nomisconceptions, nor accept the least bit of hostility from a posterregardless of his/her intentions.

Haven't seen you called to task so eloquently and with such finality ina long, long time. LOL! My advice would be atactical, but silent, retreat in the self-preserving interests ofdiscretion before valor,as these ladies might really getserious and launch a fullout attack!*chuckle* *chuckle*

We "old timers" can't dazzle them with fancyfootwork because many of them do their research, so theydon't open their mouths and embarassingly insert foot like some of thedays of yore. Plus, this forum does have quite an Europeanconsistuency,which by predilection and custom prefers a morenatural diet that has historically been followed there for a milenniumor more.

There are discussions worth drawing a line in the sand for.Rabbit diet is not one of them. People kept rabbits quitesuccessfully enough prior to the advent of pelleted feed tocategorically reject any other feeding methodology.

Kind of reminds me of the argument from genetically modified food, andhow good it is supposed to be for mankind. I'll reservejudgment on that issue, too,until I taste a G.M.peach that is not mealy, or a tomato that tastes like the JerseyTomatoes of 40 years ago. Sometimes, new is not better, noris it "good" for the consumer, but eases the way formarketing and merchandizing interests.

Given an equal opportunity to choose between a natural diet and apelleted diet, I wonder what the average rabbit's preference wouldbe? Have you any clue?
