Danielle Hayduk

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Dear Friends,

I spoke to Danielle (owner and creator of this website).

She is back in the hospital and has been since Monday. She's run intocomplications as a result of her appendectomy. She's developedinfections, has very low blood pressure, and a very high white bloodcell count. There's no idea as to when she'll be released from thehospital at this point. Danielle has a husband and young child.

I'm asking for you all to please send her positive thoughts and prayersfor a quick and complete recovery. She is very sick, and there's muchto be concerned about at this time.

Thank you.
DONE! We'll light a candle for hertonight. I pray she gets much better very fast.It's so hard to be ill with a small child especially.

Prayers and Get Well wishes for Danielle!!! I hope she recovers quickly!

Thoughts and prayers sent your way Danielle!

My goodness Carolyn.. Poor Danielle... Thank youfor letting us know. I have just said a prayer for her and Iwill be thinking of her as well as checking the forum to see if youhave any other news for us about her health. Shehas gone through a lot. Hopefully her immune system will kickin and she will start getting better. Please keep us up todate Carolyn. Beckie
2bunmom wrote:
My goodness Carolyn.. Poor Danielle... Thank you for letting usknow.? I have just said a prayer for her and I will be thinking of heras well as checking the forum to see if you have any other news for usabout her health.?? She has gone through a lot.? Hopefully her immunesystem will kick in and she will start getting better.? Please keep usup to date Carolyn.?? Beckie

I shall, Beckie.

I'll be calling Danielle and reading your notes to her. It will mean a lot to her.

Thanks Folks.


:shock:Oh wow I'm just reading this now!

She will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers.

Sorry for the short note, I'm in shock at this news and also very tired so I need to make it short.

Laura, Mocha, & Spice
I will keep her in my prayers and thoughts as well! Such a hard couple of months for a wonderful person!

Take each day one step at a time Danielle! We at Rabbits only are pulling for you!

Much love,

Melissa, Guinevere and Gir
We're all thinking of you here, Danielle, and sending prayers for a speedy recovery!

~Emily and the furkids: Scully, Stephanie, Miko, Beeper, Rex, Peanut and Napster
Missed this post yesterday. Danielle will be inmy thoughts and prayers and I will be hoping for a quick recovery soshe can get back to her family. Where so many of us would be withouther creating this forum I can only imagine. Thank God for Danielle!

Adrienne and family
Just now noticed this post. Positivethoughts and prayers are winging from here. It sounds likeshe's a very sick lady. Thoughts and prayers, notonly for her, but for her husband and child!

- Dolores
I just saw this post...

I hope she recovers quickly. Keep us posted on this, Carolyn.

Sending many good thoughts and prayers her way, for a speedy recovery.

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