Danielle Hayduk

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Just seeing this! :shock:

Sending many prayers and positive thoughts your way!


BunnyMommy and Sherman
Dearest Danielle,

You've worked so hard to bring all of us together here on this forum.I'm so sorry to hear you're not well. Peppy, Meg and I send our loveand prayers. Get better soon.

Lots of BunnieKissies.

I'm sorry to hear that Danielle is soill! Thank you for telling us Carolyn! I hope shegets better soon! Henry, Max and the kits send their lovealso!

Get well soon,

Ang xx
I'm also justcatching this post. My thoughts and prayers are with Danielle and herfamily. I know she's had a rough stretch here lately. We will keep the"bunny love" strong and wait for her speedy recovery!

I wish I could reach her, Jim. I'm very concerned.

Please let us know -- we've all been very worried. I hope you are able to find something out soon.

I just saw this post sinceit was on the top of the board. I hope you get well soon Danielle! Ican certainly wait for the calendar.
Hi Folks,

I just spoke to Danielle. She got out of the hospitalyesterday and had a good night's sleep last night - although she can'tlay down.

She's on antibiotics and being of a holistic mind, will feel muchbetter when she's finished with that part of the treatment.

She said she deeply appreciates your thoughts and prayers and to pleasecontinue as the doctors tell her it will be weeks before she's reallyover this.


Thats such good news, that she's home. I will continue to keep her inmy thoughts and prayers, and hope that she continues to improve!

I'm so glad she's home! I think if it's at all possible, being in your own home and comfortable is good for healing!

I hope she feels much better really soon!
I'm very glad to hear that she is home.All the medicines just can't hold a candle to being in your own homeand in your own bed! I continue to hold her in mythoughts and prayers, as well as her family.

- Dolores
I'm so glad to hear that Danielle is home again.I'll keep her and her family in my prayers and hope that her recoverycontinues well :).


That was really nice of you,Jim.

Danielle comes offof the antibiotics today, sohopefullyshe's feeling 100% better than what last week waslike.

She is convinced that it was everyone's thoughts and prayers that got her through this.

Thanks again for asking.
