Daenerys's Bunny Blog, Reptile House

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Yeah that would be nice! Not many of these kids were scared of the animals we brought. There was one that didn't want to touch them, but he only backed away when Sunny started making his way over there, and he actually DID touch Sunny's tail! So that was nice to see :)
I've found that young children are much more accepting of reptiles than teens and adults. I think it's because they haven't had the prejudices instilled in them by our culture yet, which is why it's so important to get to 'em when they're still young. I've heard more adults, despite being fully able to research facts and reason logically, spout pure ignorance and fear about reptiles than any child. Children see most animals with wonder and awe before we teach them to be fearful or hateful.

At any rate, what I'm trying to say is: major kudos to your herpetology club for doing programs like this :)
Thanks :)

We do things on campus like the Brickyard Day I talked about a few posts back, and there are a lot more people afraid of the animals than there were at all the elementary trips we've gone on combined. We've had people literally scream and run across campus at the sight of one of our snakes. o_O; I've always been a logical person, so it really makes no sense how people can be THAT afraid of an animal that is being held and loved on by a huge crowd of people.
So I am sitting here watching Basil run around the room, every once and a while coming over here to run circles and figure 8's around my feet. I see him doing the occasional binkie across the floor and standing up on his back legs to survey the terrain. Its times like these that I am really glad I got a bunny. :)
I am NOT a fan of snakes and other reptiles are marginal, but I do enjoy reading your blog and looking at the pictures. I guess someone has to like them, LOL!
Of course :) Reptiles are something that people tend to have a fear of because it is drilled into our heads from a young age...plus they're just so DIFFERENT. So, its understandable.
So, once again I was in my local pet store and they had a new little bunny for sale! Its a little lionhead that is just the CUTEST thing! I named it Fluffer Nutter ^_^


I told Brandon he needs to get it for me for my birthday next Thursday XP

Oh, and Basil has decided that he needs to make friends with all our stuffed animals and piles of clothing.....VERY close friends.....I think its about time to get him neutered. >.>
So, right now I am watching this show on Animal Planet called SnakesKin, and its AWESOME. There is FINALLY a show on Animal Planet that does not demonize reptiles, or make them seem soooooo deadly and if you see one its gonna come after you and kill you type of thing This show puts snakes and other reptiles in the same light as the rest of the animal kingdom: just another part of mother nature trying to make a life out in the wild. They aren't out there to kill everyone and they're not evil. This show is great :D
So, my boyfriend got me my birthday present today! Guess what it is!?!??! A new bunny!!! She's a blue-eyed white but I am not sure what breed. She is named Genevieve, pics:

On Brandon's lap (Don't mind the awkwardness in the background)

Exploring the bed


I think she needs a fancy little sparkly diamond collar around that pretty neck of hers :p

Possibly part lop? Her ears are often airplaning like that :p

The new princess is beautiful, the prince is handsome and I love all the reptiles in your blog, as well. :) My hubby is anti-reptile and anti-rodent, so my zoo has been very limited since I married him. LOL

Keep the pictures coming! You make every page worthwhile!!!
Thank you very much! ^_^ I am leaving Raleigh for the summer and have to leave everyone behind (with Brandon) except my buns, I am going to miss them all!
Ah your new bunny is SO CUTE! Blue eyed whites are one of my dream bunnies.

Are you doing anything fun for the summer?
Thanks! :)

Umm, nothing particularly fun...I am going to the beach for a week, which is the same thing I have been doing for like the past 10 years so its nothing new. I will probably be working a lot so that when I get back to college I have money to buy food for animals and whatnot without constantly having to borrow my parents's money. Other than that and a few random day trips, nothing particularly exciting.

There are some reptile shows I do want to go to as well, actually. Next month is the Columbia, SC reptile show which is always worth it. They have a great range of species you can buy, INCLUDING VENOMOUS. They also have some mammals there too even though its mainly reptiles. I have seen rabbits, ferrets, fennec foxes, rats and mice (mostly there frozen as food but some are alive and pet-quality), bengal cats, dogs, etc. Its like 90% reptiles and 10% other pets. So if anyone is close and wants a new pet of the reptile nature, I really recommend this show!
Awesome, I love reptiles (I have a breeding pair of leopard geckos and use to rescue reptiles) but have never actually been to a show. I'm not close enough to go to the one in SC but I believe there will be one in NH and another in MA sometime coming up that I was thinking of going too. My family lives in MA so I could go visit them for a few days and go to the reptile show with my brother.
Reptile shows are a lot of fun. Even if you don't want to buy anything there are always a lot of really cool things to look at and there are often little "side show" things going on too, like little 30 minute talks on reptile education and whatnot. And not only do they have the animals they're selling but if you need a bulk order of crickets or mice thats a great place to buy it at because you get a lot for a pretty low price. We always get large orders of mice and stuff when we go even if we don't need it right away cause its so cheap.
Thank you! ^_^ Can't wait to see her all grown up!

Also wondering what my parents will say when I come home with two buns instead of just one like I first told them...heheh
That's my current plan, lol. They're not going to be helping me take care of them and they already said Basil can come home so how can they say no? Heheh :p