Daenerys's Bunny Blog, Reptile House

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So, I've discovered some good news!

My parents didn't want me bringing my pets home from school for the summer, and I wasn't sure if that included my rabbit or if they just meant the reptiles (Basil is my only non-reptile...). I thought I was going to have to leave Basil with my boyfriend for 3 months and I wasn't very happy about that. The reptiles I know are going to be in great hands, but Brandon is definitely more of a reptile person than a bunny person so I was a bit worried. Luckily, my parents say that Basil is welcome to come home so long as I don't ask them to help take care of them in any way ^_^ I am happy!
Yeah most likely, Brandon will be working a lot this summer anyways so he probably wouldn't have the time I will have to give him the attention and time outside the cage he needs. Plus there is more room in my house in Charlotte than in the apartment here in Raleigh. Plus, my house has a back yard! So he will get to go outside more. The only time he gets to go outside here is if I take him to school with me.

Speaking of which, I will be taking him tomorrow for the Herpetology Club Brickyard Day #2! I bet I will get at least 10 people asking if he is there for food. Who keeps snake food in a harness and leash and carries it around in a pet carrier?? *facepalm* Besides, only Sunny is big enough to eat him, and I don't even know if he will be there again tomorrow.
Bad, bad weekend...

First, there was one good part. I got a new snake at the Raleigh Reptile and Exotic Animal show. He is named Veil, and is a yearling ghost honduran milk snake. I haven't managed to get a really good picture of him yet because he is VERY bitey, but he looks like this:


My boyfriend bought a female albino tangerine honduran who we named Athena. She looks like this:


I also found a very sick looking baby tegu there at the show. The guy selling the baby tegus gave the sick one to me for free and I was going to take him home and try to syringe feed him some food to get his strength back up and whatnot, but the poor thing died before I even got him back. :'(

And then on top of that, my baby bearded dragon died. He was staying at a friends house because a few months back Brandon's roommates found a tiny little wild brown snake that had found its way into the apartment and they freaked out because they thought it was one of Brandon's that had escaped. They told the leasing company and we had to evacuate all the animals so Brandon didn't get in trouble. Tatzu was one of the remaining animals staying at our friend's house (we brought most back a couple weeks after the incident) and he had started looking sickly a few days ago. I pointed it out to my friends and they said they'd make sure he was eating. Then they called me this morning and said he was looking worse. I bought a bunch of stuff to try and syringe feed him some food and then headed over to their house, but he died before I got there. :'(
Aw, I'm so sorry for your losses :*( The baby tegu is lucky someone cared about it in its last moments, even if you weren't able to help him in the end.
Yeah, well, it really sucks that I didn't even get the chance to offer him food. I thought I'd be able to save him because even though he was very thin and he barely opened his eyes he was still moving around a lot. Perhaps he had some sort of parasite that was making him sick?

I think poor Tatzu died of starvation, because when I examined the tank they had been keeping him in trying to figure out why he died (he had the right lighting, it was warm, there was food and water in there), I noticed that they had been putting LARGE crickets in his tank. Those kinds are too big for him to eat. :'( I thought my friends knew better than that....guess I wont be trusting them with my animals anymore.
I can't see them either. I'm thinking maybe since they're an upload on another forum, you need to a member to see them or something?

I've uploaded them on another site, so here are the old ones plus some new ones I took of Veil:




"But he looks so innocent and cute!"






I just found/read through your blog!

I love all your pets! Basil is adorable and your snakes are beautiful. I'm especially a fan of your dog - I have a papillon too and adore the breed :)
Thankk you! ^_^ Right now my papillon lives in Charlotte but this August when I get my apartment he gets to come live with me in Raleigh! I am so excited! He's attached to me like my shadow when I'm home in Charlotte, and when I go home to visit from Raleigh he gets SUPER excited...always makes me a bit sad when I have to leave again. But I'll be home for 3 months over the summer and then he gets to come with me when I go back to Raleigh ^_^
Aw I'm sure you're excited to get to bring him with you!

My papillon is the same way - he's such a sweetheart and always following me around. My boy is only a year old now and VERY hyper! He's a lot of fun.
Aw that's not too old for a dog though. I hope my doggy lives a long time - I don't know what I'd ever do without him! Is your dog hyper? Mine is so crazy hyper. Everyone keeps telling me he'll get calmer as he gets older but so far he has just as much energy now as he did when we first got him. I'm not complaining though, I like that he is so playful!
Legend is a bit of a porker because he only gets hyper for me lol. He gets SO excited when I come back (not just from Raleigh but from anywhere, like the bathroom). He starts jumping and wagging his whole body, not just his tail. But other than that he lays around on the couch hahah. He does enjoy walks though! He walks around the park with me and whatnot.
So, today was one of Herpetology Club's elementary school education field trips! We went to Sterling Montessori school and talked to a class of 3 to 6 year olds about our pets. Lots of pics!!!

Talking about the bearded dragons




Next is iguanas



Then Mwomba, the African spur thigh tortoise


Then a Northern Watersnake



Then a couple pythons (carpet and blood)


Then the boas (red tail and hog island)


Last but definitely not least (more like most), SUNNY!


Awesome! Steve and I do educational outreach with our critters as well. Perhaps if more of us exotics owners show the public that neither we or our pets are something to be feared, they'll cool it with the wackadoo fear-mongering legislation.