Daenerys's Bunny Blog, Reptile House

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Oh no, that's horrible about your camera! I'm so sorry.

Is someone watching the reptiles for you? At least you where able to bring your rabbits!

Are you planning on getting the bunnies fixed? That might help with the smell. I have my 3 rabbits living in the room right next to our bedroom and I don't think they smell bad. The only thing I can usually smell is their hay, and I think the hay smells good - kind of like tea. All my rabbits are fixed. Maybe you could look into getting an air filter or something for your room?

Sorry they are keeping you up! My bunnies wake me up a lot at night too. They use to wake my fiance up, but he says he got use to it and can sleep through the noise now.

Going to stay at home can be tough when you're use to living away. I love my family but they can get to be pretty overbearing after spending a few days with them now, when I visit them.

As long as you're over 18, I would honestly just be upfront and tell them that you're moving in with your boyfriend. That's what I did, and my parents where pretty peeved for awhile but they eventually got use to the idea - since they couldn't change my mind about it anyways. Maybe if you tell them soon, then once August comes along they'll be more accepting.
My boyfriend is keeping my reptiles for me.

I have been shopping around for spay/neuter prices low enough for me to handle at the moment. The cheapest place I found is in Raleigh, because the Humane Society there gives spay/neuter vouchers that allow people to get a significant discount on the procedures, so I will have to wait until I go back in August to get Genevieve spayed. Basil has to wait his turn.

I am actually already getting used to it, hahah. Plus they seem to be waiting until later in the morning to start making noise.

I am 19, however I have very little money and my boyfriend only has a job at petsmart so its not the best pay...I don't think he'd be able to support us both on his salary. I planned on moving in with him this August but I told my parents I was moving in with a friend of mine, not him. I know it was stupid to lie but when they asked I was kind of not prepared and said the first female friend that came to mind. So, now i am kinda caught up in this lie and I don't know that I want to tell them the truth before the lease is signed and all so they can't tell me no. I hope they don't get too mad. >.> They said they'd pay my half of the rent and they're paying for my college education. I really hope they don't stop paying for it when they find out...
I see. Yeah spay/neuters are expensive around here. For my dog his vet quoted me between $400 and $500 and that was for a male dog, so you can imagine how much it'd be for a bunny! Luckily all my rabbits where already fixed when I adopted them.

Glad you are getting use to the noise! Hopefully you are sleeping better now.

That's nice of your parents to pay your rent and stuff. My parents never did anything like that for me - once I moved away and went to college, I was pretty much on my own. Luckily I had my boyfriend to help me out too. You're lucky to have supportive parents.

Do your parents like your boyfriend? Maybe you could just tell them the apartment with your friend fell through or something? I would guess that the more honest you are with them, the better off you'd be. I don't know. But I lied to my parents before about something similar, and I kind of regret it now. The longer you lie for, or the longer you go without being honest, usually the harder it becomes to tell the truth. What if they find out you've been keeping the truth from them all summer? Sometimes the fact that you lied to them turns out to be more of a big deal than the thing you lied about...if that makes sense.
I could tell my parents that it fell through with my friend but my dad was hesitant to let me get an apartment with someone for that very same reason. He doesn't trust people, especially when it comes to things like money. But I think that would be the best way to go about it, I suppose....the best way to make it sound like I wasn't lying.

My mom did say however that she doesn't see why it would fall through unless she dropped out of college or something. She definitely isn't doing that as she is now the president of our Herpetology Club and that is shown on the club website, so I couldn't lie and say she did because that would be easily proven wrong. Hmm...

I am typically not the one to lie about things to my parents, but I really really wanted an apartment because I absolutely HATED living in the dorm. I am the quiet type who keeps to herself and has a lot of animals and the dorm went against all of that. They almost FORCED everyone to socialize and we weren't allowed to have animals and people would be noisey in the hall every single night....it nearly drove me crazy. I REALLY don't want to go back to that next semester.
I just figured that since I am now at home I should introduce the pets that we have here! There are 5 dogs :)

This is our first dog, Maggie Mae:




As a transitional photo, we have Maggie with puppy Mabel:


Mabel Sue:



Lola Belle:



(puppy version)

Kasey Jean:


I know, only one picture of Kasey....terrible :(
And then my dog, which I did post pictures of on page one, but I have lots to share so I will post some more XD

Legend of Kalimar:







For kicks and giggles, him playing :p

So, when I was in Raleigh taking care of my buns was a joint effort between me and my boyfriend because he is the one with all the money. Now that I am back home in Charlotte I do not have any money to spare outside of buying them the essentials like food and litter. I am also not allowed to take them out of my room. So my life has basically become cleaning up after my buns because whenever I let them out for exercise they poop everywhere including on my bed. They also manage to find ways into things they're not supposed to, like the time when they managed to get a charging cable off of a table and chew through it. I can't sit in there and watch them all the time because my mom is putting me to work with house chores and watching my 14 year old delinquent sister...any tips on how to bunny proof my room without spending money?
I just thought I'd share some interesting news with you guys.....a new species was discovered last weekend. Its the....

[align=center]SEA TORTOISE










I don't get a ton of comments on my blog either. I don't know if a lot of people hang around this section of the forum as much as the other sections.

I loooove your dog! Papillons are the best! I think I'll probably always have at least one papillon.

I hear ya on the dorm stuff. I lived in a dorm during my first year of college and thought it was horrible. I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to live there.
Yay finally someone comments! :D

Thanks for the compliment on Legend :) He is my baby! He doesn't let anyone hold him but me :p

Any advice on how I should go about breaking the news to my parents?
Legend is awesome! Our papillon is like that too, he asks me and my fiance to pick him up all the time, but doesn't like it when other people try to. Do you brush him a lot? I actually give my pappy hair cuts. I know that it's not normal for the breed, but all his fur is soooo much work to keep it nice. I think I'm going to let it grow out though. I just posted some pictures of him in my blog the other day if you want to see him :)

Hmm I dunno about how you should break the news. Do your parents like your boyfriend? Have you been with him for awhile? Maybe you could tell them something like you two want to try living together to make sure it goes well before you take the relationship further? I don't know.
I saw your pictures of him :) I trim Legends fur in some places where it goes a bit wild like on his paws, his butt (it gets poopy back there if I don't >.< ), occasionally his sides (they make him look twice as fat as he is because it all stands straight out haha) and occasionally I have to trim some knots out from behind his ears but not too often. I do brush him on a regular basis and I give him his baths too....I'm pretty much his groomer. I wouldn't trust him with a professional because if I snag a knot when brushing he growls and "bites" (really just touches my hand with his teeth) but I bet if it was a stranger pulling knots he'd bite for real.

My parents do like my boyfriend but I have only been with him for 7 months (10 months when it comes time to move in though). The thing is though that I have secretly been living with him ever since November. I did not set foot back in my dorm room for the entire spring semester of school. We lived in just one small room with one small bathroom and did just fine so I know our own entire apartment (with three rooms!) will be just perfect! I just was to afraid to tell my parents though because I was afraid they'd say "No, you're too young!" (but I'm 19!?) or something and I really really REALLY don't want to go back to a dorm...
Haha I know papillons fur makes them look so much bigger than they really are! When I cut Kit's fur, he looks so much smaller than he does with all his crazy hair. I'm my dogs groomer too - groomers around here are so expensive and I think I do okay on my own.

Do your parents know how uncomfortable you where in the dorms? Maybe that will help them be more accepting of you living with your boyfriend. Good luck! When are you planning on telling them?
They know I hated the dorm, and I was trying to figure out when would be the best time to tell them....I don't want to tell them too early and then they decide I wont be living in an apartment anymore....I was thinking about maybe after the lease is already signed so I HAVE to live there for the first year, at least. And then maybe after that year they will be okay with me living with him. But I don't want them to be so mad they decide they wont help me pay my half of the rent, y'know? Cause that would be rather bad...they agreed to pay my half because they think I'm living with a friend....I don't want that to change.
I am about two weeks behind in all the blogs I like to keep up on.

For me, I would rather have my children (22, 19 and 15) be straight with me. I may not be pleased about what they tell me at first, but it would be easier to talk to them about it.Don't carry on the lie too long, trust can easily be broken but takes a long time to rebuild. Its best to be straight forward and honest with them.

I love this picture, its just such an awww kind of picture.


Yeah I just don't want them to not allow me to move in with Brandon....I would be completely devastated and miserable for a LONG time if they did that. We get along so well and have so many things we want do to in the future with our new apartment together that it would just be so heartbreaking to have all that go to ruins.

And thank you for the compliment on Mabel's picture :p