Daenerys's Bunny Blog, Reptile House

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Daenerys wrote:
Just wanted to say that today is the Herpetology Club's brickyard day on the NC State campus. This is an event where everyone in the club brings their reptile pets out to the brickyard (a really big brick courtyard in the center of campus) and we talk to everyone about them and let them hold and play with the animals. Brandon (my boyfriend) and I are bringing some of ours out (Ares and Ovid). This is also going on this Friday, too. Sunny is possibly going to be there. Always makes for a fun day! :)
That sounds like a lot of fun!

I had my first snake bite last night. Completely my fault. :headsmack
Great blog! :thumbup

I hope you have fun at the Herpetology Club's brickyard day.
Oh it was great! Even though I missed most of it because of class....and we WERE going to do a feeding demonstration except that the person we sent to get a pinkie mouse thought we said /pickle/ and well a pickle is not part of a snakes diet so that kind of fell through lol....Sunny was there and lots of people got to hold him :) Mellow, Basil's possible future girlfriend, was also there and I got a picture of her to share!

I also built Basil a new cage out of NIC cubes! :D Its great! I made it three panels long, one panel wide, and three panels tall. It has three levels, and he loves it!!!



The only bad thing is he has now decided his litter tray is just a chew toy and that the whole bottom level is his giant pooping area....hmm =/
Daenerys wrote:
Cabrissi wrote:
Just wanted to comment that your snakes are goorgeeouuusss! I had a corn snake and a kenyan sand boa before I left the US and miss them heaps. One day I'd love to get a Black Headed Python, they are stunning although quite expensive.
I just saw one of those black headed pythons in person for the first time this weekend! You're right, they ARE gorgeous! But I have only heard of them as woma pythons before then so it took me a while to make the connection between the two, lol. My boyfriend had to point it out. The one I saw had a tumor on its intestinal wall down near its vent, it was pretty large. :( Hard to do things like surgically remove tumors in snakes, too...
Womas (A. ramsayi) are lovely snakes and underrepresented as pets here imo given how hardy and good natured they are, plus some are really stunningly marked! The Black Headed Pythons (A. melanocephalus) are more common around here... almost any store that has reptiles here can be guaranteed to have carpets and black headeds. We're lucky to have a number of really awesome native snakes around in Aus, though in Victoria almost anything you'd find on a walk isn't one you'd cuddle! ;)
Pickle!!!!!!! :rofl: I can understand being confused by pinkie if you have never heard the term before....but pickle!?? Lol!!!

Gorgeous bun btw and great set up!


Yeah Mellow is gorgeous. If basil and Mellow aren't bred together I am seriously considering getting a holland lop! (Mellow is actually mini x holland)
The other day I saw these two ADORABLE little dwarf rabbits at my local pet store (this isn't a pet store like Petsmart, this is a pet store where the people actually know what they're doing! I trust these people.) and it was so hard to resist them! Pics:



I'd guess they're Netherland dwarfs, am I right?
Aww they are sooo cute!

Yeah that would be my guess. They are obviously mixed breed, but I think nethies nonetheless.

I love the 'Badger' one!!!!

I know for sure they're dwarfs at least :p

I love any small rabbits, mixed or not! I really wanted to bring home one of them so that Basil has a friend to play with but I managed to keep my self control, because if Basil and Mellow have babies I am going to keep one of their babies :)

I also want to say that Brandon had a job interview at Petsmart today! He has been trying to find a job for like a year and a half and he's applied to Petsmart every single month at least once (this past month he did over 20 job applications with them for every single store in the area)and this is the first time he has been called in for an interview. Petsmart applications are filled out online and you can only do one at a time for each position and they each make you do a 99 question personality test, so applying just once is a lot of work, let alone over 20 times in a month! During his interview they said they are expanding their reptile section and wanted someone who knows a lot about reptiles, so its looking pretty promising for him! I am keeping my fingers crossed, because since he is graduating from college he HAS to find a job to stay in Raleigh, otherwise his parents will make him move back to Fayetteville.

One other thing. Basil got a new harness and leash yesterday! Its a little toy (as in size toy, not play toy) dog harness (black) with a purple polka-dotted leash! ^_^ I also took him to school with me because I only had one class for an hour, and Brandon had one that lasted like 3 hours so I had nothing to do for those extra 2 hours, so Basil got to play in the grassy courtyard area and in the gardens :D
Awwwww I bet he loved that!!!! I wish i could bring my buns everywhere with me.

Good luck to Brandon!!!!! Hope it all goes well.

I personally LOVE mixed breeds. They have their own unique look, and I adore it. Both mine are mixed :D

I think this Friday when we are having our Herpetology Club Brickyard Day Version 2 I will bring Basil with me so he can be loved on by the hundreds of people who come by our table :p Mellow got LOTS of hugs and cuddles on Monday.
Hi Daenerys!! Your pets are gorgeous- I've always wanted a snake but haven't gotten around to getting one yet, and your blog makes me want to finally get one :biggrin:

Good to see a fellow Raleigh-ite! I've heard ads for your Herpetology Club on 88.1, small world.

Take care!!

There are ads on the radio for it?! I didn't know that. Cool ^_^

If you really want a snake, this Saturday at the fairgrounds is the Raleigh Reptile and Exotic Animal Show starting at 10am, you can buy tickets at the door. Its an excellent place to get a snake directly from the breeder! I will be there and so will most of the Herp Club, you could meet up with us if you wanted! :)
So, today is feeding day for all our snakies. Asmodaeus needed his repti-carpet back in his tank since we washed it and a water bowl refill, but we hadn't planned on feeding him today. However, when Brandon opened his tank to grab the bowl Azzy struck him on the hand. Apparently he smelled all the mice thawing (Brandon hadn't touched any, I was the one feeding). The poor snake instantly realized his mistake and let go. He only got Brandon's hand with the front part of his mouth so Brandon just has a few little scratches. I think we're gonna bring poor Azzy a rat tomorrow. :p On the plus side he now has his carpet back and fresh water!