cirrustwi wrote:
You have beautiful animals! Please just ignore anyone who is anti any of your animals. Everyone is here for rabbits, pet rabbits, but almost everyone will respect your love of animals in general.
I am also a huge animal lover and have a bunch of animals. I really need to start a blog, but my camera has gone missing and I want to post pics with them. LOL But like you, I have rabbits and reptiles (turtles, bearded dragons, a veiled chameleon and 3 ball pythons) and cats and dogs and I have had rats and ferrets and chinchillas and so on and so forth.
Keep posting!
I used to have a cat, until one day a dog (not one of mine) attacked her and she died from internal damage :'( I want to get a Bengal cat someday!
I also want to get either a box turtle or a Russian tortoise

Those guys are SO CUTE! But I think I am set for now with what I have.
undergunfire wrote:
Adorable rattie boys :biggrin:! I have 4 neutered boys myself. I love looking at blogs with a variety of animals, but sometimes I have to be careful because of frogs. I'm extremely terrified of them to the point where I have really bad panic attacks if I even see a picture of one. Whenever I visit Ren's blog I have to scroll VERY slow to make sure I see the word "frog" when pictures are coming up, so I take that as my warning to either exit out or scroll super fast past the frog pictures :whistling.
We aren't getting Aragorn neutered because we want baby ratties for snake food... >.> We treat Aragorn and Arwen as pets, though. They get yogurt treats and banana and toys and stuff. ^_^
Terrified of frogs? Lol that's a new one! My froggies are just adorable. Once again I don't understand the fear.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Quite a variety of animals you have. Well we all have our likes and dislikes of different animals, some rational and some irrational. My little zoo compared to yours, 15 rabbits, 2 dogs and 2 cats keeps me plenty busy. Sounds like you have your hands full there. Do you spend a lot of time cleaning cages? What do your snakes eat?
I clean cages fully at least once a week and do spot cleaning when necessary. Today is my snake carpet cleaning day, the snakes in tanks have repti-carpet and that gets thrown in the washer and dryer with our clothes. The sand boa and the pygmy rattlesnake live in/on sand, so for them its mostly spot cleaning....scooping poo like its a cat litter box

For the rattlesnake we have a pair of hex armor gloves, the stuff bulletproof vests are made of. They're made of three layers of the stuff and are completely bite proof (they've been tested thoroughly by us with cottonmouths and copperheads...hoping to test on gaboon vipers some day -- 2 inch fangs!!!) and we ALWAYS wear the gloves when we're doing stuff in his tank.
My snakes eat appropriately sized mice and rats (if they're big enough), all f/t (frozen and then thawed, so no live). "Appropriately sized" means no larger than 1.5x the largest part of the snake. So, for example, Drake and Lyra eat "fuzzy mice", meaning baby mice who have just gotten their fur. Aphrodite on the other hand can eat adult mice, or mice-sized rats. Rats are higher in fat content though, so only Asmodaeus eats them as a staple in his diet. Everyone eats once a week except Asmodaeus because he is already full grown. He eats every other week.
Cabrissi wrote:
Just wanted to comment that your snakes are goorgeeouuusss! I had a corn snake and a kenyan sand boa before I left the US and miss them heaps. One day I'd love to get a Black Headed Python, they are stunning although quite expensive.
I just saw one of those black headed pythons in person for the first time this weekend! You're right, they ARE gorgeous! But I have only heard of them as woma pythons before then so it took me a while to make the connection between the two, lol. My boyfriend had to point it out. The one I saw had a tumor on its intestinal wall down near its vent, it was pretty large.

Hard to do things like surgically remove tumors in snakes, too...
jcottonl02 wrote:
Wow okay. What an honest answer about snake/human relationships. Yeah I can see that- although I read it wrong and thought you said 'snakes are natural losers' !!! Lol! I was like...that's not very nice!!! :rofl:
My uncle has Boa Constrictor named...wait for it..Bo:expressionless
But she is fully grown now I think, and am I right saying that females are usually smaller than males? If so then males must be HUGE cos she is just massive.
He has always owned snakes, of sooo many varieties lol. He is a really brilliant owner, from what I can see, and she is a lovely, calm snake from all the socialising and handling he gives her.
Have you ever thought of getting a Python like Sunny?
Hahah no they're not losers!

And Bo for a boa isn't any worse than Sandy for a sand boa. No creativity from your uncle or my boyfriend! That's why he lets me name all the animals now XD
In snakes generally the females are larger than the males. In red tail boas, generally females can get 12 feet long where males usually top out at about 8 or 9.
No, I would never get a python like Sunny. They are just TOO HUGE! I do love Sunny, but I will be happy to go play with him at my friend's house rather than getting one myself. I think she got rather lucky that since she got him when he was already 5 years old and 10 feet long that he had such a docile temperament.