Well-Known Member
You guys are the best. It's nice to have support. I feel lucky! I have good news and bad news. Bad news is little Teddy is getting more dehydrated and his crop is not emptying
I gave him fluids and he pooped a little, but I don't have high hopes for his survival. Of course I will be doing everything I can to make him live, but realistically, I don't know.
I am more optimistic about Neeja. I fed him .5 CC of slightly thicker formula and he had it out of his crop in 2 hours. Go baby go! Baby steps... I just fed him again, this time .75 CC. Next feeding I'm going to bump it up to 1.25. He should be able to eat 3 CCs of thicker formula than he's getting at every feeding, but I want to take small steps. I'd rather feed him more often and work our way up to where he should be. I'm more optimistic about him recovering. When empty, his crop actually looks like it should! It doesn't seem distended. So his crop emptying problems are improving and he's not dehydrated, but the yeast and bacterial infections that CAUSED the sour crop are still there, just under control from the medications he's on. Hopefully the medications will continue to work without damaging his tiny body or messing up his intestinal flora too much. They're so small that medication amounts (and even BeneBac amounts) are kind of guesses. For one of the medications, I don't even have real dosage amounts or anything because the amount they need is sooooo tiny- I have 1 little capsule of medicine that I broke in half and how I measure it out is by scooping the teeniest little amount up with my pinky fingernail (picking it up with my fingers would result in too high of a dose) and mixing it with 1 drop of water.
I haven't checked on Phoenix since I last posted, but Arthur is with him in the nest box.
I am more optimistic about Neeja. I fed him .5 CC of slightly thicker formula and he had it out of his crop in 2 hours. Go baby go! Baby steps... I just fed him again, this time .75 CC. Next feeding I'm going to bump it up to 1.25. He should be able to eat 3 CCs of thicker formula than he's getting at every feeding, but I want to take small steps. I'd rather feed him more often and work our way up to where he should be. I'm more optimistic about him recovering. When empty, his crop actually looks like it should! It doesn't seem distended. So his crop emptying problems are improving and he's not dehydrated, but the yeast and bacterial infections that CAUSED the sour crop are still there, just under control from the medications he's on. Hopefully the medications will continue to work without damaging his tiny body or messing up his intestinal flora too much. They're so small that medication amounts (and even BeneBac amounts) are kind of guesses. For one of the medications, I don't even have real dosage amounts or anything because the amount they need is sooooo tiny- I have 1 little capsule of medicine that I broke in half and how I measure it out is by scooping the teeniest little amount up with my pinky fingernail (picking it up with my fingers would result in too high of a dose) and mixing it with 1 drop of water.
I haven't checked on Phoenix since I last posted, but Arthur is with him in the nest box.