Zin, I'm glad to hear you've been reading along. I'm surprised and touched by how many people the chicks and Kieran have affected. Kieran was the little trail blazer. I miss him. I wish his illness had been caught sooner. Maybe we could have saved him and the others wouldn't have even gotten sick. I remember back when his crop was big and watery, and I thought it was supposed to be like that- his crop was like that when he first hatched (which is normal since the parents feed the chicks very runny food) and I just thought it was how it was supposed to be. Remember, I thought the others were all sick and he was fine? And it was the reverse. I wish the vet we saw on Thursday had been better and had NOT aspirated him (I've emptied the babies' crops about 8 times over the past couple days and none of them were anywhere near as traumatic as what the vet did to Kieran) and that the vet had prescribed medicine for them all then. She said we'd wait a couple days and see. You cannot just wait and see with tiny little baby birds. If we'd got meds on Thursday and the vet hadn't been so rough with him, maybe he would have recovered and the other chicks wouldn't have even gotten sick.
I had to empty Teddy's crop again this afternoon

I hate doing it. He coughed a little bit but was begging for food again within 10 seconds. I hate taking their lives into my hands by emptying their crops, but if you let the food sit there and it's not being digested, it just goes bad. You can smell the sourness.
After emptying his crop, Teddy got his medicine and then he and Neeja both got formula. So far Phoenix's crop is looking good and he's being fed well, but Arthur and Poppet don't seem to get that they're supposed to keep him warm (they'll sit with him for 3 hours and then leave him alone for longer than is safe for him), so I rigged up a heating pad on the outside of the nest box. It's just on low, but it will give him a little extra warmth I hope.
Even though I had to empty Teddy again, the fact that his crop emptied earlier is a good sign I think. Better than the vomiting he was doing on Friday night! Hopefully both their crops will empty well. I'm going to go take a nap because there's nothing that needs to be done with the chicks until 8 when it's medicine time again. I'll probably check Teddy and Neeja once before then, but it's best not to check them too much because they need to get as much sleep as possible. Paul is going to monitor the temperature in the brooder for me. I'm so paranoid that I have 3 thermometers in there but I still worry.