Christina - Moderator
I'm so sorry Shiloh. You did so much for her! I think you should absolutely make a rainbow bridge announcement for her. I know this thread really touched me and I'm sure others must feel the same.
I hope this doesn't come out wrong....I pray it doesn't. But I've lost enough animals to observe certain things.My baby girl died in my hands a few minutes ago :bawl: I peeked in on her in the brooder to find her lying on her stomach and gasping. I picked her up, gave her some kisses (I always gave her a kiss after feeding her before I put her back in the brooder), and petted her until she died. She died about a minute and a half after I picked her up. As you can imagine, this is a very sad time for me because she was 13 weeks old today and I raised her by hand since she was 10 days old. I was never certain that she'd survive, but I loved her very much anyway- how could I not?