Cheryl's Bunnies

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Dave,Sunshine says thankyou very much

Sorry to hear about your troubles as well...i came home from work early today,i just felt like they told me go home and head is just all stuffy,and i cannot stand having a stuffy nose as's just really not the best thing to put up's so annoying...ohh and my eyes are just watering like crazy!

Hope you feel better soon as well

Myia,i can understand how you feel about little Kinobe...cute name by the way...i really hope things work out for you...but if they don't,at least you tried.
Forgot to add..that Sunny is a funny little girl..but very very affectionate...she is actually my most loveable bunny out of the group....she loves to lick...i mean a few of the others lick as well like Zak loves to lick my legs lol when i'm standing up and have my jeans rolled up,and if i'm lying on the floor with the bunnies he will just lick my face...he's so sweet also....but Sunny licks my face on command...all i have to say is give mummy kiss..and she will lick my nose and face...gosh i love that girl.

It's also funny what she does...i give Jack extra water out of a verysmall cup..i just hold it for him while he drinks from it..and while i'm doing that..Sunny will just lick my arm the whole time lol....then Josie will come up and keep nudging my arm while Jack is having a drink and Sunny is licking my arm lol....gosh what a fun time i have here with my funny lil bunnies lol.
Thanks you guys :D

Yeah i know Denise,time just goes so quick...i always think back when my buns were just itty bitty babies...gosh the mischieviousthings my bunnies have gotten up to in those years lol
Well it was a great day today..sunny..warm...i hate this change of weather though..sunny and warm for a few days then cool and breezy for another few days and then back to sunny and annoying.

I'm just starting to get over my horrible cold..thangod..just have this annoying cough now...i had to take two and half days of from work last they would rather you stay home than make everyone else sick as that mean't i had to go to the doctor..which i would never do just for the basic headcold..but i had to get a sickness certificate which is compulsory at any job..what a pain!

It was wash the bunnies blankets day..i do it two times a week..wednesdays and whole clothes line is dedicated to the bunnies blankets on those mum evengave me a portable clothesline for mine and the boys washing lol.

I have this little addiction with fleece blankets..i have that many..but i still keep buying them lol...i look for the pretty patterns too lol

Not long ago i was cleaning the kitchen before iwent to bed to come on my laptop for a bit..and i went to open my cupboard and god almighty..all these containers came flying out at me..i'm like ugh..Jeremy!...he never stacks the containers he just squeezed them in and quickly closed the door so they wouldn't fall out...yeah just wait for a victim to come and open it...and yeah it's me lol...he's in bed cause he has school tomorrow so i couldn't tell him off,,kids!

Well i will leave with a few pictures..

We share says Zak to Marley



Ok which one of you girls left these here?..

Chocolate Bunny was Marley..


Chocolate Bunny your butt is as comfy as a fluffy pillow


Goodnight..i must get to sleep..have work in the morning.

A doctor's note for 2 day absence??? Wow~ that's like being in grade school. The only time we're required one at work if we take FMLA. Hope you feel better.

Thanks for the pics. I have my lop fix for the day!
We don't get sick days and the company does not require people to stay home if they are sick. In fact if you wake up in the morning and are sick and call in you get points! So people come in and spread the love.

My kids do the same thing with the plastic bowls too.

I love the bunny pictures, too cute.
In high school I had "Medical leave" and could miss any amount of days, but they dont' have that in college. I also lost my insurance, so when I got sick and missed a week, my teacher asked for my notes. Well, I can't afford the $500 urgent care fee but trust me, I was sick. lol

Adorable photos!
Thanks guys :)

Wow,i never knew that you guys over there wouldn't need a if you are sick and need to take a day you just call up sick and the boss takes your word for it? does it work over there?....this is quite facinating..i love to learn what other countries do differently than us here.

Well at least 99.9% of companies here require a medical say that you have been seen by a doctor and not just taking a day of for the fun of it lol....but if you are taking the day of to go to an appointment or something then you just explain don't need no certificate or anything.

But i must say it can be a big pain in the butt..when you are feeling horrible and having to wait in the waiting room is just the worst thing ever...

Dave..isn't it annoying when the kids do those things?!

Thanks again for the lovely comments guys...and thanks for the interesting comments as well...i just love to learn new things like that...
Oh goodness, no, we just call in and yes they take our word for it. Some places require a "Doctor's note" if it will be a few days, but other than that we don't have to havea "certificate" what a pain!:X

Adorable pics, by the way! I always love them.:D:inlove:
A couple years ago when the company was going into bankruptcy, we took a paycut which also included being paid only 75% if you called in sick. After 7 days out then you file for medical leave with a doctor's note and only then will you receive 100% of sick pay. Of course now everyone will just come to work sick!
There was a time when we had sick days to take off if you weren't feeling well. A bunch of people in the second plant were calling in sick almost every Monday because they had hangovers. So instead of disciplining those individuals they took away our sick days.

Oh wow how amazing is guys are quite lucky over there...but i know not all workplaces are as strict as where i work...and yeah it really does suck...but then some of the things that go on in this place iscrazy anyway ;)

I had taken Charlie to the vet tonight to see Dr Lee..about her watering eyes...he had a look and everything and said that she'll need to have them flushed..but since it was late..he asked if i could leave Charlie there for the night and he will see to her tomorrow...but i said i would rather take her home and i'll drop her off on my way to she came home.

I just hate leaving my bunnies at the vet all day :(
Me too, in fact, I have never done it because I have such bad issues with it. LOL.

But I had a bad experiance..I had a ball phython who had surgery and they forgot to put the heat lamp on, and he passed.

So I am not leaving my poor babies there anymore!
Wow Myia..that's awful what they did!

I just hate taking my bunnies out of their comfort zone...and i just worry a bit to much about them lol

Well Charlie was at the vet for the day...the nurses saidCharlie was an absolute gem...she had her eyes flushed...which she did very well i was told...the right eye is clear but the left is kinda blocked...the Dr said she tried flushing ita few times..but it wasn't doing anything so she gave up because she didn't want to irritate Charlie's eye.

So she gave me some eye drops...Maxidex which i have to giveone drop into each eyetwice a day and Optigentin which i also have to give one drop into each eye two to three times a day.

I have to take her back in a weeks time

I picked her up at 5:20pm..i'm sure she's glad to be home


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