Well i have been enjoying my time home...and the weather has been glorious...absolutely sunny...like my Sunny bunny lol....but i may as well enjoy every drop of that sunshine..cause i know there won't be to much of itleft..winter is coming...already :shock:..well not until June..but the months are going by very quickly though.
Daylight savings finally finishes three am this morning..sunday morning...yay..i get my hour back!
On thursday which was our last day of workuntil the four day break...well we got to pig out on hot cross buns...not sure if you guys have them or not...but they are so delicious toasted with lots of butter..mmmm..i prefer the plain ones though..the one's without sultanas...we also got a chocolate easter bunny,,mmmm,,mmm
Well i have to get new pictures of the bunnies posted