Chance is going to be euthanized

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Starina wrote:
Just know that we all will support whatever you decide forChance. No matter what the outcome, if he lives for another week, or 10years, the time he has spent with you is truely a blessing. He knowsthat you love him, you can see it on his face in the many photos youhave posted. He knows what love feels like, because of you.

Best of Luck,:clover:

Absolutely! You guys will be in my thoughts andprayers. This has been a tough one for me, so like I saidbefore, I cannot imagine what you're going through. Don'tfeel that you are failing him, you're not. Thank God he hasyou. Without you, he probably wouldn't be here today.:):pray:
Please please please don't blame yourself fornot giving Chance enough time. It wasn't your fault that you only havehad him two weeks . It's very important for you to hear what ec, Peg,Haley bassettluv, me and everyone else is sayingto you and process it

Its possible that he is not going to be able to be saved even if hedoes go to LSU. If your vet gives you some positives tomorrow thenmaybe LSU is something to consider
but it may be that his condition is too serious. Ask your vet to be frank with you.
He has been loved and that's the most important thing.
When I had my guinea pig euthanized several weeks ago I felt guilty and terrible because I had not given him love.

This is absolutely and totally different ; its possible that he canhang on and then again maybe you don't have control over his future.

What ever happens please try not to let this overwhelm you !!
You have a very strict conscence and probably it is overstrict.
In this case you are being needlessly WAY TOO HARD on yourself which makes me worry about you.
My heart goes out to you, ppl like you shouldn't have to go through this.

Just an idea, maybe calling vets away from your general area, but stilldriveble distance, telling them the condition and maybe seeing whatthey would do? I don't know kidney problems, so I honestlyhave no clue, but just a thought.
Haley wrote:
Is tomorrow the office visit with LSU?

If they feel that there is something they can do for him, maybe askthem if they have a way for people to donate money to them for Chance(like paypal)? That way we could set up some sort of fund for him.People feel a lot better if they know the money is going directly tothe vet.

Let us know how things go. I will be keeping you both in my prayers. We're here for you, no matter what.
Excellent idea Haley. LSU does have several ways todonate. I used their online donation after Katrina becausethey took in and treated so many animals.

They do have different funds but I am nor sure if a donation can bedesignated for an individual animals care. Perhaps they wouldbe willing to arrange that or have donors put some sort of number, codeor name on the donation so it would go to Chance.

I know you have a lot on your plate right now MBH but if it does looklike Chance will go to LSU, can you ask them if your friends here onthe board canmake designated donations? I know manyherewould be happy to do that.

Prayers for Chance and for you.
Chance seems to be about the same tonight. Notany worse, so that is a good sign. I'm going to bed pretty soon -- I'mjust so nervous about tomorrow, it's unreal. Don't ask me how I willsleep tonight. I ask that everyone continue praying for him and thatthe news tomorrow is positive, uplifting and filled with a hopefuloutlook for my boy.
I have bad news. Very bad news. I wenttogive Chance his night dose of medicines and supplementsjust now, and his tongue and gums are solid white again. He was doingso good before and his tongue and gums had gotten nice and pink. Theyare once again white, and this is what my vet told me to look out foragain, as this was one of the worse signs. It means his kidneys arebleeding again. His tongue and gums had gotten pink thanks to his ironsupplements. He isstill on his supplements, but they've gonewhite again. This means even the supplements aren't working anymore.

Thank you both for the prayers. I'm finally deciding to head to bed now. I'll update tomorrow after we see the vet.

Everyone please continue to pray for him tonight.
You keep tryin', you beautiful boy. Ilove you and I'm praying for you sweetheart. Come onChance!!:party0002::pray:


Oh, MBH, I am sitting here in tears - I feel so sorry for you and Chance.
I do agree with Peg, and others - sometimes the best thing is to letgo, as hard as it is. I knew with Perry that it was time when he wasn'teating and wasn't interested in anything, not even his beloved Pernod.It is the hardest decision we have to make.

I am keeping you and Chance in my prayers, and hoping the best for your vet visit today. :hug2:

We're home. I have good news and bad news. Thegood news is, he has less sand in his urine today than in the pastweeks. The bad news is, he's fully anemic again even though he's stillon supplements.

Now on to aggrivating news. I love my vet. I think he's great. And I amdone going to him, except for weekly urinalysis. Why? Because I thinkhe's wrong.

After doing tons of research last night, I discovered that rabbitsurine are naturally alkaleine, and is not supposed to be acidic. Then Iread about kidney problems in them, and they are never supposed to begiven a urine acidifier. It can even be fatal!

My vet has him on the highest dose there is, and wants him to live onit. Nope. I am taking him off. The vet even admitted that it wasn'tworking (gosh, I wonder why... ).

Then, Chance is on the most horrible food ever. Walmart food. It's thefood he came with and was never changed over because he started goingto the vet the day I got him and the vet didn't want to change his foodduring the weekly urinalysis. Well, I am changing him over startingtonight, and just not telling my vet -- because he doesn't agree. Well,the food he's on has nearly 2% calcium! No wonder he has sludge! I amputting him on Harper's food -- 0.3% calcium. Much better.

Since my vet is at the end of his knowledge with Chance, I am going togo my own route anyways. Chance seems to be doing a bit better, andwe're still saving to get him to the LSU clinic. After talking to manyknowledgeable people, including another vet that my friend from therescue goes to, Chance may heal himself if he can get his food changedand his water intake increased. And she gasped at the urine acidifieras well.

Per HRS research, I also have Chance on Cranberry tablets, which canalso help get rid of the kidney and urine sand, plus help fight the badbacteria that causes it. He's still on antibiotics, and those I willcontinue. But I am changing his food and taking him off that acidifier.

Thank Goodness. I was getting ansy from not hearing, fearing the worst.

Well, it sounds like you are really doing what needs to bedone. I didn't know about the alkeline in the urineeither. I think I read a little something about it when I hadBunBun on Lasix for his heart trouble. I was getting scaredabout kidney failure and that's where I read about it.

Changing his food sounds like a grand idea, but as all you have beenthrough since you've had him, it only made sense to worry about themost important things first. I have that little sweetie on mydesktop, his Easter pic, I love it.

I'm glad to hear this, I hope he only gets better from hereon out. Good Luck, Congratulations and keep us posted.:great: