Well-Known Member
I cant even read this all because I am crying so hard. I feel so bad for you and him. I wanna come and hug you!:bigtears::imsorry:
Well then just call it art. Anyone can sell art. Seriously. And, like I said, if you do it through a website, people can order through you personally. Just say you are selling art and "100% of the profits will go towards the care of a foster rabbit who is in desperate need of medical attention." Or, put on a website Chance's story w/ with a link to donate, which means they would just send an email to you w/ their paypal name and donation amount. Go on paypal, request a payment through their name. Once you get the payment, you can give a photo away of Chance as a "gift." That's what many places do today. That way,you're not 'selling' them, your asking for a donation and giving it away!The photography idea is wonderful, however in this state, it's not allowed withouta photography license. We tried it with the rescue and were told that we weren't allowed to sell portraits of any type for profit without a photography license.Otherwise, I'd love to.