Chance is going to be euthanized

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I cant even read this all because I am crying so hard. I feel so bad for you and him. I wanna come and hug you!:bigtears::imsorry:
Prayers for a miracle going out to your boy Chance, MBH....I don't know what to add that hasn't already been said.You've been a wonderful mom to him, and while it may only be two weeks that he's enjoyed a pampered life, to any animal that has known only hardship previously, even a day of love is so appreciated.

{{{Sweet Chance}}}

I'm so sorry, MBH. But you've given him so much love and care - and I know he knows that.

Ditto to what everyone else has said re. his happiness and all that you've done for him.
I'm shocked and hearbroken at the same time. I know you are doing everything in your power to help him. It's just sometimes the damage is just so irreversible that no matter how hard you try it can't be fixed. And we all know how hard you are working to get him back to health. He has learned exactly what it is like to be happy, loved, and spoiled thanks to you and your warm heart. You can keep the images of him binkying in your mind and heart to comfort you when he passes. Great big hugs to you and him both. You are truely a bunny's angel. :hug2:


MBH, this is the link for IMOM that Pip posted in the Infirmary section. They have an procedure for filing for emergency funds if your pet is in danger of dying or euthanasia.

It may be worth looking at to see if you can get financialhelp for Chance.

I am so sorry. You have done your best for Chance and sometimes all the money in the world cannot cure the illness.
Thanks everyone. I was turned down by CareCredit. I looked at IMOM and I have to talk to the LSU Vet School to see if they are willing to do all the paperwork IMOM requires. IMOM says this is the first step. *Sigh*

The photography idea is wonderful, however in this state,it's not allowed withouta photography license. We tried it with the rescue and were told that we weren't allowed to sell portraits of any type for profit without a photography license. Otherwise, I'd love to.

Chance got his easter picture taken at the rescue the other day, since we had some easter stuff hanging around. We set it up and voila. My baby looked so adorable.

I guess we'll know a good bit for certain come Monday, when his urinalysis is due again to see how it looks and if these antibiotics are working (which the vet has little hope. Wonderful.)


I am so, so sorry to hear about Chance :( He is THE most beautiful bunny!! I was reading through the bunnynapping thread and thought of all the bunnies I've seen here, I'd love Chance the most!! (And there are SO many beautiful bunnies here!!)

I am crying just thinking about that beautiful bunny having to be put to sleep :(

I am so glad for him that he came into your life and got at least a short time to have all the love and care he deserved. I hope he's forgotten his horrible old life!!

I wish there was something I could do to help...

I will keep you and Chance in my prayers:group:

I hope so much that he will get better!!!

I'm sorry, my thought are with you. I'm still new to rabbits being a rabbits person for almost a year. But I'm wodering here what about trying some natural stuff if it is safe for bunnies... cranberry juice is a natural kidney stimulant and you can also get some natural stuff from a health food store called kidney flush. This is what we do for race horses that have kidney trouble.Like I said i don't know if it is safe for rabbits but something to look into. it might help you never know. Vet aren't always right about things, I used to care for a horse that broke a small bone in his pastern. The vet wanted to put him down, he would never racebut the owner said no, this horse was only 2 and had very good breeding. After a year of rest and a lot of leg rubbing he went onto race at 3 and made over $1,000,000. you never know....
i'm sooo sorry hun:hug1:hug1:hug1:hug1:hug1:hug1:hug1:hug1:hug1 i really do hope that the vet has good news for you on monday and keeping my fingers crossed that you manage to get the money some how, if i could i would lend you some till you can pay back but i havent got any spare cash sorry hun will be thinking of you and chance over the next few days :imsorry::imsorry:
MyBoyHarper wrote:
The photography idea is wonderful, however in this state, it's not allowed withouta photography license. We tried it with the rescue and were told that we weren't allowed to sell portraits of any type for profit without a photography license.Otherwise, I'd love to.
Well then just call it art. Anyone can sell art. Seriously. And, like I said, if you do it through a website, people can order through you personally. Just say you are selling art and "100% of the profits will go towards the care of a foster rabbit who is in desperate need of medical attention." Or, put on a website Chance's story w/ with a link to donate, which means they would just send an email to you w/ their paypal name and donation amount. Go on paypal, request a payment through their name. Once you get the payment, you can give a photo away of Chance as a "gift." That's what many places do today. That way,you're not 'selling' them, your asking for a donation and giving it away!

I hope that helps hun. Again, I'll be online if you are interested later today (I have some errands to do today so I'll be back around 3pmCST). Ask to see if the rescue would put up a link for donations for Chance, or if you made a site, could link it to theres.

BTW, Chance's Easter photo is absolutely sweet! Sweeter than Peeps even!

Hang in there, MBH! :hug2:And give Chance nose rubs from Drizzle and Latte (they're praying for him).
Oh Danielle, I am so sorry to hear this most recent news. I will be keeping you guys in my prayers.

Whatever happens, Chance is one lucky bunny to be so cherished and loved these past few weeks. You have been an angel to him in his time of need.

Let us know if theres anything we can do to help :pray:
I have good access to site makeing software and am good at it because I have taken a course in it. If you need a hand makeing a site I would be honered to help you.
MBH, I was shocked when I first read this. Couldn't even respond, so I can't imagine what you're going through. Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

We love you Chance!:inlove: