Chance is going to be euthanized

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Thank you everyone, the thoughts, prayers, and words of encouragement mean a lot to me and Chance. He seems a bit more active today, and appears to be more curious about things and more interested in following me around compared to yesterday. His urine appears the same, but he does have a pretty okay appetite and is drinking water readily on his own still. This is a good sign, as the vet said he'd see him as an emergency if he were to quit eating or drinking.

He hasn't gotten any worse, so I hope that this is one positive indication that the antibiotics may actually be working. Wishful thinking considering the odds, but I am praying and pushing hard for him.

I was given $5 today to go to the thrift store to buy him some things to help cheer him up. I came home with a bag load, for just $5! He got a pop-out kitty tunnel to hide and play in, a big untreated wicker basket to play with his timothy hay in, a bunch of large wooden blocks,and some big plastic rattlers to toss around. He should, at the very least, be quite perky at the sight of all these new cool toys.

Please continue praying for him, he's truly a fighter and he's fighting so hard right now, as am I, for him.
I think Chance made a wish, as in the Make a Wish program, and you were it. You know just how to make him happy.
Someone suggested writing his story and have on-linedonations through pay pal. I don't know if its allowed on this forum but if it is we could all give a little and the numbers would add up.
I think that is a great idea. If we could start a thread with a paypal button to donate to Chance and MBH....I would!

- Amy:brownbunny
I would too... it just seems like sucha shame... he's such a wonderful little man and after all you've done for him it just isn't fair...
Every things crossed in hope that those antibiotics will help...
You're a little fighter chance, keep fighting mate:purplepansy:
Thank you guys very much, I am touched that y'all would be willing to go out of y'alls way like that for me and Chance. I'm not sure of the rules of the board pertaining to that, or how it would even be done.

Chance seems okay tonight, I thought he was getting perkier earlier, I guess it was wishful thinking. He seems a bit more mopey tonight and not as excited.

I'm so nervous about seeing the vet Monday, I'm petrified. I'm so scared of what he's going to tell me and I'm dreading the outcome. I'm still praying for the best, however, but also still dreading the worst.

Thanks again to everyone, I'm touched at the amount of people who have replied to this thread.

I'm sorry if I'm a bit slow at answering, I haven't been as active since all this on Friday. My heart just hasn't been in to doing too much.
We do wish you the best MBH. I really hope the vet has good news for you. Chance is so special.

Do you have a paypal account MBH?

MODS....can we set up a donate thread for MBH and Chance? I'm sure a lot of us want to donate, even if it is only a few dollars.

- Amy

I would happily donate a few dollars to help Chance!! Setting up a donation button from Paypal shouldn't be too difficult...I'm sure the mods could do it! If not, it wouldn't be hard to set up a free blogger blog or something with a paypal donate button on it. I'm sure many people here would be willing to part with a few$$$ for this precious bunny!! And all that money would add up!!

I believe this is being brought up to the mods.My only concern is we have SO MANY needy bunnies on this forum (and this is a personal comment only). For example, we have Harper (who MBH also has) plus other rabbits like Rocky (that is a rescue and had hernia operation).

I'm sure once the mods are done discussing this a decision will be posted.

But it is hard to do for one when we have so very very my opinion.


undergunfire wrote:
We do wish you the best MBH. I really hope the vet has good news for you. Chance is so special.

Do you have a paypal account MBH?

MODS....can we set up a donate thread for MBH and Chance? I'msure a lot of us want to donate, even if it is only a few dollars.

- Amy
I do understand. I don't spend much time in the Health Care section, so I didn't know there was so many needy bunnies on this forum. I would gladly donate some money to each, if that was any way possible.

I am not picking favorites or anything, I just didn't know that there were more buns needing help!

Sorry if I caused some trouble.

- Amy
...I have NO idea how I could possibly miss this thread, but somehow I did, and I just read through it right now....
I am soooo sorry that this had to happen to poor Chance....especially since you've already had so much trouble in vet bills with Harper. I'm also very sorry that I can't give you anything.... I could try to draw pictures of him for you to sell, but I really don't have a penny to my name... (I'll try the pictures if you want me to, though. It's not photography.. )
I'll definitely be keeping you in my thoughts, and wishing the best of luck for you both, if I can't do any more than that.
I'll be hoping for a miracle~
~Diana and Butter
You were expressing your concern - and that was very sweet of you. Trust me - we know you weren't trying to cause any problems at all.....

....there are times I don't realize how many sick bunnies we have till I go and read....


undergunfire wrote:
Sorry if I caused some trouble.

- Amy
Sorry, I've been off sick all week (still not feeling so hot), haven't done much more than check on Haley's Max,missed the Chance saga.

We have a standing arrangement (in place, tho ithas yet to be implemented) with IMOM to send bunnies to them and then encourage our members to donate/sponsor that bunny via IMOM.

It's imperative that MBH fills out the paperwork and makes an application ASAP, then we can spread the word. He is likely to qualify for their emergency fund, although I don't know that for sure.

The board policy is that donations sponsored by us go to IMOM ordirectly to the vet, so in case IMOM doesn't work out, still best to arrange a Paypal fund with the vet.

So sorry to hear about Chance. :(I assume they've flushed his bladder and given him ongoing SubQ's? Are you giving him infusions at home?

sas :pray:
They haven't given him any SubQ's, the vet didn't seem to think it was necessary when I mentioned it to him.

As far as IMOM, I did not fill out the paperwork after researching it and talking to someone, because at the moment, he won't qualify. Chance is seeing a regular vet who isn't charging anything for his care.He wants us to go to LSUfor treatment, but we haven't gone yet until we know tomorrow's results.

IMOMwon't give us any money until we go to LSU, and then it'll take 48 hours to process the emergency fund. I talked to LSU and while they are willing to accept IMOM, they are not willing to wait the time they require to recieve their money.

So basically, if I go tomorrow evening, they'll want their money the very second we're done. And I don't have it. If I wait till NEXT week to go, they'll still want their money the very second we're done that day. They won't wait a day or two after treatmentto get the money, and IMOM won't send the money until LSU faxes over the paperworkAFTER Chance is seen. It's not agreeing with LSU's 'policy'.

At least I can say I tried... doesn't make me feel better, but not much will right now.

EDIT to say, I don't think it'll matter anyways. Chance is losing interest in his food as of last night, and interest in everything else as of this morning. I've been watching him go downhill all weekend,meaning our one last chance with the antibiotics isn't working.
OMG, I have just caught up with all this, and I am so very sorry. After all you have both gone through, too. I can only add to everyone else, and send all my prayers and best thoughts to you.I am hoping for a miracle :pray:

I'm concerned that they're not administeringSubQ's, I thought that was the most important part re:treating sludge, but if two vets have looked at the treatment, one would think they know... I sure hope so. :(

I'd still try and keephim hydratedhowever you can.

I'd fill out the paperwork just in case, IMOMhave ways of convincing the vets, and there may be a few other options.They're up against this all the time, and it works out more often than not.

Here's hoping hehangs in until tomorrow. Is he o npain meds? He really shouldbe at this stage. Poor baby.

Sending vibes and prayers for both of you. :clover::pray:

This is so hard to read. We have watched him blossom under your care. I hope something works.

Prayers from all of us.

Alicia and The Zoo Crew! (2007)Ringo
,The dog Akasha

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers, they're truly appreciated.

Pipp, a couple days ago someone told me about the subq's, I mentioned it to the vet and he said that it wouldn't be beneficial in his case and may stress him out more. I left it at that, as I didn't know much about subq's.

He isn't on pain meds because the vet says they interact with the gut and intestine movement. And ever since we got him, his intestines have been inflammed and raw, and he was scared that the pain meds would send him into stasis.

Right now,I don't think it's the pain causing him the lethargy so much (as he's not grinding his teethmuch today,he's just very... tired and uninterested)as it is that he's going into kidney failure. The vet says that it would drain their energy level.

Pipp, I will fill out the paperwork right this moment anyways, as it can't hurt to try. Worse that can be done is us being turned down.

Thanks again everyone.
I'll have to wait until tomorrow to even try to fill out the IMOM application.

First, there'sone thing on the list of requirementssaying that ifit's are true, I don't qualify:

- Your veterinarian is not willing to accept payment by check from IMOM after your pet is treated and an itemized bill has been sent to IMOM.

LSU told me that they are not willing to wait to have their money and that the bill must be paid in full at the time of the services.

I looked past that and went to fill out the emergency application and it read:

- Emergency applications may be requested only after IMOM has received confirmation from the attending veterinarian that the animal will die or have to be euthanized within 24 - 48 hours if not treated.

My vet's out of town until I see him tomorrow, so that'll have to wait as well. I still have a feeling we won't be approved. I talked to these people on Friday and was told the same thing -- they won't give out any money until they have approval and an itemized list of the treatment.Meaning Chance must be treated first. However, LSU won't allow me to have him treated and then wait up to two days to recieve acheck from IMOM. They want their money immediately, before you even leave the clinic the entire bill must be paid in full.

Maybe it would be better for Chance notto wait that long ...maybe it would be better to let him go to heaven
I had a dog that died from kidney failure after having very manageable kidney disease for years.

The last month of her lifethe vet told me that she was in kidney failure and that nothing could reverse it . I did give sub Q fluids twice a day for a month and tried to get her to eat but she was suffering a lot. I finally had to have her euthanized as she had a stroke and it was awful

I would trust what your vet is telling you and then put together all your info and base your decision on everything including Chance's quality of life and the likelihood that he could ever be normal. Even though he is young this doesn't mean that one visit to LSU won't lead to dozens more.
You have to think whether you can afford this based maybe on whether Chance is even able to get well.
I know that you are suffering but I can also see by your posts that you havecalmed down from the initial shock and are thinking rationally
You will know what is the best thing to do when the time comes.
Meanwhile we love you and Chance very much :hug:

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